Harris-Walz / Dems

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
If Harris takes over, their next push will be pure misogyny. Which, considering all of the other bills various red states are pushing lately......

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
How would you be able to tell?


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
when we stop voting in people who shouldn't be put in positions of power, so never.


jumbled pile of person
Frankly at this point I wonder if this is one of those things that a lot of outgoing presidents have done, and this is just the first time we're finding out about it.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
I'm wondering if Clinton, Bush and Obama now have people scouring their old offices and homes for any classified docs so they can be discreetly returned to NARA.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Frankly at this point I wonder if this is one of those things that a lot of outgoing presidents have done, and this is just the first time we're finding out about it.
It, frankly, wouldn’t surprise me. I think it’s something that probably flies under the radar or the NARA just isn’t nearly as thorough as they SHOULD be when it comes to document retrieval. The problem is that Trump flashed a giant light on it because of his ego.

From what I’ve read, Biden’s attorneys and the FBI have recovered maybe a folder, at best, of maybe a little over a dozen documents. From someone who has been in politics for over nearly 50 years.
Trump? He had DOZENS of boxes from a single term as President.

I firmly believe that this would be a non-issue a decade ago. Biden would have found documents, gave them to the National Archives, maybe get a search of his home for transparency’s sake and that’d be it. But Trump managed to escalate the entire discourse because he took (and refused to give up) BOXES upon BOXES of documents, and has turned a simple matter of returning documents he shouldn’t have taken to begin with into a prolonged media and judicial circus.


Active member
The thing about TikTok is that it will eventually fade. Will it go away? Maybe, maybe not. Facebook hasn’t yet and it’s not as hot as it was a decade ago.

So will Gen Z be upset? Maybe. Maybe not. As Wonko said, something else will fill the hole. Social media is cyclical, and what’s hot today is old news tomorrow. With or without this, something will eventually surpass TT as the “it” app.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
And the only reason TikTok exists is because Twitter killed Vine.


Well-known member
I know all the girls under 30 are having to weigh very heavily

easy access to short, dumb influencer videos > having to die of sepsis from a dead fetus rotting inside them because abortion is illegal.

Can we truly say which is actually worse…


jumbled pile of person
The thing is, letting a site fade into obscurity naturally is different from everyone waking up and discovering it's just been wiped from existence, all at once, by force, by your own government, at the height of its popularity. The only other time I can think of when that's happened was Napster, and remember how big of a stink people made about that?

It's also massively hypocritical considering US-based tech giants are already in the business of harvesting data through both legal (but they shouldn't be) and illegal (but enforced by a system that can always be persuaded to look the other way for the right price) means. To the point where I'm genuinely suspecting that Big Data is behind the push to do this, as a way of wiping out the competition.

I know all the girls under 30 are having to weigh very heavily

easy access to short, dumb influencer videos > having to die of sepsis from a dead fetus rotting inside them because abortion is illegal.

Can we truly say which is actually worse…
You say this, but think about all the posts you've seen on this very forum (particularly in P&R Funnies) expressing a nihilistic view of the choice between our two parties. All those comics where the donkey is like "I'm not trying to kill you, but I'm going to sit back and watch idly as the other guys do, rather than do anything to stop them." Well, that attitude is even more prevalent among the younger set. One move that majorly pisses them off could be the difference between staving off critical voter apathy for one more election cycle or majorly blowing it and handing the next election to Trump.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
I'm all for banning TikTok on any major US Government campus and by government employees/contractors on a purely security related basis(By law all Chinese companies are part of the CCP's surveillance and intelligence gathering apparatus, after all.. In the US companies have some rights to block requests by the government for personal information, though most seem to just roll-over and give the NSA/CIA/FBI what they want) but I'm not sure if an outright 100% ban is the proper course of action.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
The canadian federal government and most provincial governments have banned tiktok on all government issue devices. It's not like there isn't options, but some company or other will replace it and then they'll have to do a new statute for then new one.

Frankly, social media is abused by humans, we're not mature enough to use the technology in this way.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
We're not even mature enough to use gunpowder responsibly, and that was invented a millennia ago.

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