Harris-Walz / Dems


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Yeah, anyone with any sort of security clearance should have it banned for them, honestly. For everyone else, it's not any worse than Twitter et al, and the US companies are probably selling the same data to the CCP through cutouts, because money's money. This is 100% because the US tech companies can't stand that it's kicking their butts among the young, and there's a convenient plausible excuse to get rid of it. Yes, they could tweak their algorithm at any time for propoganda to come at it from the other direction, but that's not anything they couldn't do with bot armies on current social media, as we have plenty of evidence for. I don't like it(because I'm a greymuzzle and prefer to read over watch videos 95% of the time) and don't use it, but to me this is mostly just a big smokescreen because for once a non-US company is at the forefront of the internet zeitgeist.

It also delays talk of any comprehensive privacy laws and data control laws that would apply to ALL social media, because they can look like they're doing something against the evil of the day, which is another benefit for the US companies. Some of the folk behind this probably do have good intentions, but just don't know the tech and don't realize that there's more to it than what they've been told.


jumbled pile of person
And honestly, for those of us who want to see social media as a whole shrivel up and die, a comprehensive crackdown on data harvesting would probably accomplish that too, because 90% of these companies have no idea how else to make money anymore.

That said, it won't turn back the clock and bring back the old internet, because that relied on ordinary people being able to afford to own and operate their own websites that don't turn a profit, and these days most people can barely afford to feed and house themselves without dedicating every free minute of their lives to one of several side hustles.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Eh. I'm not so sure about that, Pocket. Web hosting isn't THAT expensive(your average streaming service is more expensive), unless your site is complicated and you have a LOT of visitors. On top of that Geocities was a thing back in the day.

It's more of a cultural shift than a pricing shift. Perhaps one day we can reverse it.
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Well-known member
You say this, but think about all the posts you've seen on this very forum (particularly in P&R Funnies) expressing a nihilistic view of the choice between our two parties. All those comics where the donkey is like "I'm not trying to kill you, but I'm going to sit back and watch idly as the other guys do, rather than do anything to stop them." Well, that attitude is even more prevalent among the younger set. One move that majorly pisses them off could be the difference between staving off critical voter apathy for one more election cycle or majorly blowing it and handing the next election to Trump.

Napster dying didn’t throw an election and neither will Tik-Tok.

While a lot of us (myself certainly included) whine and grouse that Biden and most of the established Democratic leadership are worthless neoliberal shills; we also vote because yeah the difference is between being punched in the balls and being fed into a woodchipper so there’s easily a less worse option.


jumbled pile of person
Napster dying didn’t throw an election and neither will Tik-Tok.
Napster also wasn't killed by a bill sponsored and signed by a sitting president who was up for reelection; it was killed by a court ruling and laws that were older than most of its users' parents. Big difference.


Well-known member
I guess?

Both are programs that were/are easily replaceable.

Even if people *say* that’s why they didn’t vote or thinkpieces opine that’s what will cost Biden the election; both have some big “every pirated copy is a lost sale” energy which we know 100% is not true.

Plus this has bipartisan backing so it’s not like voting Republican meant you could keep your Chinese spy apparatus *and* every birthing age woman in Gilead.

Anonymous X

Well-known member
The canadian federal government and most provincial governments have banned tiktok on all government issue devices. It's not like there isn't options, but some company or other will replace it and then they'll have to do a new statute for then new one.

Frankly, social media is abused by humans, we're not mature enough to use the technology in this way.
The longer time goes on, the more that I think making the internet a mass-market form of
communication rather than a niche nerd interest was a colossal mistake.


Active member
The longer time goes on, the more that I think making the internet a mass-market form of
communication rather than a niche nerd interest was a colossal mistake.
Ah, another person like myself longing for the disconnected days of the 90's. Seriously, wish I could transport my entire family back to the mid 90's, to the days of appointment TV, newspapers being the only source of current events, and the internet something you logged on to via dialup. Enough of this 24/7 connected nonsense.

Just gotta figure out how to bring HD gaming and video with me.


jumbled pile of person
Ah yes, back to the halcyon days when the only sources of information were curated by billion-dollar corporations and the only way to connect with likeminded people was to hope some happened to live right next door.



Well-known member
Biden is not an ally and never will be.



Well-known member
"The new proposal doesn't offer examples of acceptable limits that can be placed on school sports, but it clarifies that restrictions can't be directed at trans students only."



Active member

Once again here to remind you Al Sharpton, noted voice of truth and conscience of America, in the early 90s helped incite a riot against Jews in Crown Heights. Also, after decrying Jewish-owned "white interlopers" at Freddy's Fashion Mart, one of his supporters firebombed the business and shot several people. He refuses to this day to apologize for his role in the Tawana Brawley hoax and is a Tawana-truther to the very end even after losing a defamation lawsuit.


Anonymous X

Well-known member
Anyway, speaking of Biden, it was pretty amazing to see so many parts of the British media in absolute meltdown over the fact Biden visited Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland last week, getting furious about this "anti-British" American president and so on (and still pining for Trump, from the looks of things).


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Yea... Most pro-union is more than a little of a stretch. He might be the most pro-union in the past 40 years, though. I'd have to do some research on that, though.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
That was going to happen anyway paladin. It was ALWAYS set to expire, even back when they wrote it.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Well, he's not wrong except that now that the option has been publicly discussed you just KNOW the Republicans will use it even if the Democrats show restraint by NOT using said option. The minute Republicans gain control of congress and the presidency while the court leans left, seats will be added or removed to 'fix' it.....

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