HasLab 2025: Liokaiser

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
I'd argue that there's still Greatshot since his Legends toy was a Japanese-exclusive.


Continuity Nutcase
I'd argue that there's still Greatshot since his Legends toy was a Japanese-exclusive.
I honestly wouldn't mind a simple reissue of both that and the Takara version of Sixshot, since those two Legends toys looks really good compared to Hasbro Titans Return version of Sixshot.

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
On some level Liokaiser reminds me a lot of the old TFSS but with new molds, and you get all the bots at once. But then again, my favorite CW style combiner was Thunder Mayhem (lost it when forced to scramble in the Year of Medical Mess) so I may just be seeing a positive that only exists in my mind. I looked it up, TFSS 4.0 was $297 for seven figures in 2015, so this isn't a huge change despite everything going up.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
The frame nonsense is something tolerable on mass retail releases. For $300 plus retailer markup or the hassle of acquiring one, I expect more than a pair of pants you accessorize with smaller robots. If any release was going to come up with some novel but expensive engineering to make a big robot out of smaller ones, it’s Haslab.

This is where I am with this. Integrating all the combiner parts is hard. I get it. But if there's a way to make it happen, I would expect Haslab to have the leeway needed to make it happen.

And I would expect frigging Liokaiser of all possible combiners to be the one that can pull it off. I know they're not going to do it with Devastator. But Liokaiser?

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
While highly unlikely, if they still had and could use the mold, I'd love to see a repaint of the Saber Brainmaster micro-figure in some way as Jan, both as a joke to the cast of Victory, and to give Saber a spare/alternate face.


Well-known member
This is where I am with this. Integrating all the combiner parts is hard. I get it. But if there's a way to make it happen, I would expect Haslab to have the leeway needed to make it happen.

And I would expect frigging Liokaiser of all possible combiners to be the one that can pull it off. I know they're not going to do it with Devastator. But Liokaiser?
At the same time, where? Who makes the sacrifice to be the dumping ground in the name of better combined mode proportions? Liokaiser could do it back then, but the Liokaiser of back then was also made from a bunch of stubby bricky guys with unilegs and swivel shoulders. Once you start giving them good proportions and articulation to stand on their own as individuals and not solely parts to the super robot, then what?


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I'm now picturing a Jaruga given the CW Long Haul treatment and I'm not hating it. He'd be stuck with comically oversized missile launchers in vehicle mode and huge boots in robot mode. But this is the series that gave us Victory Saber. I'm prepared to accept huge boots.

And the leg bots here are still pretty chunky. If Jaruga had to be chunky as well to make this combination fully integrated, that still leaves us with three slim jet bots. Three chunky ground bots, three slim jet bots. Yeah I would be perfectly happy with that.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I'm with you there. There have been a number of customs for CW that made it work. Large Jallguar (I've seen Hot Spot used as a base), Deluxe Leozack essentially winding up as a chestplate. There are lots of ways, especially once free of retail constraints, to accomplish this.

Frankly it's not a worthwhile tradeoff to me to give up integrated engineering for better proportions. That takes away the "magic" of "how do these six robots turn into THAT", on the level of Cybertron Thunder last transforming into a boat by being wadded up into a wedge and being stuffed into a boat.

I'm glad to see this take on Liokaiser, but given the frame approach comes back yet again I'm back to wishing they or a third party would just release a new Leozack/Jallguar or kit or whatever for the CW box set.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I appreciate this for what it is. The end results look good. That was clearly the goal. They nailed it. it's beautiful. But that's just not what I'm here for. I want something I can mess with while I'm bored. The process is the point. Seeing how the individual bots reshape into pieces of one larger bot is the point. Slapping on already fully formed pieces takes me right out of it.


Somehow still sane
If the unofficial transforming toy companies with comparatively little resources could come up with ways to build combiners out of smaller robots, I’d expect Hasbro and Takara to be able to do the same. It’s clear that that was never their design priority for this set and that’s fine. Just not my $300+ fine.

Of course, a lot of the unofficial toy companies eventually started doing the frame approach themselves because it’s easier and they learned that their buyers didn’t care how the sausage was made, so to speak. I’m sure HasTak were watching fandom response to those when they planned to redo the combiners.
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Staff member
Council of Elders
It does have the feel of "let's make the individual robots, then ask, what would aftermarket upgrade kit makers do? We could call ourselves 5th party for extra authenticity, just like the geniuses who don't know how -party labeling works"


Somehow still sane
As i understand from Chinese language social media, the term 4th party was coined by Chinese sellers with poor grasp of English as a means to list products that were knockoffs on platforms that don’t allow the sale of such items. The English speaking fandom, who really should know better, just sort of ran with the term for whatever reason.
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Staff member
Council of Elders
Death Oreo
The Head Cannon
Black Death
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Continuity Nutcase
In the AOTP thread, I posted a rundown of the Hasbro Pulse panel at MegaCon, but the video recording of the panel was missing the first part that went over the reveal of HasLab Liokaiser. Here is a different video that has just that missing part:

Unfortunately, the person recording kept the camera only on the panelists and ignored the slideshow images.

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