He-Man, and also the Masters of the Universe

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Not a fan of Lyn's new outfit but I suppose it makes sense given her promotion (which was an element I wasn't expecting).
Really? I mean, I prefer her look from earlier in the series and such overall, but conceptually? It's perfect.


Eorzean Idiot
Haven't watched the trailer because honestly I just don't care anymore about Revelations. And "fanboy whining" is a rather condescending and disingenuous way of putting it.

Viewpoints I've seen, including my own, boil down to three main points.

1. You don't have to demonize men to empower women.

Don't even dare come at me with any sexist/misogynist bullshit. My all time favorite characters are Samus, Lara Croft, Fem Shep, Ripley, Sarah Conner, Buffy Summers...I can go on.

But there absolutely is a push of "men holding me back" "men are useless" and other such sentiments that Revelations has thus far fallen squarely into.

You want strong women characters, fine. I love strong women characters. But you shouldn't have to keep men down to do it. hug that bullshit!

2. Tell the ******* truth.

How many times did they say He Man won't be sidelined? This won't be a Teela show? What finally happened?

I would love a Teela show (keeping point 1 in mind). But don't ******* lie to my face about it and expect me to be okay with it.

3. Don't drag your fans through the mud when they find out the truth.

Bad enough to lie to my face about it. But when Clownfish found out the truth, prefaced it by saying that it was just a rumor they heard, and then Kevin Smith dragged them through the mud for months on end... and it turns out everything they said was true...never mind how good the show may or may not be. hug Kevin Smith and any project he ever touched.

And no, I don't plan on watching season 2 because hug Kevin Smith and the high horse he rode in on.

I'm more than willing to watch the other Netflix series though. Why are toys so hard to find for that? I want my Teela and Ram Ma'am, durnit!


Active member
Loathe as I am to agree with ZacWilliam on something, that take is terrible.

1. Leaving aside the giant fact that He-Man remains the most powerful character on the show, there's plenty of male strength about. Duncan is called out as and shown to be the most dangerous man in Eternals. Skeletor makes Evil-Lyn look like a joke by comparison. Orko is the one to handle Scareglow. All of the champions in He-Heaven we're shown are men except for Kuduk.

2. They never lied. They said He-Man was the main character and he is. When he's physically present in the first and last episode of Part One he's center stage and when he's not his absence defines everything about the show. The only thing they refuted was the stupid Teela is the new He-Man bullshit idiots were spouting.

3. Clownfish never "found out the truth" Clownfish was the one spreading that bullshit about Teela being the new He-Man. And the fanboys are whiny bitches with sore asses.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
I'm going to third those comments, but I do think it may have put off some casuals because they expected it to be just like the old original series(since it was marketed as a continuation). I'm talking the people who for Transformers just remember "Red truck guy, Tape guy, Gun guy" etc. Only an anecdote(which data is not the plural of) but I do know one parent who was confused by it all when he went to show it to his kid. I did recommend he check out the reboot instead, since that's more intended for what he was wanting.

They really should have done a better job at marketing the second series....


Eorzean Idiot
1. Leaving aside the giant fact that He-Man remains the most powerful character on the show,

Who's dead most of the time.

Duncan is called out as and shown to be the most dangerous man in Eternals.

Who's sidelined most of the time until Teela whips him into shape.

Skeletor makes Evil-Lyn look like a joke by comparison.

Who is the epitome of toxic male holding the woman back.


All of the champions in He-Heaven we're shown are men except for Kuduk.

Dead and playing games in the afterlife.

As for the rest, spin it however you want. He-Man was barely present except at the very beginning and end of this He Man show and aside from being a motivator for Teela...had little to do with the plot. That's not how it was advertised.

But whatever. I know I'm in a minority here and I'm not changing any minds. I'm done wasting my breath.

I'm more than happy to talk about Origins or the non Revelations Netflix show. But as for Revelations, it can go hug itself.


Koopaling Aficionado
You're also kinda judging half of the show. If you watch the trailer you'd see alot of what youre issues are are addressed to a degree.


Eorzean Idiot
1. I'm supposed to trust anything a trailer from them says at this point. Fool me once...

2. Even if everything in that trailer is true, even if absolutely everything that was wrong before is remedied in this second season...too hugging late.


I’m not dead yet!
Ugh Clownfish deserves to be dragged through the mud for being clickbaity BS on a good day. I started watching a few of their videos half a year before the Revelations fiasco and found them to be inciting BS for views.

I'm sad to see someone hate on such a love letter to the franchise. There's no way words are going to affect a change when they have their mind set solid already. But despite what you may think about it Kevin Smith did make a great series that deviated pretty harshly from the norm truly, but I feel it was a welcome shot in the arm in the franchise. I don't know how this would of gone down if we hadn't gotten the pre-backlash to the show. But even without the trailer I could tell you more than certainly there was no way He-man was going to stay dead. It's an obvious fake out for the suspenseful mid season break

As far as the female empowerment thing. Wah?

Am I trying to get a reaction. Ya, sure. But not to explicitly make anyone angrier. I just don't get the anger.

I know Filmation was always He-Man and Masters of the Universe, and every cartoon that came before in this side of the dual sided franchise of He-man & She-Ra always focused on him. Heck there was more crossover in the Filmation She-Ra than I even knew before a few years ago. But that's something that kind of made me glad we did focus on Teela instead. It gave her more time to shine as her own character rather than the Female fighter who more often than not was the damsel in distress just as much. And just as much for Evil-Lyn and Orko. Skeletor is the epitome of toxic male? Well he doesn't like being good now does he? He likes being evil! And ya that could be holding people back. Sure the focus is on Lyn but can you honestly say it wasn't true for any of his lackeys. Heck a trio start their own Borg death cult without his influence.

As far as Duncan being sidelined, sure it sucks that we are following Teela and her merry gals for the majority of our time so far. But heck unless Duncan goes full on renegade he's being the ever loyal servant to his king despite it taking everything away from him. It's actually good writing in my opinion true to his character. He was one of Adam's secret keepers and the guilt over keeping it from the King and Teela is probably wrecking him alone. He feels he deserves that exile, and even so continues to help and care for his friends.

And here's the kicker! The story isn't over yet. And more over it's paying off some story plot that have long been ignored for years. If that's not enough to power through for you, well I don't know what to say. If you feel the manufactured outrage is justified, that's for you. I'm willing to give this pretty awesome show the benefit of the doubt. This is a fantasy series and even within the first part it's obvious that death isn't a solid stopping point for the characters in this series.

Will I change your mind? Probably not. I hope I do, but your opinion is your own to keep. As far as I see we should be thankful we are getting this glut of MOTU and the quality of it hasn't devolved into Masters of the Universe GO-HO! or other dreck.


I'm happy to agree that there was a lot of "He-Man is not sidelined" that turned out to be nonsense.
1. You don't have to demonize men to empower women.

Don't even dare come at me with any sexist/misogynist bullshit. My all time favorite characters are Samus, Lara Croft, Fem Shep, Ripley, Sarah Conner, Buffy Summers...I can go on.

But there absolutely is a push of "men holding me back" "men are useless" and other such sentiments that Revelations has thus far fallen squarely into.

I don't think there was a single point where I got that vibe about anything in this show? Teela is angry at a lot of men, but she'd be angry at the women too if there were any other women for her to be angry at.


Eorzean Idiot

So this is the version that was posted earlier in the thread.

This is the version from the book I got on ComiXology.

So is the version I have censored or was the version up top some fan made joke?


  • 8D23DF63-7CDD-456A-A301-2B0A6BEE7D7A.jpeg
    530.9 KB · Views: 140


The "fisted hard" is fake. The I in "fisted" has... the bits... which should only be present on the pronoun "I", not the letter i in other words, and the letterer doesn't make this mistake anywhere else in the image so I think we can assume it's a sloppy cut and paste.

Mark Evanier would have explained this better.

And for whatever it's worth, the original hardcover agrees with ComiXology and Kindle that it's "fought". Obviously.
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Eorzean Idiot
Good to know. Thanks. People are weird.

Of course given the whole Joker "boner" fiasco and also how weird the 80's were in genera...had to be sure.
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