He-Man, and also the Masters of the Universe

Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
Just want to bump this because we were having a nice thing going on in this thread before some troll decided to do some weird crap in a totally unnecessary thread.
Everyone's got an opinion. I rewatched some old 80s He-Man episodes not so long ago, and well, the score still holds up. And Hal Sutherland's infamous colour-blindness helped to sell the look of Eternia as a different world through all those background mattes.

(I handwaved one notorious part of ST:TAS by asserting that the Klingon Defense Forces went from gold vests to a blood-colour, and took a while to understand why humans weren't intimidated....)

Anyway, the 2002 series was written by much the same people as had worked on the 1980s one. But Larry D and company took the opportunity (one Ron Moore would use with BSG) to say "Let's tell the story over again, only this time we have an animation budget and Skeletor isn't a panto villain...." And I think that was a darned good approach. If only Mattel hadn't flooded the toyline with too many He-Man variants....
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Eorzean Idiot
I have no problems with 80's He-Man. i own the entire series on Amazon Prime Video. i own the entire She-Ra series on DVD. I'm getting so many Origins figures because of how the emulate the old toys.

So I'm not understanding why some guy who's completely new to the boards who I've never seen before just decides to make his introduction buy accusing the entire board of being G1 haters.


I’m not dead yet!
I kept myself from arguing any more with him last night. There is nothing wrong with liking Filmation, but going off like everything since has ruined the franchise and rewinding time back to the good ol’ days argument just screams out of touch with reality. There is stuff to dislike about each version of the franchise, but Filmation being the pinnacle of everything is just beyond rose tinted.

I love how it’s pushing me to rewatch the 200X series and Revelations again.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
I've been meaning to rewatch the 200X series, but somehow never got around to it. And I wonder if that sequel to Revelations is still going to happen, given the death of the CGI series - though if it counts as a new series, it's less likely to fall afoul of being killed for the sake of contract pay shenanigans.


...even Team Whirl.
I watched bits and pieces of the 200x series with my daughter - where do you find it now?

Those are pretty fond memories - I had her on weekends when she was really little, so Saturday nights we'd do her bath, sit on the couch and watch He-Man or TF: Armada on Toonami until she was sleepy, and then I'd put her to bed.


NOT a New Member.
Well, at least they had the decency to create a separate thread instead of bringing it to this thread? Everyone is entitled to their opinions. They didn't engage in insulting anyone, or any of that nonsense, so no harm done? Just ignore them mentally, or via the site's built-in "ignore" option and move on?

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I've been meaning to rewatch the 200X series, but somehow never got around to it. And I wonder if that sequel to Revelations is still going to happen, given the death of the CGI series - though if it counts as a new series, it's less likely to fall afoul of being killed for the sake of contract pay shenanigans.
I hope the sequel to Revelations happens as well. More so because I’m really intrigued at what a modern writer could do with Hordak, and the Horde itself, as a cybernetic/technological empire. Since the end of the 80s, Hordak has been shoved into being another evil sorcerer, and seeing him as a cyborg in control of a technological empire of robots is an interesting angle. Especially with the tie in to the Motherboard and the cult angle developed in Revelations itself.

I think one of Filmation’s best ideas was to differentiate between Skeletor and his magic compared to Hordak and his use of technology. Ideally, if there were to be a third part, they’d transition to Snakemen, possibly leveraging a new hook there.

Maybe the Snakemen could channel some cosmic horror? Work in time travel (like the mini comics)? Maybe Serpos isn’t just an evil snake god, but some sort of cosmic entity destined to destroy Eternia to allow its own rebirth (something like Ragnarok)? Again, a more interesting angle than “ancient evil snake people lead by (another) evil sorcerer”.
I watched bits and pieces of the 200x series with my daughter - where do you find it now?

Those are pretty fond memories - I had her on weekends when she was really little, so Saturday nights we'd do her bath, sit on the couch and watch He-Man or TF: Armada on Toonami until she was sleepy, and then I'd put her to bed.
Mattel Action on YouTube. They have the entire first season up and are currently, slowly, uploading season 2. There’s also an official He-Man/She-Ra channel @MastersoftheUniverse with a selection of episodes and clips from the rest of the franchise. Nothing “complete” but definitely a good chunk of content.
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Fabulously Foxy Dragon
I watched bits and pieces of the 200x series with my daughter - where do you find it now?

Those are pretty fond memories - I had her on weekends when she was really little, so Saturday nights we'd do her bath, sit on the couch and watch He-Man or TF: Armada on Toonami until she was sleepy, and then I'd put her to bed.
It's available on DVD - at least that's how I got it. I don't think there's a blu-ray... I want to say it's one of the "print on demand DVD" things like Centurions.


Well-known member
It was but it has since gone of a print.

I put off buying it when it was regularly around $20 but now it has shot up to double that or more.


...even Team Whirl.
Mattel Action on YouTube. They have the entire first season up and are currently, slowly, uploading season 2. There’s also an official He-Man/She-Ra channel @MastersoftheUniverse with a selection of episodes and clips from the rest of the franchise. Nothing “complete” but definitely a good chunk of content.

Cool - thanks. Time to go to YouTube...


Active member
I don't suppose anyone picked up an extra Origins Snout Spout? That wave seemed to get skipped up here...


Eorzean Idiot
My Target seems to have gotten really bad at stocking new toys. There are some TMNT toys I've been dying to get my hands on but haven't seen anything at all. MotU, except for some Masterverse Two Bads, everything else seems to be several waves old.


I’m not dead yet!
Some are claiming the line is ending next month at retail. To be fair the line does feel like it's been floundering over the last year around here with the local Target holding onto the Jitsu, Sorceress, Stratos origins wave over a year and the same at the local Walmart with the LoP Beastman, Eternian Goddess wave. Target still had a steady flow of Masterverse but a lot of it hit clearance fast, almost less than a week fast. And the Kids series.... It shelf warmed a while before they would hit clearance most times. I'll admit it really does feel pretty low for the brand at retail. Mattel pulled out of Power-Con just like Hasbro with BotCon. And the Kids series seems to be dead at Netflix

But It's very mixed messages right now. We have Mattel showing off new toys overseas to influncers in the states still. There are still a few waves in the pipeline we know are about ready for both Origins and Masterverse, Origins Snake Mountain is set to hit sometime in the future and Eternia got funded to a significant degree. The Revolution sequel to Revelations seems to still be coming, and we still seem to be heading towards a new live action film.

The biggest down to this is that Mattel in the states has been very quiet on the toy front other than the recent preorder for Goddess Lyn and some of the more recent origins preorders. Especially after the fun amount of announcements during the 40th anniversary last year. It's hard to say where the wind is blowing towards right now. The fanbase wants and craves more to come, but Mattel's actions and a certain former brand manager's pessimistic views do feel a bit valid at the same time. Although the latter has been calling the line dead for a while before and coming off as petty, especially with some of his recent actions.

But honestly, at retail, things aren't looking too rosy. But it really isn't just MotU with these issues. The Toy sections in general feel bloated with little anything new and usually it's something with some media tied in that flits in and out with a lot of the major Toy Brands sitting stagnant. I've seen the Jakks Mario line doing pretty well at moving their new figures. But Mario is definitely in the minds of people right now. MotU isn't there with the amount of hype. Mario is all over media, but very much in the cultural zeitgeist with never leaving the video game market, which is where more kids are heading to rather than physical toys. MotU has rarely ever been fully gone from media, but there are dead zones and unlike Transformers hasn't always been able to grasp kids attention with new shows.

Overall I don't know what to say. I'm glad the franchise has had the last few years of reinvention and revitalization, but I'm not sure it's enough to keep things going full steam as is.


Well-known member
I don't suppose anyone picked up an extra Origins Snout Spout? That wave seemed to get skipped up here...

My local Walmart has a bunch as of today.

I don’t really know what Mattel could’ve done better. The new show was phenomenal and was on Netflix which is pretty much one of the easier avenues to watch stuff these days. I don’t think the toys themselves were awful either. They seemed to do everything right but it still (apparently) wasn’t enough.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I’m a bit hesitant to speak TOO much about how something sells, simply because all I have available to me is a single Walmart. The trends I’ve seen at this store is a strong gravitation to collector lines, especially for legacy brands. It’s easier for me to find Marvel Legends than ANY of the kid lines, most of the time. Most springs, Transformers Generations is the ONLY product available. I’m assuming this is a result of the higher margins collector lines can command, but that often prices it out of the potential impulse buy for theoretical kids purchasers.

That said, I recall that WHEN the store had MOTU Netflix, stuff was rotating. Not so much when they stocked Origins (no doubt due to the HUGE display they got saddled with with just the first wave and I never saw beyond the first 4 figures). But it also feels like everyone had pretty significant expectations for the Netflix MOTU line.

In terms of MOTU now? It kind of feels like it’s in the same lull that GI Joe saw itself in 2010: After a big push backed by a strongly received Retro initiative and new media projects…the end results didn’t lead to the brand resurgence as expected. Mattel, at least, has MOTU Revolution on deck and a film…maybe.
So, will this little surge last? I don’t know, but it feels like they got another year or two of momentum for the moment. I’m just going to enjoy it while it lasts, especially with them touching on later aspects of the franchise that appeal to me.

Fullstrength Motleypuss

Well-known member
NONE of the three Wal-Mart stores around here have MOTU pegs anymore, for what it's worth.

Powered Convoy

Yeah, Walmarts around here have gotten rid of their MotU stuff (what's left is in the clearance aisle but still at full price). Target today had Masterverse Movie He-Man on clearance too. No one has touched the two MV Sorceress Lynn and Frosta figures they've had for some months. Other things like Two Bad and NA He-Man seemed to have moved.


NOT a New Member.
They were never on sale over here in Japan either, but that's to be expected. Even Transformers aren't really that available in most toy aisles over here.


I’m not dead yet!
So maybe a spark of hope….


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