He-Man, and also the Masters of the Universe

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I saw these several weeks back, but news is circulating about Ollies getting inventory of Battle Armor He-Man and Skeletor. But at $15.99, they really weren’t terribly impressive prices. I also saw some Wind Raiders at a local one as well.


I’m not dead yet!
If they're moving online, I don't think it's just your area.
Well the remainder of Origins with new characters or finishing off the classic line are. The Filmation cartoon line is supposed to still be in stores going forward.

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
I'll have to keep an eye out then. I actually saw a second two-bad on a shelf at a walmart 3.5 hours away from mine lol so there's at least 2 in central ontario

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders


Well-known member
Hey, anybody want to feel old?

Today (September 26) is the 40th anniversary of the American* premier of He-Man & The Masters of the Universe!

(* The UK premier was back on the 5th.)

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
BAH! In MY day, we didn't HAVE He-Man! That all changed the day Prince Adam held up his magic sword and yelled "SHAZAM" and Gomer Pyle turned into a super hero! Only three others knew his secret, the Sorceress, the Professor and Mary Ann...Then Micheal Jackson's face appeared laughing for some reason or other and...

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
My first and immediate thought: hug yeah! I loved the first one and do want more. This is a proper treatment of he-man.

Second thought: Oy. This guy again.

Fullstrength Motleypuss

Well-known member
So I was thinking the other day about what could have been if they'd been more faithful to the cartoon when they made the 87 Movie. Specifically, who they could cast as Prince Adam.

Personally, I think the answer is obvious: Jon Bon Jovi, if only because he already had the tight purple pants:cool:.


Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!

13:30 what's this Captured comic written by Dean Stefan that supposed continued the cartoon? Never heard of it. What happens in it?

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Why tell, when we can show?
Got to read the comic, thanks! I remember reading something that said that Man at Arms was permanently ish going to be a Snake guy so they can make snake themed vehicles and stuff for the toy line. Guess that's how the episode was suppose to go.

It's still a huge shame that 2002 toon was canceled. Actually, what other cartoon did the company work on afterwards?


I’m not dead yet!
Looks like they got acquired by Moonscoop shortly after He-Man, so they had a a hand in the Fantastic Four cartoon that came out in the mid 2000’s as well as the forehead emphasizing Code Lyoko, and previously they had a hand in the horror that was Voltron the Third Dimension. But anymore the company is now know as Splash Entertainment. Lots of Bratz movies as well as ….the Alpha and Omega series of movies and Norm of the North… He-Man was probably the best they did.

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