Hidden and Undocumented features thread


Cat outta Hell
Staff member
Council of Elders
I have an idea lets have a thread documenting the undocumented features not shown in the instructions
Rules you cannot modify or break a toy to add the feature. Like breaking POTP' blot's jaw to give a mouth joint
Exception is stuff like MP01 optimus' faceplate

. You can't give an older toy a weapon from a newer toy if they are both using 5mm ports and pegs. That's a universal gimmick.
Example T30 arcee holding T30 Windblade's sword would fit do to the weird peg whole shape being a skinny rectangle
Most importantly Have fun.

I'll start with a few and will add in photos of these later
-Tfa Shockwave has an ab crunch to give him a hunched over posture.
-Wfc generations deluxe Starscream can store his weapons on his back under the tail fin.
-TR Seaspray has his girlfriends name misspelled on his arm like pirate tattoo
-T30 Springer has hidden missiles sculpted in the shoulder kibble that point forward in helicopter mode
-Rts lugnut has hidden missiles sculpted in his arms
-calibur Optimus can store the limited edition version's energon sword on his back in the same place the normal sword would go

mx-01 archon

More coincidental than an intentional feature, but in trying to search for a suitable weapon for Earthrise Sunstreaker (because using the supercharger as a gun looks dumb), I happened across the fact that one of RiD2015 Bisk/Thermidor's handguns fits absolutely perfectly in the gap between his legs in vehicle mode. If you slip it into the gap, pointing forward, handle up, then it clamps firmly in place and doesn't even rattle. So Sunstreaker has a designated weapon, now.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Considering Earthrise Optimus Prime's trailer has a similar gimmick, that probably is intentional. Neat.


Kaiser Dragon
Wasn't that explicitly mentioned as something you could do in one of the FFF presentations or something? It might not be in the instructions or on the box, but I was pretty sure that was announced as a feature way before he ever became available.


Cat outta Hell
Staff member
Council of Elders
either way, not in the instructions,
sort of like commander Jetfire's Titanmaster cockpits

mx-01 archon

Yeah, the TFW2005 of this thread runs into all sorts of hairsplitting as well.

Probably safer just to say that poorly documented gimmicks are safe game as well. Plus happy coincidences.


Cat outta Hell
Staff member
Council of Elders
Oh I'll allow them :). Just not stuff like "siege optimus can hold SS optimus' weapons" or breaking your toy to add stuff like Blot's jaw"

mx-01 archon

Yeah, the TFW thread does get bogged down at times with 5mm stuff. It's like "duh".

I still have minor PTSD about Blot's jaw, though. While pretty much everybody is in agreement that it's just a design quirk, there's one guy over there that's still in denial, who will scream to the heavens that it's an intentional feature, despite it being in defiance of mechanical physics.


Cat outta Hell
Staff member
Council of Elders
Hell if it's a fan mode that showed up in fiction, like Megatron Omega perfect mode. i'll allow it,


Cat outta Hell
Staff member
Council of Elders
T30 Arcee can Hold T30 Windblade's swords, that one is different since Arcee doesnt have a 5mm hand but a weird rectangle hand

mx-01 archon

What is this about Blot's jaw?

Power of the Primes Blot's lower monster jaw is a separately casted piece from the rest of the head. By nature of the flexibility of the plastic, it's possible to open it slightly. But it's clear that it's not an intentional feature, since the piece is molded with no real joint clearance, and it's clipped shut to boot.

There was just one guy on TFW that swears up-and-down that it's a fully intentional function of the mold, even after he modified his copy to get better clearance and range of motion and such.

Just because parts are pinned together doesn't make it an articulated joint. Sometimes, it's just an assembly method.

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