How do you display your Combiner Teams?

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
at the moment I've moved them all into a shelf with doors on it along with my titans. That's the Where covered, how I display them depends on my current flight of fancy or if I;m listening to that persuasive shoulder devil.

most times I'll have the groups combined, just for space saving reasons. but if I get in the mood for actually displaying a set... I often take the group to individual robot modes and do a little group pose... like for example posing the Technobots like Grimlock is introducing them to Wheeljack and Ratchet. XD

when the shoulder devil wins, I have the combiner mode displayed.. but I swap the limbs around to the wrong spots and see how long it takes for it to drive me nuts and I just "go and fix it" .... currently I lasted a week with Abominus combined the wrong way / the placement the limbs had in Prime.

wrong 300px-TF-PotP-Abominus.jpg much better

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders

Keep in mind that these are still work in progress shots as my display isn't 100% finished yet, but I thought I'd share some "Work in Progress" pics of my combiner displays. I like having them on the top shelves as they are some of the larger figures and easier to see up that high.
I look at collections like this and wonder where I went wrong in life.

I suspect it comes down to too many varied interests.

But really, I probably just suck.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Gizmo's collection is epic! One time we were going to showcase it as our collection of the month, but it was so epic it literally destroyed our server.


too old for this
When they're not boxed in storage, which is most of the time, my combiner teams are usually combined. If for no other reason, than space saving. They take up so much room.

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