How to survive?


How can you prevent a grown, mature adult from coming suicide?

Sometimes there are no signs.

They go about their day normally, talk to and call their friends and family at the usual times, smile and laugh and appear happy.

There is no change in their routine, no indicators.

When you find out, it’s too late. Sometimes they leave a letter, sometimes not.

I’ve heard women with husbands and children, with successful careers, committing suicide out of the blue.

What is going on here? It’s almost like they put thought and consideration into their decision to end their life, weighed the pros and cons, and just decided that this was best for them.


Active member
Having finished TMNT 2012 without cable or stream seeing what other shows I can finish without cash on DVD.


I think abortion, the morning after pill, and the abortion pill should all be totally legal and widely available for survival purposes.

We all have the potential within us to become Scott Peterson, Chris Watts, Diane Downs and Susan Smith.

The #1 cause of death of pregnant women is murder.

I think making these tools totally free and accessible would alleviate these problems.


Well-known member
How can you prevent a grown, mature adult from coming suicide?

You generally can't.

What is going on here is hard to establish. But in general it seems that the modern world is making it harder for people to feel meaning in their life. If I start talking here, it'll look like a soapbox and I'm aware of that and not wanting that. But a few things that I will the old days people had to work harder to get by and THAT wasn't fun or desirable, but in doing so they could always see the value of what they were doing. They were taking care of their family. Now a lot of jobs that people think will be so meaningful are not and then the vast majority of jobs have no appearance of being meaningful and they are done to get a paycheck, which IS to take care of their family, but someone spends all day every day being a cog in a machine and not seeing what good it does. We've raised our "standard of living" by being busy, but we have run out of time to be involved in any community or knowing our neighbors or spending meaningful time with our family.

I don't think any of that drives someone to suicide alone. There needs to be some level of mental illness, I THINK, but when someone is in this culture (non-culture?) we've created and becomes depressed, it is hard to see any hope. They are just going to have to keep doing something they don't like to pay for a life that isn't meaningful for at least another 20 years and they don't think they can stand it.

Edit - People have been known to lose their job or their family or their money or their house and figure out how to move on. But people who lose hope don't.
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Half of all marriages today do not survive because, ironically, Governor Ronald Reagan,who was a Democratic at the time, introduced no-fault divorce to California. Before then, married people would have to present a justification for getting a divorce (eg. adultery).

The result was that people would flock to California to get divorced, and eventually the other states followed.

Ronald Reagan said it was the greatest regret of his life.


i cant take it anymore im at my limit
so he thought that was worse than:
  • lying his way into the presidency via having his allies manipulate the hostage crisis and play political games with the hostages' lives to make carter look bad
  • scamming the general public with his reaganomics bullshit and screwing over the economy for the next few decades
  • cozying up to the "christian" right and setting the stage for the christofascist takeover of the GOP currently destroying this country
  • suppressing early government studies on climate change and obstructing any attempts at fighting it, turning the GOP into radical anti-environmentalists and dooming us all to the climate crisis
  • committing genocide on the LGBTQ+ community through criminal negligence and the AIDS epidemic


I want to believe this:

Confucius probably has the best longstanding quote about “do what you love.” His words, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life,” have been repeated throughout history.

but some people have said this is bullsh*t.

There are people who seem to fit this model though: Vin Scully, Alex Trebek, Mister Rogers, Chick Hearn, etc.


Prime Сasual Dating - Genuine Females
Coyotes have moved into suburbs. Supposedly they are responsible for eating people’s household pets.

The coyotes I’ve seen are not that big. They’re kind of light and skinny. They seemed pretty quiet and docile, not like German shepherds and pit bulls which are aggressive and bark a lot.

However, I saw a news video of a coyote grabbing a little girl by the back of her jacket in her neck area, pulling her down to the ground in the family driveway, and dragging her away. She cried out and her dad had to run and save her, chase the coyote away by yelling at it and throwing a water bottle at it. That was quite disturbing.

I also recently saw a news report of a woman who got eaten alive by a crocodile. And a while ago I read an article about two women swimming in a lake and a crocodile got a hold of one them in its jaws and swam away with her never to be seen or heard from again.

People are always disappearing at National Parks. They make it out to be something paranormal but I think they’re being snatched up by animals.
The incident you described with the coyote grabbing a little girl is indeed disturbing. However, it's important to note that such incidents are relatively rare. Most coyotes tend to avoid human interactions and prefer to steer clear of them. In cases where conflicts do occur, it's often because humans have unintentionally encouraged or habituated the coyotes by leaving food sources accessible, which can alter their behavior.

Regarding the incidents involving crocodiles, it's important to remember that crocodiles are apex predators in their natural habitats. They are known to be dangerous and can pose a threat to humans who venture into their territory. However, it's crucial to keep in mind that these occurrences are relatively uncommon and shouldn't deter you from enjoying outdoor activities.


The incident you described with the coyote grabbing a little girl is indeed disturbing. However, it's important to note that such incidents are relatively rare. Most coyotes tend to avoid human interactions and prefer to steer clear of them. In cases where conflicts do occur, it's often because humans have unintentionally encouraged or habituated the coyotes by leaving food sources accessible, which can alter their behavior.

Regarding the incidents involving crocodiles, it's important to remember that crocodiles are apex predators in their natural habitats. They are known to be dangerous and can pose a threat to humans who venture into their territory. However, it's crucial to keep in mind that these occurrences are relatively uncommon and shouldn't deter you from enjoying outdoor activities.

I agree with everything you say.

I just want to add that any animal that kills a human being, especially a child, should be hunted down and shot dead or euthanized.


I envy those who can draw. I’m just wondering whether it is a necessary skill for survival. It was not emphasized in school, which focused on reading and writing. People who are talented in other areas oftentimes cannot draw. Even some art critics cannot draw. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, yet the education system did not really teach us to draw. Why is that? Is it just not that important, or is it something that you cannot really teach (ie.some people have the innate ability and some just don’t no matter how hard they try)?


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
It's not a survival skill. It's just fun. And potentially lucrative if you push yourself far enough, but that applies to anything.

It isn't innate. It takes practice. So much practice. It's like bodybuilding. You have to keep at it constantly or the gains fall off scary quickly.


I’ve never been up on a helicopter but I don’t think it is safe because everyone onboard dies when a helicopter crashes. At least with a plane, there have been cases of the pilot landing safely by gliding without an engine. And you can eject, bail out from a military fighter jet. But with a helicopter or twin copter (eg. chinook) I’ve never heard of anyone surviving one of those crashes. When it goes down, it has a 100% fatality rate. Plus, if you make one mistake piloting a copter it can be lethal:

I think the reason why helicopter accidents are so fatal is because there’s no where else the copter can go but straight down.


I think if we just tax the rich, and redistribute that wealth to everyone, we could all survive.

We could have universal basic income, just like we have universal healthcare. I’d also like universal housing.

The government could take care of all of us, both weak and strong. We could all be winners. There’s plenty of food and shelter for everyone.


Why do people drink tea. It doesn’t test pleasurable like fruit juices, soda, coffee, or even water.

People don’t put cream and sugar in it like they do with coffee to make it taste better.

Tea just tastes like tea to me, not good or bad, just tea.

I definitely don’t drink tea for the taste. I drink iced green tea for the advertised health benefits, but basically all teas tastes basically very close to the same.

So what’s the appeal of tea that makes it the second most popular beverage worldwide ahead of coffee, water being number one?


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I have no idea. Tea upsets my stomach. I'm told it's supposed to do exactly the opposite, so I don't know what's up with that.

It's like the universe knew I was going to have an elemental affinity for coffee, and decided to make tea my kryptonite.


I have no idea. Tea upsets my stomach. I'm told it's supposed to do exactly the opposite, so I don't know what's up with that.

It's like the universe knew I was going to have an elemental affinity for coffee, and decided to make tea my kryptonite.

I also don’t know why people drink coffee black. It‘s adding plenty of cream and sugar that makes it taste good, and pleasurable to drink.


Roller coasters kill people. They malfunction:

The bar pops up, riders fall out, or get thrown, etc.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I also don’t know why people drink coffee black. It‘s adding plenty of cream and sugar that makes it taste good, and pleasurable to drink.

You need to try a better brand. Black coffee is delicious.

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