Hyrule Town Square


Eorzean Idiot
I love that flame throwers (aside from the usual dungeon traps) are a thing in Zelda now.


Eorzean Idiot

You kids today with your enormous 3D maps and taking all weekend just to look at a fraction of the map to unlock your map screen.

Why, back in my day the map was small enough to have a detailed map packed in with the game. And if you didn't have that whole thing memorized, you weren't a true fan of the game. You could fit the entire map of the first game several times over into Great Plateau alone.

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Koopaling Aficionado
I managed to sneak past that guard that blocks you from getting past unless Captain Hoz says so. The monsters in there are MUCH harder than what I should handle, but creative use of my items allowed me to win and get deeper til I found Soldier Armor. That along with all the better weapon ingredients I picked up left me with quite the advantage in early game.

Good Lord are LikeLikes gross.


Maystor missspelur
Its 7 now! argh the day is just gone! and have not eaten anything all day this game is dangerous!!!!


I’m not dead yet!
I almost thought the same thing. But honestly, given the Wii U's relatively low install base and the fact that Twilight Princess doesn't exist on Switch, not many people have a way of leveling up the amiibo, making it a bit of a niche function.
I have found out that they do make up for it. And in a more interesting way at that.

I'm one temple in now, and only been focused on the Hebra/ Rito Northeast part of the map. Mainly since I'm having a heck of a time finding one of the Geoglyphs. I was going to focus on those because of what they unlock. But then I zapped back to Purah's base of operations and got suckered into exploring a cave.... There is just too much! And I've barely been in the sky lands or the depths yet.

Also my initial Zelda plotline theory was slightly debunked already.

She is not her own Great Great Great etc Grandma.... well not within the confines of this story. It kind of seems like she already is in ways anyways.
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Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
I will say the trip up to the temple in the Hebra area was quite entertaining. Haven't completed the temple yet, though. Think I'm gonna complete a few more shrines to power up a bit first, given my reflexes.


Continuity Nutcase
Here's some helpful (and spoiler-free) gameplay tips that could make some things much easier to do:



Eorzean Idiot
Finally got all the towers unlocked, unlocked the camera ability, unlocked the auto-build ability. All in all, I think it's been a pretty full day.


Maystor missspelur
Can you save blueprints or builds you made?
Had something built and went in a place and my build was reset


Eorzean Idiot
There's blueprints you can get from different places. But it's also supposed to save things you built. I'm not sure how many it saves until it forgets older ones. I haven't worked much with it yet, but I think you're supposed to be able to fav some of your own constructions.
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Well-known member
People are building mechs in Zelda and it is GLORIOUS!

(There might be minor spoilers in the videos, but it's really just focused on what you can build in this game)
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The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
So with the sequel out this Friday, we finally started playing Breath of the Wild at our house. My wife and daughters are hooked on this game! Even the two year old wants to play!


Eorzean Idiot
Went to Hateno just to check up on the old neighborhood. Turns out someone else is living in Link's house. 😥

Okay, I feel better about this now. Links new house works so much better.


Maystor missspelur
Can I say focused FOR FIVE MINUTES without getting detracted and sidetracked? No no I can not


Eorzean Idiot
After spending the day with my mother on Sunday (I hope no one was too obsessed to remember mother's day), I came home a little after 5:00 an immediately started playin. Yesterday was TotK all day. I barely breaked for food and bathroom breaks. You want to know how much of the main story I finished in all that time? One single dungeon! The Rito have been saved. Everything else was...

Unlocked all the towers.
Lighted up good chunks of the underground
Tons of shrines
Built a home
Korok seeds
1 great fairy unlocked
lots of side quests.

You can go a good long time and not even touch the MSQ.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Ended the blizzard in the Hebra region. Not a big fan of the mechanics of the boss fight(too much altitude management for my taste), but the lead up to it was fun.

M. Virion

Bent but unbroken
Heavy grinded the last two days to complete and partially upgrade the glide armor set. Take that gravity, your rules no longer apply to me. *Laughs in immune to fall damage*


Eorzean Idiot
I have the glide armor, but I still need to unlock a second Great Fairy to get the second upgrade. I think I'll make that my next to do.

I actually enjoyed the altitude management bit of that boss. IIRC, the Rito boss in BotW also had an altitude management aspect to the fight. I a


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Personal preference, I think. I just find that sort of boss setup more frustrating than fun. Though that might just be because I'm less coordinated than a drunken chimpanzee and as such had a hard time keeping track of the boss AND maintain proper altitude to attack said boss.

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