[IC] Equestrian Radio Show's Adventure Variety Hour: Explorers of STOMP


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"If they care, you aren't really dragging them down. They might be frustrated but this isn't easy. Sometimes the hardest pony to get forgiveness from is yourself. Take it from me. I've literally been fired from the Keep before. I actually wound up working for the bad guys. I was always more scared of Brisk never forgiving me than I ever was of anything COIN could do to me. But...I have that second chance now and I'm not going to give that up.

Go home and try to get some rest. Let's try not to increase the ocean's saline content too much, okay? I'll try if you will."

Maple nodded, She was right of course.

"thank you Splash, that's like my second ever 'Mom' talk... could you say good night to everyone for me."

Static looked around the table, then to Anchors. "Well, night's still young. You have any plans?

Having stayed quiet modtly. Simply listening and munching his way tyrough his meal. Scarlet had finally (mentally speaking) calmed down enough to form a straight line of thought.

"i would certainly endorse trying to ask for a different oversight pony than Major Delight," he said with an apologetic look at Brisk Iron.

"Until i solve that backfiring spell and find Rain. Because i'm certain she's out there." For a moment, he remembered that odd morning when he'd awoken, certain he'd heard her call out to him. "Until then, my being back will just make more officious with you than he would be otherwise.

Sorry Chief."

Turning, he called to Rhapsody.

"Rhapsody. Perhaps another day could i have a word with you? I want to try and clear a few things up.

Consider it at least,"
he added.

Anchors Away gave Static Signal a nuzzle. *sigh* "Volunteering at the hospital early in the morning so I gotta get some rest. I can walk you home if you'd like, though."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Sure," Static agrees, shuffling his hoof a bit nervously. "There was...something I needed to talk to you about. So...I guess a walk home would be...yeah. I'm ready when you are."

"I will. Don't worry and get some rest, Maple." Slowly, the STOMP team departed from dinner and closed out the night.

When the next morning arrived, the team found their assignments. Scarlet Spectrum, Rhapsody, and Misty Monsoon were to meet with Wingston Blues on the western edge of the city. Static Signal, Night Cap, and Splash Flaunt were to meet Savant Sard at the docks. Finally, Maplejack already knew she had to meet Amaretto Swirl...in the Marketing Department.

Maple somberly entered the lobby, not making eye contact with her stand... in her mind's eye she could see it futilely waving at her trying to get her attention only to have the realization dawn on it that she was not coming. it's adorable cartoon face all trembly lipped and glassy-eyed as the tears began to well up.

She had to be strong for the both of them, though. So she walked on toward Marketing and the waiting Amaretto... as she finally got out of the stand's line of sight she could sware she felt the puddle of tears reach her back hoof...

but it must have just been a slight spill of water ... perhaps she was missing a field trip and one of the eager foals had sloped some out of an overzealously filled cup.

keep moving though Maple.. you can hug it on your way out.. they can't stop you then...

could they? So, the chief had indeed devised a harsh punishment for her after all

When Maplejack entered the Marketing Department, all eyes turned to look at her. Soon, Amaretto Swirl trotted up with a large smile on her face.
"Good morning, Maple. Are you ready for a day of interaction?"

"Good morning Miss Swirl, yes I believe so, though I'm not entirely sure what you mean."
Maple smiled, and then slowly waved to everypony in the room.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Misty shows up bright and early on the west side, and begins her day's activities with some athletic stretches.

Static shows up just after Night Cap, also wearing sunglasses, but without the sneezing. He gives Night Cap a look of pity. He already had sunglasses. Static wasn't sure what else he could do to help. "You going to be able to make it through the day, Night?"

Swooping out of the sky after his morning flight around the city, Scarlet backwinged to a stop.

"Morning, Misty."

"Good morning, Scarlet!"
Misty replies cheerfully.

Rhapsody was not, and likely never will be a morning person. It doesn't help when one spends their night 'relaxing' by by dressing up in a halloween costume and hitting criminals till they stop moving. Rhapsody wasted little time changing into her alter ego after the dinner last night and stopping several random crimes to try and blow off steam and frustration. While it helped, it also meant that she got only a few hours of actual sleep, so when the alarm clock rang it met the fate of its predecessors of being smashed into itty bitty pieces. The black mare alone could probably keep the local clock-maker in business at the rate she goes through them. It was m! ore through Tyber's tireless efforts that the pegasus finally got up, more then a few would consider it to be rather bad when the nocturnal creature has to get you up in the morning... Rhapsody really didn't care what they thought though. She grumbles as she gets to her hooves and staggers over to get ready for the day.

Effort is made to try and brush out the chaotic mess that is her mane and tail, but it continues to remain seemingly impervious to styling. She gets dressed in her usual pair of stocking and has a quick breakfast before heading out first to the museum, a mild groan of frustration meets the news that she'd be partnered up with with the foal-napper and the thrall. While she had no real issues with Misty, it was pretty clear that the foreign pegasus was deeply under the changeling's spell, and doubted any ability to break without an actual magic user on the team, something they we're sorely lacking now with the more pegasus heavy team. Once learning of where they were too meet Rhapsody takes to the skies once more and of course after her late start, is the last to arrive seeing the other two already there as she lands and gives them a polite nod of recognition while waiting to see what their training mission will entail.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Misty waves a hoof in response to the nod. "Good morning, Rhapsody!"

Static winced. "Not sure what can be done since you already have sunglasses. If you think of anything, let me know. He turns to Splash Flaunt. "Good morning Ms. Flaunt. I didn't get a chance to say it last night, but thanks for talking to Maple. Hope it makes a difference.

"Nothing I said seemed to get through,"
he adds under his breath.

Amaretto Swirl's smile grew even larger. "Yes indeed. Now it's your turn. I want to see how well you interact with others."


Once Rhapsody, Scarlet Spectrum, and Misty Monsoon arrived, Wingston Blues flew down carrying a box. "Good morning! The Chief Director has requested all of you be taught how to make sun halos and other similar weather effects. The wand used one against us but it's something any talented weather crafter can learn with practice and it can be done with the sun or moon. I brought shades so we don't blind each other. That's also why we're way out here."

Before Splash Flaunt could reply, Savant Sard trotted over happily spoke up. "Glad you're all here! We're to help unload and transport the gem exhibit! Isn't that exciting?!?"

"Sounds like fun!" Misty takes a pair of shades and turns away for a moment as she puts them on. She turns back around looking exactly the same.

Static couldn't even fake enthusiasm. And it was likely going to be quite a while before he could really be enthusiastic about anything. Amber leaving was painful enough. Snowy leaving was proving to be unbearable. Still, he had a job to do.

[So no punching?]

[Manual labor can be good. Helps the focus.]

[I hope Night Cap didn't catch on to the words 'gem exhibit'.]

"Sounds like a full day."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders

Maple looks around, there were actually a number of ponies going about their day at various distances away. Maple motioned with a hoof from one to the next not sure whom would be the best choice.

"I'm not sure, no pony seems to be having a similar issue?" Maple said as she watched and listened to see if something marketable was about to happen.

"How about...that one." Amaretto Swirl closed her eyes and pointed. Maplejack saw an elderly stallion sitting by himself. He looked tired and the wrinkles on his face showed signs of worry.

"Well, as long as the full day is full of sci..." "Look out!" One of the pulley's snapped and a box crashed to the ground. "Oh dear. That's not one of our's but broken! pulleys will surely slow things down."

Static sighed as the pulley's snapped. "Perfect!"

[Figures none of these sessions would be so easy.]

"Well, the box might not have been ours, but I guess the neighborly thing to do would be to help. Shall we?"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Quirking an eyebrow, Scarlet collected a pair of shades and put them on.

"Sun halos eh? Sounds good to me."

Maple walked over to the old timer she was pointed at and set to work trying to help him.

"Good morning sir, My name is Maple... My friend and I work at the Keep and were just walking by and I noticed that you look like you might need some help with something. How can I help mister?"
Maple let the word Mister be its own question at the end of the longer one... after all if they were going to be friends she would need to know his name. :)

"Dry Fruit. Do you ever have days where you feel...lost?" he said as he looked at Maplejack.

"It looks like books so I hope this doesn't take too long. If we take too long, Night Cap won't be back in time for whatever it is he's supposed to be doing with Maple." Savant Sard picked up a few books and walked over to one of the workers.


"First as a little warmup, let's get a few more clouds stirred up to shield the view from the town."


"Lost, oh yes I was lost for a very long time when I was younger... so I wandered around a lot, but now I've found my family and I don't think I'll need to do much more traveling other than for work of course. ... The Keep has a lot of specialized Maps of Equestria, were you trying to find your way someplace Mr. Fruit? I'm Not sure I have a full map of the city in my head yet... but what I do have is fairly detailed. I'd love to help you try and get somewhere, but if you'd like a complete map I can show you where they are.... I'm actually one of the - I'm the - I use to be one of the tour guides."

Maple looked, over her shoulder at Miss Swirl and gave her a wink and a "thumbs up" with her wing feathers, weirdly a trait only picked up by Pegasus ponies with griffon friends, Maple had a momentary tangent thought as to wonder how it then went on to be a commonly understood gesture for unicorns and earth ponies who lacked the posable digits.

But as she turned back to Dry Fruit she got the impression that she might have gotten his statement wrong.


Static doesn't talk much as he goes about picking up books.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Trying to find my way is what I'm trying to do." Dry Fruit sighed.

"Wait, if Night Cap need to be done by...you mean we only have two hours to do this?" "More or less. Well, the Chief Director said that the delivery takes precedence so if we don't get back in time, so be it. Though I hope we don't take too long since I can't wait to get started studying. It could be any number of things ranging from emeralds to quartz to granite!" "Granite...isn't a gemstone." "Quite right but who knows what wonders we might discover during research." Splash Flaunt arched an eyebrow at this.

Static tried to give Splash Flaunt a subtle "don't even bother" type shake of the head. He'd begun to learn that trying to figure out some of these ponies was an exercise in madness. Otherwise, he continued to move books.

My job is so important that nopony cares if I do it or not.


I'm free.

Picking up books continues, now with a smile.

"Well Mr. Fruit, the best way to find your way is to know where you want to end up. Where is it that you want to get to?" Maple Smiled as she curled her wings back along her sides. "Sometimes it also helps a pony figure out where they're going if they remember why they left where they were." Maple added, hoping to ask the right question that would help her help him

"I didn't leave, I just...I wonder if I've missed opportunities. I have my health and a happy family but...

...well. I guess I just needed to talk it out. It's not as bad as I thought. Thank you, Maple. I guess I'll be on my way. I've never really been a museum pony but if my grandkids are in town, I may bring them to visit. Nice to know there's still nice ponies these days." Dry Fruit then slowly got up to leave.

"Oh... no, there was a but there at the end... teehee... and now you've gone and got me curious, what sorts of opportunities might you have missed? A life as a dashing rogue? Do you think you'd be good in politics? ... ooh ooh I know Bananas! You've always wanted to sell Banana Chips!"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"I guess...I'd like to be an explorer. I once had a chance but passed on it to settle down Part of me would like one last chance for a hurrah of adventure but not at risk of what I have."

"I'm actually really good friends with a few Dreamwalkers... maybe I can introduce you to one of them and you can have a marvelous adventure while you get a good night's sleep."

Maple smiles, she does not say that one of them is the Moon Princess... it would be wrong to ask a favour so soon after the last one. But Maybe she could mention it to Mr. Night Cap.

"You...you'd do that?"

"I can certainly try. I'm not sure how it works, though, so maybe I need you address."

"My address? I guess it wouldn't hurt." He then wrote his address.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Maple said her goodbyes to her new friend and then went back to see if she'd done an okay job.

Amaretto Swirl smiled. "While that didn't lead to an immediate sale, happy ponies are more likely to give positive word of mouth. You just might have the makings of an excellent marketer.

I'm guessing you'll be giving that information to Zig Zag?"

"Maybe, that certainly is an option... and in the end, I might need to ask a few ponies."
Maple then realized that miss Swirl had given her a compliment -after a fashion. So she Smiled again and said "thank you."

"I guess we better pick up the pace if we need to finish in time. Night Cap, you continue with the books. Static, you fix the pulley. I'll go get my boat. Moving these along the canal should get them close enough inland that unloading will be faster."

Static nods. "On it." Fixing the pulley ought to be simpler than building a camera from scratch. Static walks over to inspect the pulley system.


Static reattaches the pulley to the apparatus it was anchored to before, only in a section that wasn't damaged. "That should be sturdy enough." He then rethreads the rope through the pulley and finishes the repairs. "That should do it!"

As Maple walked with miss Swirl, she was already thinking about her next task today and what important secret knowledge of the universe she would learn from Mr. Night Cap.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
After walking a few more blocks, Amaretto Swirl pointed at a sealed cardboard box and a roll of tape. "And here is your main job for the moment. This box is filled with flyers you need to post in this area for our upcoming advertising push. I have a meeting for the next hour and I expect them all to be posted by the time I'm done. Any questions?"

Once all the books were collected, Night Cap and Static Signal saw something speeding down the canal. While smaller than any sort of barge or tugboat, it was also wider, flatter, and longer than a canoe. It was more like a raft with inner depth. In the center was Splash Flaunt as she ran on a treadmill that was connected to a set of gears. These gears were connected to a set of belts that ran to two large, bright red paddle wheels connected to the back. It almost looked like they had been pulled from a steamboat that traveled the waters of Louisianeigh. "Steering this thing with just one pony is a headache but it'll be more manageable."

Spreading his wings, Scarlet lept into the sky. Though his parents had insisted on Weathercraft training, Scarlet had always preferred adventuring in the past than making making weather in the present. As he zoomed towards the clouds, the blue Pegasus hoped his skills weren't too rusty.


Maple smiled and looked at the box... it wasn't the biggest box she'd ever seen, but then again flyers tended to be really thin so there was bound to be a good number of them.

"ok, have fun at your meeting. Oh, is there anything else you're to have me do after the meeting? Because if not, I'd hate for you to come all the way back here just to send me on my way, I can meet you back at the keep if that is where your meeting is?"

Maple put a hoof to her chin and thought if that was her only question... but it was, so she just sat back on her haunches and started hoofing at the box a little to get the flap open


Misty lends a wing to Scarlet's efforts, dancing airily through the sky with wisps of cloud swirling into existence around her.

"Great. Let's get this show on the road." Static starts helping to move the crates of gems.

Static tried to keep his sentences succinct. He knew he wasn't being sociable. He could feel himself falling back into that old trap. So safe, so comfortable not to talk to anypony...not to let them in. Because the moment you let them in, they leave...or get fired. That old trap of being alone was pulling him in again...and he wasn't sure how much he cared.

Static tried not to think as he worked. That way lie madness.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"My meeting is right around the corner so when I'm finished, I'll be right back over here to see how well you did. Otherwise..." Amaretto Swirl waved as she walked off.

"Ms. Sard, you and Night Cap go ahead and wheel whatever carts or wagons we were supposed to be using farther down the canal. We'll meet back up with you to unload." "Excellent idea. Come on, Night Cap." Savant Sard slapped a harness onto Night Cap and happily started to trot on ahead. "Static, you and I will get this last bit loaded up.

So...what do you think the Chief Director has in store for us with the training expedition next week?"


Static can only shrug. "Don't know." He means to leave it at that as he goes about getting the last of the stuff loaded.


As he goes about the work though, he figures he can at least elaborate a little. That old trap was pulling at him and it was so tempting to let it have him. But there was something in him that didn't want to completely resign itself to giving up yet.

"After a murderous plant who rather kill a pony than talk to one, a two-story wolf that's actually friendly, a conservation speech that turns out to be a fight for everyponies lives, a city not-mayor who starts off sounding like a mob boss but then turns out to be the one thing that can turn the city around...a STOMP member who became a COIN member who became a STOMP member..."

[A marefriend that turns out to be a seapony?]

*sigh* "I try to not go in to any situation expecting anything."

Splash Flaunt chuckled, then waved for him to get in. "Fair enough. By the way, treadmill or rudder?"

Static took a look at his gut. How...after all this time with STOMP and all the grueling activity that implied...did he still have a gut?

With a self deprecating sigh..."I'll take the treadmill."

Splash Flaunt moved to the back of the boat so Static Signal could get on the treadmill. "Considering I was mentioned, I guess I have a unique perspective on Snowy and Maple's actions. *sigh* Sometimes your intentions prevent you from seeing the fallout from what you're doing. It also means you need to reach out and grab your second chances when they come."




Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders

Static had been trying to wear the look of the stoic, keeping his face completely passive. But the moment Splash Flaunt mentions Snowy and Maple, all pretense is gone.

"I don't know if he ever reciprocated the feeling. Snowy was always a hard one to judge. But I considered him a friend, second maybe to Night Cap. Maybe. I don't know. That's a tough call sometimes. But..."

Static took a couple deep breaths as he tried to pull himself together, almost messing up on the treadmill altogether. He dug down deep to focus to try and complete his task. But at the same time, he probably didn't realize how much he needed to talk about this until Splash Flaunt opened the flood gates. But boy oh boy did she just open them!

"My first night as a member of STOMP, I screwed up. I screwed up reeeeally bad. I wasn't in on Snowy's meeting with the Chief, but it was easy to tell that that night wasn't pleasant for either one of us. I guess...I guess I kinda saw him as a kindred spirit...maybe?

"I don't know. But he still helped me get through a lot of bad moments. I can't be sure. Like I said, with Snowy, it was always hard to be sure. But I'd like to think I helped him maybe just a little too. I don't know.

"It just...I can't really defend what he did...but I can see why he did it. And now...he's gone...just...gone...just like Light Fantastic, just like Amber.

"Luna, it hurts! I've been in fights where I wound up with bruises...even broken bones. Tartarus! I jumped out of a helicopter and was in the hospital for a week! I've had an entire pint of Quintuple Peanut Butter Oat Surprise!!!

"But this...it just isn't something you heal from...is it? Is it bad of me to wonder if maybe I was better off before I had friends?"

Static continued on the tread mill for a bit. "Sorry. I say things. I get started talking...it gets hard to shut up sometimes."

"I guess while we're travelling, might as well strike up conversation. What's your favorite rock, Night Cap?" Savant Sard cheerfully inquired as she trotted along.

"I'd say that it's something you heal from but it's not something you forget. It's going to linger for a while and it's going to hurt. There were many nights after my initial firing I would recite my reports to my team as if they were a review committee. I'm sure they now know far more ocean facts than they'd ever care to but for my sanity, I couldn't give up my dream. A dream that felt utterly impossible at that point.

I get wanting to turn inward but you can't do that because there's somepony who needs all of us--Maple. It won't do her any good after her discovery about her origins for a friend to turn away."

"Very good. From here, now we need to thin and cool the clouds into tiny ice crystals. This is what the light of the sun or moon will need to pass through." Wingston Blues then demonstrated as she broke up and then carefully started thinning some clouds.


"Maple!" Static growls. "I'm not sure what good I can do her! No matter what I say to her, she seems utterly convinced we all hate her. Which...I know is the time more than ever to try and help her. It's just...she doesn't seem to listen to me, so how do I do it?"

Static sighs. "And it's not just that. I know...I know in my head it's not the time to turn inward. I've been there before. I know it's not a place I want to go to again. It's just...damn! It hurts!"

Maple set about putting up the posters. Occasionally going past shops she knew, where she was able to ask if she could put a flyer inside the shopkeeper's window. as the time ticked on she headed back in the direction of where she would meet Miss Swirl.

Misty gets to work on making the clouds chill out.




Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
As she was progressing through the box of flyers, a stallion walked up to Maplejack. She had only seen him once before but recognized him as the same monotone interviewer from when she first joined STOMP. "Good morning, Maple. Will you be needing any assistance?"

Savant Sard let out an enthusiastic squeal. "Such a fantastic answer! Overlooked treasures like that are what I love about this job. If I followed in my parents' hoofsteps, I'd be stuck only with diamonds."

"Actions are louder than words so I'd say the main thing for Maple is to be there. The 'Day 1' of that is to make sure we're not late. One way to help yourself is through helping others."

Static nods. "Fair enough! For Maple then." Not that Static felt any better about the situation. but Splash Flaunt did manage to light at least a small fire inside Static. He could sulk about Snowy on his own time. Right now he needed to be there for the ones who were still there. He doubled his efforts on the treadmill.

Still hurts like hell.


"Oh, Hello again Sir. While I would love some help, I think the task I'm doing was given to me to do by myself." Maple shrugged, after setting the box of remaining flyers down ... she had been waddling between streetlights with the box clasped in her forehooves... an awkward looking thing to be sure given the size of the box.

"Though I certainly could use the company if you didn't have anything to do right now, I'm just heading back to where I'm Supposed to meet up with miss Swirl again when she's done with a meeting with some other Ponies." Maple sighed as she looked back in the direction she'd come, She really hoped this would help bring more guests to the Keep. Smiling then at the Stallion, she put her hoof to her chin and then remarked. "I don't believe in all this time -since we first met, that I've ever learned your name, sir." Maple then dropped to all fours and *ooffed* happy to have a little breather of equal weight distribution.

"Knowledge of my presence is best kept restricted. However, my name is Sunny Smiles. I had intended to join the group for dinner last night but unfortunately I was occupied," he said as he talked with Maplejack.

"It was a lovely dinner, I'm sad you missed it too -however perhaps the Chief will have another one soon under happier circumstances, that way you could enjoy the meal and the conversation. You'd likely be happy to have missed what little conversation there was last night." Maple grabbed up the box again and proceeded to start shuffling again, it was easy for Mr. Smiles to keep pace with her as she continued speaking to him.

"Mr. Sunny Smiles, thank you for being the first friendly face I met at the keep... I guess if your job's so hush hush it would explain why I've so rarely seen you since that first time. I Didn't know there were many secret jobs in the museum, or I was sure there were ponies down deep in the archives that I've never met, and I don't work a lot of night shifts so I don't know a lot of the ponies in Ms. Rhapsody's department... but I should have been able to at least guess your name."

Maple turned and looked at the pony beside her and smiled at him, as big as she could -enough that he could see it around the box of flyers.

"If our coats or manes were anything alike, sir, I dare say ponies might think you and I were family." when the words met her own ears, Maple's smile faltered a little at the edges, and it left her eyes completely. She walked a few steps more in silence, if he was invited to the dinner he must know her secret, but then again maybe he didn't... She needed to be careful.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Well, I was originally hired by Brisk's father to be her guardian. She's mostly outgrown the need but I still assist when I can. But with that said, I understand needing to keep a secret. Don't worry, your's is safe."

Following Mistys lead this time, Scarlet set to work thinning clouds


"It depends on what comes in and your perception. One mare's trash is another mare's...look, we're here!" Savant Sard stopped as she saw Splash Flaunt and Static Signal. Splash Flaunt quickly pulled some bolts out of the treadmill for the boat and realigned it as a ramp. "C'mon Static. Let's get Night Cap loaded up first. May be some initial wait as we get this crate in position but once it's rolling, it'll be easy enough."



Static took a second to catch his breath. This day didn't seem to end. It was turning out to be quite the endurance test.

"Sorry about this, Night," he says as he loads the first crate.

"yes, ponies at large shouldn't know I'm the Masked Mystery Mare." Maple said with a wink.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
As they moved on Maple got progressively less encumbered by the weight of the box... and the number of remaining flyers dwindled to the last few in the bottom...



Oh. But of course. I would never sully such an esteemed sport as professional wrestling."
As Maplejack finished putting up the last of the flyers, she found herself back where Amaretto Swirl was waiting. "How did things go?"

Static Signal and Splash Flaunt got the second crate loaded onto Savant Sard's cart. "We're making great time. Let me put my boat back up while the rest of you head back. I'll try to catch up if I can."


"Everything was great, I sure hope more ponies come to the museum now, while I was shuffling along I bumped into My friend here and we had a lovely conversation on the way back, I hope you weren't waiting long... did your meeting go well?" Maple asked, after indicating Mr. Smiles with a hoof... and of course putting the empty box down.

"Your friend?" Maplejack looked to see Sunny Smiles was gone.

Static had a deep swell of pity as Night Cap struggled with the cart. Though to be honest, he knew this was going to happen the moment Night was strapped to the cart. Night Cap my have his strengths, but it sure wasn't the physical kind. The earth pony strength unfortunately seemed to pass this one by.

Static tried to give Night Cap's cart as much of a nudge as he could from behind. "C'mon, Night. We can do this."

"oh, I suppose he must have gone back to what he was doing before... so hard to see around this box...I must have just not heard him say goodbye while I was wobbling around." Maple laughed as she set the empty box down, remembering that Mr. Smiles was a secret pony of mysterious enigma ... and likely left when they had gotten close to her destination. Crafty, maybe she would ask her to teach her that 'quiet exit technique' in case she wanted to sneak out after hours and see Misty one night.

Maple picked the box up again to hid the blush that scandalous thought brought to her face. Saccharine said she thought the whole thing was adorable and was practically insisting Maple bring Misty over for dinner soon... or whenever, Miss Sweet always liked having a new Pallet to test her creations on.

"Very well.

Erm, Maple...could I ask you a question?"

After a long walk, Night Cap, Static Signal, and Savant Sard made it back to the Keep. Getting the carts wheeled into acquisitions, Savant Sard announced, "What a wonderful workout! We should do that more often. I've got things covered here and we've made good time so I'm sure whatever you had planned for Maple will go extra smooth with more time to plan what you were planning."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Of corse." Maple said with a quizzical look

Amaretto Swirl fidgeted a bit. "So, um...if you remember my altercation a while back with Hazel, it seems we've managed to patch things up. However, Bold and Plaid...things don't feel particularly repaired. I've seen them avoid me when possible. You're good with ponies...how do I fix this?"

"Ma'am, if I knew the answer to that question ... Maple paused, she was about to say that she wouldn't even be here ... but that sounded harsh even to her - and she had just said her and Ms. Naught had patched things up... and that was really Maple's only real slight against Mrs. Swirl.

... I would gladly tell you Mrs. Swirl. The Best advice I can give is to keep trying, Your friends will let you know in small ways how you're doing. Perhaps ask them to join you for something outside of work... all three of them, Maybe ask Ms. Naught to come to some of Marketing's meetings and planning sessions - like the one I was at before... that was fun, and having her input right there at the time would cut down on a number of costly report writings and document transfers and whatever else goes on between your two departments... I'm sure the chief would approve of the budget savings ...

and it will show each of your friends that you're willing to work hard at this."

Maple motions with her fore hoofs for Mrs Swirl to come get a hug.

"That was a brave important step, asking for help... even us more outgoing type ponies can have trouble with that. Maybe this can help you understand Ms. Naught a little better too. If you do set up some interdepartmental meetings I'd be happy to come and have your back if things get awkward."

Static could tell the discomfort the harness gave Night Cap the moment it was put on him. He helped him to take it off. "I'll go check the schedule to see if Mr. Quill has me doing anything. If not, mind if I tag along? I'd kinda like to see if maybe I can help Maple out of her funk."

"Oh, absolutely! I wouldn't take that from you. Just wanted to be there for moral support...assuming I can be there at all. I better go check the schedule Mr. Quill has posted. I'll be right back if possible." Static goes to check to see what if anything was scheduled for him for the day.

When Static Signal looked at the work schedule, he found that he was free until his next projector shift which started right after the fifteen minutes with Maplejack.




Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Amaretto Swirl cautiously as if it might be some sort of trap, then relented and accepted the hug. "I'll look into it. And...thank you."

"You are very much welcome." Maple said, as she let go... small steps, little hugs grow into big hugs in time.

"Well...seems it's time to head back, isn't it?"

Meanwhile, Night Cap and Static Signal knew that they'd need to be ready because Maplejack would soon be there! What skills of leadership would Night Cap teach?

Static chuckles. "No worries. I'm just glad you like them. This was a last minute thing, me tagging along. I just had some time before I had to be in the theatre and I wanted to see how you were getting along. I'm not sure what Night Cap has planned, so I figure I'll let him lead the way."

Static raises an eyebrow.

[Really? You have the theater, editing bays, archives and Mr. Quills office. She's already seen the theatre and editing bays. Even I can't get lost here!]

He says nothing.

"Oh... I was expecting you to have a big fancy desk Mr. Night Cap... but sure we can use my present on the floor too I guess." Maple smiled, just eager to get going and getting into the secret secrets of World famous Night Capiness.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static doesn't facehoof. Amazingly, he doesn't have "wtf" plastered all over his face. Maybe he's known Night Cap for long enough he's become to expect things like this.

He does wonder how long it'll take before Night Cap realizes that only the managers have an office. The rest of the lowly grunts only have a shared workspace. There was only one projector that all the operators use. And while there were several editing bays within the editing bay area, they were also all shared. And in the archives, there was really only the desks used both for copying and sorting...also shared space.

I entertained the fantasy of Night Cap marching into Brisk Irons office demanding to know when his office would be complete. He wondered how that meeting would work out.

But his expression said nothing and his mouth said less. He just stood to the side and let the two go at it, keeping an eye on the clock to make sure he wasn't late for his projector shift.

"Where ever we go, its going to be great!" Maple was beginning to feel like her old self again.

"absolutely not Mr. Night Cap!"

Maple began fidgeting with her pack because nopony was doing anything.

"I got these for you at the giftshop Mr. Night Cap, Mrs Swirl told me the keep sold them here and I thought it would be a wonderful thing to talk with you about."
Maple pulls out a pack what appears to be playing cards. However, when she passes them to Night Cap he sees that they are instead the lamest trading cards of all time.

"It's the starter pack for the Keep's own game where you play 'go fish' but instead of numbers you ask the other player if they have a card that has information about Items here at the keep... I figured we could play this if you were having trouble figuring where to start training me on how to be an Adventure pony... it would be a fun way for me to learn more about some of the neet things we have here, like say how valuable they are or if you know any of the stories about how they were found... and I can tell you where they are in the keep and stuff."

Maple smiled and walked over to the press... "But we can do that any time really, maybe take them home and look through them and see if there's something super amazing in there ... I hope you aren't going to ask me to make more fliers for the marketting department though..."

Maple used he magic to make her forelegs wobbley and noodley and stuck out her lip in a pout. She would sleep for a week if she had more to put up today.

Static slipped the template for the Marketing Department fliers to Night Cap to give to Maple.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"I'm just here for moral support!" Static protested, but Night Cap was already gone. With a sigh, Static remov d the template for the fliers and took a look at what he was given to copy. He then got the template for accounting ledgers and brought out the text blocks. He waved Maple over and showed her how to work the press (a process I'm sure Static knows far better than Caldwin, so imagine the details go here).

He did the first couple pages to show Maple the process and then turned it over to her.

"So, how'd your first day with Ms. Swirl. She treat you okay?"
He didn't recollect ever having met her personally. But knowing how she treated Hazel Naught, well, she better have been more civil towards his Maple, that was for certain.

"Oh it was wonderful, she's a very talented pony." Maple started working the machine how static showed her.


"You might not want to watch this Static, it could look weird." Maple's magic morphs her wings into another set of legs and she uses the extra limbs to work the press faster.

Static grins. "Maple, you're a changling. My marefriend's a seapony. It's going to take more than this to weird me out." Static tries to get a closer look. "I'm actually kinda jealous. Imagine everything a pony could get done if we could do what you could do!"

Maple smiled as she worked away at the press. Maybe things weren't just looking up for Mrs Swirl today. Turning back to Static Maple grins even wider before switching to a whisper as she speaks to Static Signal.

"I'd give you a hug Static, but um... spiders kinda creep me out."

Static can't help but laugh. "I'll take a raincheck!" Static then does a double take as something occurred to him. "And spiders have eight legs."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"of corse they do Static, that's why I didn't grow two more legs to use for the hug...eewww!" Maple shivers just thinking about it

Static nods. "Thanks for that. Hey, just a thought. I don't know about you, but today's been kinda exhausting...lots of heavy lifting. I could probably use a night out at Ocean's if you'd like to come along."

"Can I see if Misty wants to come? I sort of need to apologize to her yet for leaving the dinner early." Maple has to turn away from static as a blush comes to her cheeks

Lacking a door, Maplejack and Static Signal heard a soft knock on the wall. Melon Hide seemed to have brought some flyers but couldn't speak as he was holding them in his mouth.

"Sure. More the merrier. I'll see if I can find Anchors and invite her. I never know when she's working at the Keep or when she's down at the docks."


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