[IC] Mey Hem: Submitted For Your Disapproval (cont.)


Pittied fools.
After being on the receiving end of EB's toss, Night Cap followed through with smashing the ceiling mounted raygun. But as the busted machine parts started to rain down, he felt gravity start to exert it's cruel grip. Though the Chemist rushed to provide assistance with a giant sunflower that swiftly rose from a thrown vial, it withered to dust almost as fast as it grew. Would someone save Night Cap in time?

Kage swung through the air seeking to catch Chief Apothecary Jezejandra off guard. Landing a blow before she could react, she was knocked out instantly and off the platform. Her machines reached out to catch her and set her on the ground. The floating capsule stopped in place and hovered in mid air. Elsewhere, Monday March's digital whimpers could be heard.

Meanwhile, others contended with the machine on the ground wielding a laser. Dee and Patch dodged out of the way, while it made a wide arc away from Sue'zhan, Correspondent 251, and EB. As the laser wheeled back around, Cinniúint was suddenly there. Leaning against the wall, she remarked, "This has been more entertaining than I expected. Though a wager could spice things up more."

DC 20 for Dee and Patch to dodge the laser (though Dee's buff is still in affect)
DC 25 to rescue Night Cap (or other viable options)

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
reflex = 5 +10 from buff +D[20] =25

Dee recalls her sword back to her hand with her Glyph while diving away from the return sweep of the laser.


Well-known member
"You know, I find this situation to be already as spicy as I would like - whoops!" Temporarily distracted by Cinniúint's reappearance, Patch returned her attention to the laser just in time to see Destron dodging it again, and moved to follow the Viknadian's lead.

Reflexes check:
Wed Sep 06 2023 20:31:14 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
Rolling line 1 : 1d20 + 10 to total : 20, + 10, TOTAL: 30

The Nth Doctor

The Chemist let out a frustrated grunt and made to rush toward Night Cap's increasingly certain landing point, however, a voice caught his attention and the Chemist stopped short, turning just in time to see Patch and Destron dodging the rampant laser. And near them someone that seemed oddly familiar, though he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"This is all getting out of hand..."

Turning now to join Destron and Patch, the Chemist changed direction. The laser seemed more pressing and, after all, pawnys always land on their feet.


Or was that cats? Regardless, the machine firing off red hot death seemed more pressing in this moment than a random airborne pack animal.

"Heckin' heck are we just playing dodgems or are we going to make an offensive at some point? It's a machine, not a heckin' Narwalrus! Shoot it, stab it... say, I dunno, mean rhymes at it!"

"You," he said, pointing at Destron, "give it the stabby thing. You know like-" here he mimed a forward thrust with a sword[1]. "... or something."

[1]Motivational Speaker (3) – 2/3 - Target: Destron
Time: 10 Seconds
Target ally may roll twice and take the higher result on his or her next skill check.


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders

Under his mask, the Omega Knight let a smug smile flick across his lips As he watched the formaly self-superior ‘Chief Apothacery‘ fall unconscious to the floor. Though he did take note of her machines still reacting. Plus, the now stationary capsule.

”Whose the genius now, Chief.”

Then his view snapped back to Knight Cap. The armoured Pawny was still falling (with style), but there was still time. The Knight still had a grip on his grapnel line and so he jumped again. This time he was aiming to swing himself into the path of the pawny.

Acrobatics check for the swing

Dexterity check to try and grab Night Cap
Using my +10 Hero Point boost.

“Night Cap!”
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Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I can't feel my wings.

It's a long way down, and Night Cap finds himself with time to think as he plummets to his doom.

He thinks back to his training. He practiced this maneuver so many times. He was quite good at the being thrown part. He's quite sure the whole gym stopped to watch as he was thrown like no pony had ever been thrown before.


But he never did master the landing. He only needed one more try, but he'd been dismissed before he could do it. This now presents a problem.

“Night Cap!”

But there may be another way. He's good at being thrown. Perhaps he could just do the reverse. Catching is basically backwards throwing.

He reaches for master Kage, ready to cling for dear life.


Pittied fools.
"It's a pity you aren't seeing the joy in the situation at hand," Cinniúint said to Patch. "Oh well. I still owe you a favor for rescuing me. Until that point, I'll always know where you are at any given time so I can suffer waiting. For now, I see a familiar face inside an unfamiliar face," she said as she redirected her attention to The Chemist and the laser attempted another pass.

Kage managed to catch Night Cap and safely land on the ground. Outside of the hum of mechanical noise and the agony of Monday, the room fell to silence.

DC 20 for Chemist, Dee, and Patch to dodge the laser (though Dee's buff is still in affect for Patch and Dee)

The Nth Doctor

As the laser swung around, the Chemist made ready to dodge. What would he do? A dramatic leap? A charismatic sidestep? Perhaps he could formulate a compound to enhance his reaction time to-

Reflex Check for Laser Dodge:

"Aw heck..."

Seeing it now too late to get out of the way, the Chemist merely flung himself awkwardly to the side only narrowly missing his chance to avoid the beam.


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Landing with his cape swirling, the Omega Knight dropped to one knee as he placed Night Cap safely back on his hooves.

”You may not have wings Night Cap, but you can certainly fly. However, if you give me some time, I can build you some, so landing won’t be such a danger.

Good work. Now head back to others.”

Omega then quickly moved to the unconscious Jezejandra and speedily bound her up in much the same way as Correspondent 251. Then he returned to the hanging grapnel line.

”Monday,“ he called loudly, “the raygun is destroyed! What more needs to be done to ensure your safety?’
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Destron D-69

at Journey's end
Reflexes: 5+[d20: 15] =20
- edit to dodge

With Night Cap Safe, Dee plans to move herself closer to EB. limited as they both were to attacks from a distance -covering for each other would be a solid defense
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Well-known member
"Joy in a situation like this? Only a diehard thrillseeker would- no, that's your whole thing isn't it? Living dangerously, gambling with death... oh, speaking of..."

Reflexes check:
Sun Sep 17 2023 19:29:57 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
Rolling line 1 : 1d20 + 10 to total : 9, + 10, TOTAL: 19

Patch saw the laser moving closer. "...I think my luck is about to run out."


Pittied fools.
Kage couldn't hear Monday respond. Or rather, he didn't hear anything different from the weeping while she flickered upon the walkway.

Meanwhile, the still unopposed machine struck Patch and the Chemist with the laser and then swept back again for another pass. Cinniúint replied to Patch, "Your luck hasn't run out yet but the odds would certainly improve if something was done about the metal thing attacking you."

Patch and the Chemist take 6d12 Fatal Damage.
DC 20 for Chemist, Dee, and Patch to dodge the laser (though Dee's buff is still in affect for Patch and Dee)

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
reflex: 5+10 +[d20]8 =23
Destron thought about making another attempt to hurl her sword ... but the attack was cycling too swiftly, another idea would be to try and move toward it between them... however, she had already given up ground to come to aid EB with his defense. Her route chosen, the end of this device would have to be given to it by another of the heroes with whom she traveled. Once again as the beem came for her again the long ago taught words from her father came to her.


Yes retroactively Dee's dad is played by a Piccolo voice actor of your choice lol


Well-known member
Rolling for fatal damage:
Sun Sep 24 2023 07:09:56 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
Rolling line 1 : 6d12 + 0 to total : 10, 8, 4, 8, 9, 12, TOTAL: 51

The white-hot pain of the laser burning her skin made the perilous situation crystal-clear in her mind. Either someone did something about the laser or she was done for. And maybe she needed to be that someone and do something now, before it came around for another pass.

Mystic Manipulation (Telekinesis) (2) – At Will
Time: Instantaneous
You may mentally pick up or manipulate any number of objects within 50 feet of you with combined weights of 50 pounds or less. You can move objects this way at a foot per second.

Attempting to use this skill to tilt the angle of the laser up and away from the group.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders

Night Cap is back on his hooves but still vibrating a bit from the experience he just had. He always knew he would fly someday and he's finally done it. The sky's the limit now.

But it is good to be back on the ground...


... where a laser is sweeping around the room and hitting his friends.


It's good to be back on the ground.

Very good.

Night Cap bravely lowers himself all the way to the ground like an abandoned fawn that thinks it's hiding.


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Looking down at the Pawny, then at the laser, Kage briefly considered what to do. Then spoke softly to Night Cap

“I know you’ve just gotten back on the ground my friend, but I need you to take part in another flying tackle. That laser needs to be broken, just like the other one.

Come now Mighty Warrior. One more flight and then you can rest for a moment.”

He then picked up the Pawny Knight, opened his lower faceplate for a second to smile, then spun on his heel to hurl Night Cap at the last threat to his friends. Then he drew Retribution and charged at the machine himself!

Dexterity check to throw Night Cap directly at the laser.

Might check for my own own attack on the laser

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
for what seemed like an eternity as time slowed down in the brief moment it took for Night Cap to be airborne again Dee's mind flashed back to the vision of the friend her former mindless self had made long ago at the outset of that leg of her journey. for what would have truly only been a scant passing of seconds Destron watched as semi-tangible wings erupted from the pawny and flapped powerfully for a cycle of beats and then her vision cleared... She would have to ask Cher if their bond had momentarily allowed her to see her friend's soul.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Night Cap's soul is bravely screaming inside as he and the ground go their separate ways once again.

He could get used to this though. He can't deny how very aerodynamic he is. His friends know what they're doing.

The Nth Doctor

The Chemist feels the laser hit with the white hot pain of a small plastic brick under foot, he falters and falls back.

"Hell that's spicy! Good shot, though, Patch!"

Suddenly his eyes land on Cinniúint. "Hey, I know you."

A beat passes.

"You... were at the Math-off. Right? In the tree? Funny place t' watch a competition. Guess y' get a good view, though. Aren't you going to lend a hand? You seem like you got some wits about you. Something... just... behind the eyes. But... no. No that's not you're thing, is it? Oh well, guess we'll handle it."

With that, he turned back to the ongoing situation.

Fatal Damage From Laser:
6d12=33 Fatal Damage


Nonstop Baaka
Amongst the chaos, this time EB was ready to catch Cappy. Shield in one hand, he dove forward to catch the pawny in his other hand.
"Sorry, bud, didn't think about the landing."
He moved back in front of Sue and the kids.

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