[IC] Mey Hem: Submitted For Your Disapproval (cont.)


Nonstop Baaka
Before he could fully register what was happening, EB found himself watching a battle in progress. Kage's words made his hair stand on end.
"Don't kill for now?" he hissed quietly. "We don't even know what he's doing or what's going on! How is beating up the people who let us in gonna help? We just gonna punch our way through everyone and hope Patch is still here?"


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Slipping fully into his ‘Omega Knight’ persona, Kage looked at the beweaponed mercenary and wondered the obvious.

Who, what, when, where and why?

However, as Omega, had pushed all of this aside for now and quickly flicked his vision across the guards already into combat and those closing in. In a low tone, he spoke through the illusiory Knight once more. Hearing EB, he hissed back.

”There is no way around this altercation my friend. We either side with the guards, or desl with them and then deal with our mystery merc. And when isaid ‘Don’t Kill, for now’, it is because, for mow, these guards are just that, guards. They are not, as yer, connected to those responsible for mage kidnappings,the killings, the hunts, those who made Holiday Island! I am Not advocating killing anybody, but there may come a time when we have no choice. However, that time Is Not this time. There is something rotten in this place, and it is hidden from those we have met. The civillians are being used by some in the higher ups

And if i have made the wrong choice, then i will pay for it. But fir now, we must act!”

Raising his voice slightly, Kage addressed everyone.

”Move swiftly. Take down those guards attacking our mystery man quickly, then move on to take doen those closing in. We need take them all out before any further alarm can be raised.”

Thus, without another word, the Omega Knight charged. As his stealth tech shut down, its rippling deactivation made it appear that the Knight seemingly burst out of the air itself. A spectral knight of vengeance!


Omega used Stalk the Prey on a YPNR guard. That guard will suffer an extra +10 damage when a Single Attack Power is used.

Omega used Quickdraw [+4} Standard Action

Take two additional Minor Actions this turn.

Omega uses [-2] Lightning Blade - Minor Action (Bladespell)

The next Single Attack Power deals an additional 2d8 damage to its target. Also deal 1d8 damage to up to two other targets

Omega uses [-2] R ush for the Kill - Minir Action

Deal 2d6 damage

Lightning Blade deals an additional 2d8 damage

First YPNR Guard suffers 11+9=20 total damage

Utility Belt (Jester’s Fortune) activates on the d8 roll. d8 Special uses Bag of Tricks twice.

First Use

First YPNR Guard suffers 2 Ongoing Damage (save ends)

Second Use

Deal 3 Damage

Second YPNR Guard suffers 3 damage, plus an additional 10 damage from Stalk the Prey.

Omega uses Quickshot (Free Action)

Deal 7 Damage

Second YPNR Guard suffers 7 damage

Total damage to Second YPNR Guard equals 3+10+7=20

Third YPNR Guard suffers 1d8 damage from Lightning Blade.


Itility Belt (Jester’s Fortune) activates on d8 roll. d8 Special uses Bag of Tricks twice.

First Use

Third YPNR Guard suffers 6 Damage. Kage gains 6 Life.


Third YPNR Guard total damage equals 8+6=14 damage

Second Use

Fourth YPNR Guard suffers 2 Ongoing damage

Fourth YPNR Guard suffers 1d8 damage from Lightning Blade.


Fourth YPNR Guard total damage equals 4+2 Ongoing damage.


That was a hell of a set of rolls!

The Knight flung a quartet of electrified Omegarsngs as he bore down on the YPNR guards. Then capitalised on the disorientaion the wreaked, as he unleashed a flurry of kicks and punches!
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The Nth Doctor

Beathra hung back and watched Omega charge in, a thoughtful frown on his face. Putting a friendly hand on EB's shoulder, he said, "Do not lose sight of why we came here. The deepest evil can wear a kindly face, after all. But I am hesitant to call any enemy of the YPNR our friend on sight. Whatever the case, it is out of our hands now and we must assist our companion and, perhaps it behooves us after all to intervene to make sure that non-lethal is all this is."

With that, he charged out into the fray and attempted to head off the approaching reinforcements.

"This is a fine fortress you have built in the sky, but do not think it sets you apart from the world! What is metal but the bones of the living earth?"

So saying, Beathra brought his staff end down upon the floor with a deep tone as of a tolling bell and the hall around the approaching guards seemed to bend and shudder as if it were alive[1].

"Eirigh Cnámha an Domhain!"*

With a sudden flurry, a number of doors and hatchways fly open as if on their own and whack several guards as they attempt to approach[2][3]. He searched the group for whoever might be in charge and gave them a grin, saying[4], "See how your men stumble![4] What kind of leader cannot save them from their own home? But, if you wish your quarry, it will be through me![5]"

*"Arise Bones of the Earth!"

Opening Health: 100
Opening Energy: 3

[1](2) Conjurer’s Trick
You gain the following power:

[+3] Conjurer’s Trick - Reaction Utility [1/Battle]
Trigger - You roll initiative
Effect - You may immediately take a standard action to use a Conjuration power.

[-3] Mysterious Staff (Conjure Battle Spirit) - Standard Action (Conjuration) - Bones of the Earth
Create a conjuration with the following statblock.
Battle Spirit - 3 Charges
{1} Deal 1d20 damage to target creature. (Single, Attack)
{1} Target creature gains 20 life. (Healing)

[2](2) Dramatic Entrance
You gain the following power:

[0] Dramatic Entrance - Reaction (Attack) [1/Battle]
Trigger - You conjure a creature
Effect - Choose one:
A) That creature deals 5d8 damage to target creature. (Single)
B) That creature deals 1d12+3 damage to up to 3 different target creatures. (Burst) - Target: Three Closest Oncoming Guards

Total: 11

Total: 11

Total: 8

[3]Mysterious Staff (Conjure Battle Spirit) - Bones of the Earth
Battle Spirit - 2 Charges Left
{1} Deal 1d20 damage to target creature. (Single, Attack) - Target: Fourth Closest Oncoming Guard


Total: 8

[4][-1] Withering Blade - Minor Utility (Bladespell) - Target: Leader of the Reinforcements
The next Single attack you make also causes the target to suffer Weakness 5.

[5][+4] Demand Duel - Standard Action (Attack, Single) - Target: Leader of the Reinforcements
Challenge target creature until the end of your next turn.

Closing Life: 100
Closing energy: 3-1+4=6


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Night Cap does a 'put me down' wiggle so he can follow his comrades into battle.

Life: 100? I took Fatal Damage on old Allspark but I no longer have a record of how much.
Energy: 3

[+8] Grab for Power - Standard Action (Self)
Lose 1d8 energy.

This is a good roll for Grab for Power but yes I am entertained that my very first combat roll on New Allspark is a 1.

Life: 100? I took Fatal Damage on old Allspark but I no longer have a record of how much.
Energy: 10


Nonstop Baaka
“…..” EB’s glare at Omega Knight softened at Beathra’s words. He couldn’t help but recall his reaction when he saw Bea on the rooftop. Still…

He placed Night Cap down with a quick apology and instead of heading off the guards as instructed, he attempted to duck and weave his way through to look at the opening at the wall and talk to the bald man.
“What’s going on over here?”

Life: 150
Energy: 8 (+2 for Minor actions only)
Charges: 13
Adrenaline: 8

[0] Guardian’s Vow - Minor Action (Vow) – on Night Cap

[+1] Adrenaline Rush - Standard Action (Self)
Gain 1d10 Adrenaline. (Roll(1d10): 4)

Energy: 8+1=9 (+2 for Minor actions)
Charges: 13
Adrenaline: 8+4=12

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
"life: 100 energy 3"

Knowing that the old saying often was less true than one would want to believe, Dee was relieved to see EB's attempt to ascertain if the enemy of our enemy was also perhaps an enemy.

She did however enter the battle, because even if your enemy's enemy is your friend, you still have an enemy to fight.

"[+4] Deep Breath - Standard Action (Opener, Self, Healing) You gain 1 life."]
[-1] Backfist - Reaction (Attack, Combo, Single)
Trigger - You use an Opener power
Effect - Deal 3 damage to guard 1.
[-4] Fist of the Falling Star - Reaction (Attack, Finisher, Single) [1/Short Rest]
Trigger - You use a Combo power.
Effect - Deal 9d12 damage to guard 1.

d12: 6, 7, 10, 7, 12, 5, 2, 5, 12 =3+65 damage to guard 1
[12] - Special (Attack, Single)
Deal 2d10 damage to guard 2. You cannot lose life until the start of your next turn.
[12] - Special (Attack, Single)
Deal 2d10 damage to guard 2. You cannot lose life until the start of your next turn.

d10: 5, 3, 4, 7 = 19 damage to guard 2

life: 101 energy:2


Pittied fools.
A voice from the depths of Patch's mind asked, Why stop, darling? Isn't this what you wanted? The woman lay on the ground coughing with heavy congestion. Something that wasn't happening before Patch entered the room.

The man paused in shock upon seeing Kage. "The Omega Knight? Here?!?"

Then...he smiled. A most malevolent smile. He whipped out a bar magnet and tossed it at Kage. "Catch! Heh, you've just given me something I don't have to hold back on." Immediately after that, he tossed a grenade then slipped on a pair of brass knuckles. As EB glanced into the wall, he saw a woman with dark hair and a grey jumpsuit doing something with wiring. Hair like someone he hadn't seen in a long time. However, before he could look closer, the man pulled him back and growled, "I'd stay back if I were you. You don't want to tangle with Master SAVAGE!" As if to punctuate his exclamation, the grenade exploded in a blast of shrapnel.

Meanwhile, as several YPNR guards were knocked out and the temperature dropped from Dee's mighty strike, more joined the fight with a series of blows. But then several others in the distance could be heard coming from behind...

As usual, I'll advance the next player's damage onto the next enemy if a player knocks one out.
Guards A1-4 knocked out.
Guard A7 suffers Weakness 5 and is Challenged by Beathra.
Kage must roll Willpower 10 to not let reflexes kick in and catch the magnet.
Master SAVAGE deals 7d6 damage to the players (Burst). If Kage caught the magnet, the players halve the damage while Kage doubles whatever damage he rolls.
The blast KOs Guard A5.
Master SAVAGE cracks his knuckles...
Guard A6 deals 0 damage to Dee.
Guard A7 deals 9-5=4 damage to Beathra.
Guards B1-3 arrive.
Guard B1 deals 8 damage to EB.
Guard B2 deals ??? damage to Master SAVAGE.
Guard B3 deals 0 damage to Dee.


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Shock hit him like a hammer! The malevolent smile, the weapons and sports gear, the arrogance. He had made a BIG mistake!

You fool!
You let your guard down!
No… Not him!
You bested his attack on the OPD….
Not here…
You are going to fail everyone!


Willpower check to Not catch the Magnet DC10

Yes, i really did roll a ten!

The Omega Knight saw the bar magnet and dodged. Only to smacked aside by the sudden burst it released on impact with the ground.

Kage suffers 7d6 damage from Magnet (Burst)
Total Damage=19


Kage uses Stalk the Prey. Master Savage is now Kages prey and will (once per round) suffer an additional 10 when hit with an attack power.

Kage uses [+3] Contingency Plan (Utility Belt)

Roll 1d8, 1d10, 1d12

Utility Belt (Jester’s Fortune) activates on d8 roll. Immediately use Bag of Tricks twice.

Roll d6

First Use:

Master SAVAGE suffers 2 Ongoing Damage (save ends)

Second Use:

Master SAVAGE suffers 6 Damage. Kage gains 6 Life.


Utility Belt (Jester’s Fortune) activates on d10 roll. Immediately use Bag of Tricks thrice.

First Use:

Master SAVAGE suffers 6 Damage. Kage gains 6 Life.


Second Use:

Kage gains 5 Life.


Third Use:

Master SAVAGE suffers 3 Damage.

Kage uses Quickshot (Free Action)

Master SAVAGE suffers 7 damage. Plus 10 additional damage from Stalk the Prey

Total Damge=2 Ongoing Damage+6+6+3+17=32


Rebounding off the corridor wall, the Omega Knight launched himself straight at the leader of SAVAGE!


Howling in fury (mostly at himself), the Knight of Shadows didn’t bother with anything fancy or stylish, he simply drew Retribution and swung as hard as he could. Putting all his momentum behind the slash!

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
Destron was knocked forward by the blast, it had hit her from behind as she was about to return in kind the attention of the two new guards who had tested their strength against her. face down on the floor of the room she took stock of her condition, this being the first time in a while where a blow of any kind had knocked her out of the dance - doubly so that one had shaken her back to reality via significant pain. She had also lost sight of the two guards, whether they had also been sent hurtling akimbo away from the blast as she had was unknown... that neither had yet resumed attacking her would suggest so - as she had doubts she could credit their noble character for the reprieve while she was prone and an easier target. Hurt and down, the battle continuing around her, her position did offer one piece of information... the floor let slip its secret in a subtle rumble...

"More are coming!" She called out to her companions as she pushed off and up to a standing -if slightly wobbling position.

="d6: = 1, 3, 2, 1, 6, 3, 2 = 18 - 10 armor = 8 damge "

[+1] Stalk the Kill - Standard Action (Self)
You are dazed until the start of your next turn. You may take an additional standard action on your next turn. You cannot use this Power two turns in a row.

life= 101 -8 = 93 energy=2+1 =3

feeling not at all very injured from the blast itself or the assault of the guards just prior to it, Dee took a moment to regain the air that had been knocked out of her before continuing.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Night Cap charges into battle quite heroically, but he doesn't weigh much and so the blast gives him flying lessons.

Life: 100
Energy: 10

Total:24 Damage (Self)

[+1] Pull from Chaos - Standard Action
Roll 1d4, and activate the corresponding effect:
4. Gain 4 Energy. (Self)

Life: 76
Energy: 15


Well-known member
Patch seemed to regain control over her body for a moment, lunging for the woman...

...but as her arm stretched out to seize the woman's throat, her other arm suddenly grabbed it by the wrist and held it tight.

She was furious. "What is this?! What... is... happening..." A piece of broken glass lying on the ground caught her eye. "No... it's impossible..."

Reflected in the glass was the image of a human woman where a demon ought to be.

"NO!" she shrieked and recoiled in revulsion. "This weakness... it should be... gone! I can't be weak... I can't reject... what I've become..." She looked over both of her hands, both of them covered by a spreading dark miasma. "It's... it's too late..."


Nonstop Baaka
A shiver ran down EB’s spine at the sight of Master Savage and the grenade that flew past him and at Omega Knight. He instinctively rolled to the floor but it wasn’t enough to avoid the shrapnel piercing his side. Anger boiled in him, not only at Master Savage, but at Omega. That would have to wait. The sight of the woman behind the wall seemed familiar, but he wasn’t quite sure…

As Omega flew at Savage with his sword drawn, EB called out to him.
“I need to get back there!” He dove towards Savage’s legs in an attempt to knock him down.

Life: 150
Energy: 9 (+2 for Minor actions)
Charges: 13
Adrenaline: 12

Burst damage: Roll(7d6)+0: 4,5,1,2,4,2,2 Total:20

[+2] Your Name On It (Blood Rage) - Standard Action (Attack, Single)
Pay 5 Adrenaline. If you do, deal 6d6 damage to target creature.
Roll(6d6): 4,5,3,3,5,3; Total:23 damage to Savage

Life: 150-20-8 = 122
Energy: 9+2 = 11 (+2 for Minor actions)
Charges: 13+1=14
Adrenaline: 12-5 = 7

The Nth Doctor

The explosion caught Beathra off guard and the spray of hot shrapnel cut into his back. Turning to Kage, he called out[1], "Waste no time on personal rebuke, but make your will known without delay!"

With a wry smile, he addressed Master Savage[2], "Come now Savage, surely a man of your greatness need not hold back. Or are you afraid to fail at full strength?"

As this was said, the strange shuddering in the walls shifted and seemed to flick through the air and wash briefly over Beathra, restoring his wounds[3].

Opening Health: 100
Opening Energy: 6

Grenade Explosion

Guard A7 Damage: 4

Total Damage: 20

[1]Commander 1 of 2 - Target: Kage
Twice per battle, you may use the following combat talent.
[0] Battle Order - Minor Action [2/Short Rest]
Target ally may immediately take a standard action.

[2][-1] Enrapture (Grapple) - Standard Attack (Attack, Single) - Target: Master SAVAGE
Deal 2d6 damage to target creature and Grapple it (save ends). A creature Grappled by you cannot target creatures other than you with Single Attack Powers. When a creature Grappled by you starts its turn, it suffers Weakness 10.

[3]Bones of the Earth - 2 of 3 Charges - Target: Beathra
{1} Target creature gains 20 life. (Healing)

Final Life: 100 - 20 = 80 +20 =100
Final Energy: 6 - 1 = 5


Pittied fools.
Patch's hands began to reach out to the YPNR woman once again while the voice from the depths of her mind implored, "You know you must do that which you so badly wanted this power for. Surely, ending her suffering will more than make up for all the suffering they have caused. Time to reject weakness, darling."


Master SAVAGE seemed to have a manic glee as Kage attacked. While deflecting some of the impact, he shouted, "Ha ha, I never could have guessed the Omega Knight would be up here! What luck! I can't decide if I should shake your hand for being such a survivor or snap your neck for constantly getting in the way. But there is one thing I know I owe you..."

Master SAVAGE reeled back a fist to punch Kage but after a strained pause he connected with Beathra. Incredulous, he stared at his hand in confusion until he seemed to realize, "Oh...you got some of them twinkle sparkle hand wavy powers like Tijuego did. Well, if you want my attention, magic man, you've got it!" Seemingly unfazed by EB's blow, Master SAVAGE pulled out a Whoawie Knife and approached Beathra with maniacal intent. He calmly grabbed the YPNR guard that was trying to attack him without effort.

Laying on the ground, EB spied the the woman from behind the wall stick her head out and look around. However, as she spied him, a mix of expressions went across her face until she said, "EB, you're alive?" Though he recognized her as Sue’zhan...there was no time for reunions. Turning the corner behind the group were more guards, joined by the twins! While the guards joined the melee, Palin whipped out a weapon. Kage might have recognized it as a modified version of the handguns OPDPD carried if he wasn't focused on Master SAVAGE. However, he did recognize the clamor of gunfire and the sharp sting of pain after she shot him. Ronny didn't attack but seemed to be taking a defensive stance.

Master SAVAGE suffers 2 ongoing damage.
Master SAVAGE deals 40-10=30 damage to Beathra.
Master SAVAGE passes his save against ongoing damage.
Master SAVAGE passes his save against Enrapture.
Master SAVAGE grabs Guard B2...
Guard A6 deals 13 damage to Dee.
Guard A7 deals 8 damage to Beathra.
Guard B1 deals 5 damage to EB.
Guard B3 deals 12 damage to Dee.
Guards C1-3, Palin, and Ronny arrive.
Palin deals 65 damage to Kage.
Ronny is doing something...
Guard C1 deals 9 damage to Kage.
Guard C2 deals ??? damage to Master SAVAGE.
Guard C3 deals 13 damage to Night Cap.
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Well-known member
Something on the edge of her consciousness tugged at her. A feeling like this wasn't what she had wanted. She had wanted power for something more. There was something greater that she had hoped to accomplish.

But something else she always knew... is that it would end up like this.

"It's a shame, really. You're not even anyone important." Patch sounded much more collected than she had a moment before. The tension in her movements was gone, and she approached the woman with a dispassionate look on her face. "So if there's a reason this had to happen-" she grabbed the woman and lifted her up to eye level, "-it's because I'm a monster."

The Nth Doctor

Beathra reeled with the attack but rallied, smiling grimly.

"Ah, yes, Tijuego." He sighed. "I still wish we could have done more for her. Howard did what he could and I fought for her redemption, alas... But there is still hope, though it seems those touched by Moscareina must come to their own clarity."

Fixing his eyes on the warlord, his lips twitched into a smirk. "But I have one advantage that those who follow the Mother of Moths could never posses..."

At that moment, the shuddering energy passed through him again, healing much of his injuries[1].

"True companions and friends..."

The energy continued up through his arm and into the ironwood staff with which he surged forward, striking it upon the ground[2]. It seemed to shatter into many fragments but before Savage's eyes they transformed into snaking vines, covered in sharp barbs, reaching out at him and tearing at his flesh[3].

"And the will to share my power with them!"

Turning now to Lady Destron, he called out[4], "Be as the roaring waters of the great N'agua Falls! Bí mar an tuile! Gan staonadh agus gan amhras!"

Opening Health: 100
Opening Energy: 5

30 Damage from SAVAGE
8 Damage from Guard A7

Total Damage: 38

[1]Bones of the Earth - 3 of 3 Charges - Target: Beathra
{1} Target creature gains 20 life. (Healing)

[2][-3] Mysterious Staff (Conjure Battle Spirit) - Standard Action (Conjuration) - Iron Vines
Create a conjuration with the following statblock.
Battle Spirit - 3 Charges
{1} Deal 1d20 damage to target creature. (Single, Attack)
{1} Target creature gains 20 life. (Healing)

[3]Iron Vines - 1 of 3 Charges - Target: Master Savage
{1} Deal 1d20 damage to target creature. (Single, Attack)

[4]Commander 2 of 2 - Target: Destron
Twice per battle, you may use the following combat talent.
[0] Battle Order - Minor Action [2/Short Rest]
Target ally may immediately take a standard action.

Final Life: 100 - 38 = 62 +20 = 82
Final Energy: 5 - 3 = 2


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Despite the conviction and command in Beathras voice, Kage anger and self-recriminations did not abate. Holding tight to Retribution, Kage tried to focus, to think straight. Master SAVAGEs taunting did not help this.

Then the man turned on Beathra!

“You Will NOT!”

As he raised his blade for another strike, Kage heard the sharp retort of gunfire, the cried out as he was hammered by a dozen stinging strikes. Cracking his armour and tearing into his armourweave, the force of the bullets slammed the Omega Knight back against the corridor wall.


Palin deals 65 damage to Kage

Kage uses (-2) Cape Wave (Shield) Minir Action.

Reduce Damage by 2d8

Damage reduced to 60


His armour held, though the concussive force still left him gasping for air. Kage shook his head and stepped forward, still fixated on Master SAVAGE and his stupidity, despite this new and potentially deadly threat. In the back of his mind, the identities of the twins and the oddly familiar nature of Palins weapon subconsciously registered for later.

The Omega Knight roared and charged, at Master SAVAGE!

Kage uses (+4) Quickdraw - Standard Action

Take 2 additional Minor Actions this turn.

Kage uses (-2) Lightning Blade (Bladespell) - Minor Action

The next Single Attack Power will deal an additional 4d8 damage

Kage uses (-5) Eternal Midnight (Torment) - Standard Action

Master SAVAGE suffers 25 Ongoing Damage (save ends)

Lightning Blade causes an additional 4d8 damage

Utility Belt (Jester’s Fortune) activates on d8 roll. Use Bag of Tricks twice.

First Use:

Master Savage suffers 3 Damage

Second Use:

Master SAVAGE suffers 2 Ongoing Damage (save ends)

Kage uses (0) Quickshot - Free Action

Master SAVAGE suffers 7 Damage. Plus an additional 10 Damage from Stalk the Prey

Total Damage=17+3+10+7+27 Ongoing Damage


The Knight spun on his heel and slashed diagonally upwards at the mercenary leader. Continuing the spin, Kage threw his weight into a roundhouse kick aiming to slam his enemy into the corridor wall and deflect any attack at Beathra. Then he sheathed his blade and simply unloaded a series of lightning fast hammer blows on SAVAGE.

“I am Vengeance! Iam your END!”


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Night Cap has a vague, uneasy feeling about the term 'twinkle sparkle power' but that's not important right now. He turns his attention to the newcomers, particularly the one wielding a funky looking metal wand that seems to be hitting Kage with a very loud and very painful looking spell. This must be immediately stopped and the wand confiscated.

Night Cap clears his head and moves where he feels magic trying to take him. He leaps to intercept a blow meant for Dee and continues charging. All this time he's been hoping for someone to teach him how magic works in this nightmare world, but what it it's not actually any different? If it it works at all like it does back home, for the sake of his friends he should be able to hit very hard.

Life: 63
Energy: 15

[+1] Interpose - Reaction
Once per battle, when Destron is targeted by a Single Attack Power - you may have the Power target you instead, then flip a coin. On a heads, you take no damage.
1 is heads, 2 is tails.
Intercepting Guard A6's attack on Dee.

[-1] Going Nova - Minor Action [1/Short Rest]
You may take two additional standard actions this turn. You cannot use this ability on your first or second turn of a battle.

[-5] Lightning Storm- Standard Action (Attack, Burst)
Do each of the following:
-Deal 1d8 damage to up to two different target creatures.
-Deal 1d10 damage to up to two different target creatures.
-Deal 1d12 damage to up to two different target creatures.
You may choose different pairs of targets for each effect.

Targeting Palin twice.

Targeting Palin Twice.

Targeting Palin twice.

[-5] Lightning Storm- Standard Action (Attack, Burst)
Do each of the following:
-Deal 1d8 damage to up to two different target creatures.
-Deal 1d10 damage to up to two different target creatures.
-Deal 1d12 damage to up to two different target creatures.
You may choose different pairs of targets for each effect.

Targeting Palin twice.

Targeting Palin twice.

Targeting Palin twice.

[-5] Lightning Storm- Standard Action (Attack, Burst)
Do each of the following:
-Deal 1d8 damage to up to two different target creatures.
-Deal 1d10 damage to up to two different target creatures.
-Deal 1d12 damage to up to two different target creatures.
You may choose different pairs of targets for each effect.

Targeting Palin twice.

Targeting Palin twice.

Targeting Palin twice.

[8] - Special
You may immediately use Bag of Tricks twice.

[0] Bag of Tricks - Special
Roll 1d6, and activate the corresponding effect:
1) Target creature gains 1 energy. (Dee)
1) Target creature gains 1 energy. (Dee)

[10] - Special
You may immediately use Bag of Tricks thrice.

[0] Bag of Tricks - Special
Roll 1d6, and activate the corresponding effect:
2) Target creature suffers 2 Ongoing Damage (save ends). (Attack, Single, Affliction) (Palin)
1) Target creature gains 1 energy. (Dee)
3) Deal 3 damage to target creature. (Attack, Single) (Palin)

Life: 63
Energy: 0


Nonstop Baaka
“Sue…?” Her name came out in a shaky whisper and he froze until a guard’s hit snapped him out of it. His focus shifted to the oncoming guards.

“Wait! We’re trying to stop Savage too!” It was likely a futile attempt to appeal to the guards, but he had to try. He focused his irritation into his forearms, which soon grew fur and claws. As soon as Omega was done attacking, he dove in with multiple swipes and ended with a knee towards Savage’s gut.

Life: 122-5=117
Energy:11 (+2 for Minor actions)
Charges: 14
Adrenaline: 7

[0] Pounce - Reaction (Panther, Form, Single, Attack)
Trigger - You enter Form of the Panther.
Effect - Remove all Charges from Form of the Panther. Deal 1d4 damage to target creature for each Charge removed this way.
14 charges: Roll(14d4): 4,1,1,4,3,3,3,2,3,2,2,3,3,3; Total:37

[-4] Maul - Standard Action (Attack, Panther, Form, Single)
Deal 3d10 damage to target creature. That creature suffers 5 Ongoing Damage (save ends) and Weakness 10.
Roll(3d10): 3,9,4; Total:16

Life: 117
Energy:7 (+2 for Minor actions)
Charges: 0
Adrenaline: 7

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
Once she was up, events around her -unlike when she was down -returned to their normal chaotic pace. Friend and foe alike moving swiftly here and there the dance continuing without her, and she was seemingly behind a step.

life= 101 -8 = 93 energy=2+1 =3 status: dazed until this turn begins.

Guard A6 deals 13 damage to Dee. -10/armor = 3 damage
Guard B3 deals 12 damage to Dee. -10/armor = 2 damage
Commander 2 of 2 - Target: Destron Twice per battle, you may use the following combat talent. [0] Battle Order - Minor Action [2/Short Rest] Target ally may immediately take a standard action."
Interpose - Reaction
Once per battle, when Destron is targeted by a Single Attack Power - you may have the Power target you instead, then flip a coin. On a heads, you take no damage.
1 is heads, 2 is tails.
Intercepting Guard A6's attack on Dee.
Guard A6 deals 13 damage to Dee. -10/armor = 3 damage to Nightcap
Bag of Tricks -
Roll 1d6, and activate the corresponding effect:
1) Target creature gains 1 energy. (Dee)
1) Target creature gains 1 energy. (Dee)
1) Target creature gains 1 energy. (Dee)

life= 93-2 =91 energy=3+3=6

Start of turn: using standard action gain from Beathra
[+1] Conjure Holy Gifts (Conjure Dispenser) - Standard Action (Conjuration)
Create a conjuration with the following statblock.
Holy Gifts (Dispenser) - 3 Charges
{1} Holy Healing (Med-Kit) (Healing)
Target creature gains 7 Life.

target Nightcap, gain 7 life used 1of3 charges

life= 93-2 =91 energy=3+3=6+1 =7

Dee beseeches the Goddesses to aid her friends while she regains her connection to the rhythm of the fight.
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