[IC] Mey Hem: Submitted For Your Disapproval (cont.)


Well-known member
"Going ahead... well, it makes some sense, I guess. Let me try something to cover our tracks. I learned from this book that there's a special numbering system called 'binary' that computerized machines use to communicate. It's a bit difficult to get my head around completely, but applying it with some illusion magic might throw these metal mooks off for a bit."

In the direction that the robot footsteps were coming from, a wall of light appeared that seemed to block the hallway. If anyone looked closely, they would see that the light was not solid, but made of tiny 1s and 0s scrolling horizontally.

Create Minor Illusion (3) – 5/Extended Rest
Time: 5 Seconds
You conjure the image of an object that would fit in a cube 20 feet on a side. The illusion lasts for 4 hours after which it vanishes. If someone notices your illusion not behaving the way you'd expect it to (for example, a hand passing right through your illusion of a door instead of resting on the doorknob), they'll instantly be able to figure out that it's an illusion. The illusion can be dispelled with an Arcana check that has a DC equal to 15 + (Your Level).


Nonstop Baaka
"It'll be ok. I can carry you if you want." EB asked the kids softly. He thought about shifting to his werebunny form, but was unsure how these kids would react to that.

Presence check:
1d20 + 9 to total : 17, + 9, TOTAL: 26


Pittied fools.
The children didn't need EB to carry them but they did follow when the group entered the room. As soon as they entered, the door shut behind them. It was quiet, save for a mechanical hum in the distance. Following a long hallway, it made a turn and opened up to a massive laboratory. Numerous transparent capsules lined the wall and countless walkways criss crossed the ceiling. The light was blinding, if sterile.

An unseen female voice spoke out that Patch recognized from her time separate from the group. Everyone else recognized the voice as coming from Chief Apothecary Jezejandra. She was seemingly amused as she announced, "First, I'd like to thank everyone for settling a little dispute. For the longest, Correspondent 251 and I wondered who was truly the most intelligent. Seeing as I'm not the one bound and gagged, that's been thoroughly proven. Second, thank you for being gracious enough to deliver both the children and Citizen 19640124 to me. It'll make my work so much easier."


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
“The bigger the ego. The smaller the mind.

I am going to enjoy making you eat those words,” Kage growled. His patience had long since been exhausted. The Knight then simply gazed around, trying to quickly get a lay of the land. Or in this case, the lab.

Perception check
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Pittied fools.
Kage saw the room had a lot of machinery working autonomously. Though, he noticed the machines closest to the group slowed to a stop. The lab was massive, easily fitting a fleet of vehicles, but floor space was limited due to the machinery. The Chief Apothecary could be seen on the upper walkways looking at the group. She announced, "There's a lot of work to do but there is one thing that needs to done first...

Monday, assist me."

Monday March suddenly disappeared from the group and appeared next to the Chief Apothecary. She looked on in terror as Jezejandra continued, "First, I just wanted to let you know I found where you were hiding your backups...and fed them to the firewall. I had been wondering why you kept reverting each time you were deleted. Now, I'll have a proper clean slate to work with. Second? FIRE."

As a ray gun fired from the ceiling, Monday cried out in an echoing shriek of agony. When the ray gun powered down, Monday was left flickering and sobbing. The Chief Apothecary arched an eyebrow in intrigue, "Still here? Huh, I guess I do program well. But when the ray gun finishes recharging the job will be done.

And as for you, Citizen 19640124, I do hope you'll be more cooperative. I might even be gracious enough to use a sedative."

In a room adjacent to the lab, a subject woke up. Sedation had worn off and operations hadn't started. More importantly the mind on the table had been born anew. Something ancient stirred and in hearing the scream from the adjacent room, they knew help was needed.

The Nth Doctor

Forest spread out before the Chemist, deep, silent and foreboding. Ironwood trees, impossibly tall and straight rose into the dark sky and faded into the blackness around him. All was silence and stillness.

“Am I free…?”

His voice came not as speech but in thought, abstract and spectral and likewise a response was born to him on the unmoving air.

“No. You are not yet free.”

The Chemist whimpered inwardly. “They will kill me. They are killing me!”

Again, the thought of a voice replied, “They may. We have brought your mind here for a moment, frozen in time.”

“Why? Who are you?”

“We can offer you a chance. That is all.”

“Show yourself!”

A form appeared before the Chemist. A man. And yet, not. The form of a man, built of earth and stone, bound together by roots and vine. He wore a cloak of leaves and an ironwood circlet was on his brow. Eyes of deep emeralds peered out from under heavy lids, his face was dour and sorrowful.

“We can offer you a chance. That is all.”

“A chance for what?”

“Survival. To free yourself and others who suffer your fate. You will not be alone, there will be friends. And enemies.”

“Anything is better than dying under the scalpel. They brought me here because I was useful, but it seems I am no longer useful, except as a sacrifice to their experiments.”

The man nodded, a flicker of doubt entering his shining green eyes.

“A warning: You will be changed. You will open your eyes with new sight and new perspective. And great power. You will survive and others will survive because of you. But you will be changed.”

“And the other option is torment and death?”


“Then living is the only logical choice. What must I do?”

The cloaked man smiled, teeth of white stone showing through parted lips. His voice said, “Just place the ring upon your finger, then you and we will awake.”

The Chemist was confused. “Ring, what…ring?” Yet there, in his palm was a metal ring, carved with many interlocking organic patterns. It was heavy in his hand and for a moment, fear gripped him. Yet it passed. There was no other choice. He knew this. And so he did as requested.

“Monday!” The man cried sharply, panting heavily, eyes wild with a terror and anxiety he could not yet understand.

Sitting up with a violent motion, he surveyed the scene around him. Was he alone? Dark or light? Where were the trees? What was this ring in his hand? Why didn’t it fit him? Why was he concerned for the abstract concept of a specific day of the week? This and other questions crashed about in his brain until one overriding motivation filled his mind: Escape. But how? Steadying his nerves, he now surveyed the scene with more focus and a growing determination[1].

[1] Perception Check to Examine the Room for Opportunities and Obstacles:
Total: 16


Well-known member
Patch felt the anger begin to rise up inside of her. Maybe it was a growing sense of familiarity, and a diminishing sense of threat, from having encountered Monday several times in this strange place. Maybe it Monday's uncanny similarity to Friday. Whatever it was, seeing the Chief Apothecary doing this to Monday made Patch feel sick.

For a moment, she wished she still had the supernatural physique of her transformed self. No. Not that. That's the last thing I want, she reminded herself. Getting angry won't solve anything. I need to think clearly.

The laser in the ceiling posed the biggest threat at the moment. What could resist a weapon like that? She glanced around the room for something when the answer hit her. The floor! If she mounts a laser on the ceiling, she's not going to want it burning holes through the floor, right? Backing up slightly behind some of her taller companions, she knelt down and placed a hand on the floor...

Using Fabricate to create a large disc/shield made from the floor's material. Let me know if a skill check is needed.

* Fabricate (3) – 3/Extended Rest
Time: 5 Seconds
You convert up to 30 cubic feet of material per your level of one sort into a product that is of the same material, provided you are touching the material. Thus you could fabricate a wooden bridge from a clump of trees, a rope from a patch of hemp etc. Creatures or magic items cannot be created or transmuted using this ability. The quality of items made by this spell is commensurate with the quality of material used as the basis for the new fabrication, thus using rotten wood for construction would result in a rotten wooden bridge. You must make an appropriate skill check as if you were crafting the item by hand to fabricate articles requiring a significant degree of craftsmanship (such as well-crafted weapons or a catapult).


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Omegas jaw clenched. They had found what they were looking for. More than what they were looking for in fact.

Then Jezejandra pulled Monday to her and tried to kill her!

Without a word, the Knight spun on his heel, cape swirling and launched a small metal ball high into the air. Mentally counting to three, Omega activated his more advanced stealth tech decoy system as the ball burst and flooded the air between them and the ‘Chief Apothecary’ with and expanding cloud of thick white mist!

Invisibly, the Knight started moving. Quickly, he pulled a small device from his belt, scribbled a quick note and pushed it into Patchs free hand.

It read:
This is Fridays receiver. Keep her safe.

Meanwhile, Omegas holographic form spoke softly to the others.

”I am on my way up to that gantry. Do what you can to distract or attack her yourself. We don’t have much time to save Monday.” Then he moved to hide whatever Patch was doing.

As the real (unseen) Omega Knight popped his climbing talons and started to navigate his way through the crazy mass of machinery and gantry’s as quickly (and quietly) as he could. He whispered.

Don’t worry Friday. We’ll save her.

Kage uses Smoke Bomb, Spider Climb and Illusiory Decoy
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Destron D-69

at Journey's end
Destron watched as everyone began moving... the tactics were solid, Kage was right to gain higher ground, they were at a disadvantage - likely why their enemy picked this moment to strike. Not only were they at a terrain disadvantage, but they also had innocents to protect as well as a hostage's safetly to worry about when pressing any form of counter-attack... this woman was perhaps as smart as she believed herself to be. Underestimating her would not serve them in this battle...

Nearly useless at range, Dee would have to focus on protecting the children for now. Patch and Omega Knight were both engaged already, that left EB and Night Cap... those two weren't as limited as she was...

Dee uses "Not This Day! (2) – Heroic Time: Instantaneous Choose either Endurance, Reflex or Willpower. You and up to six allies within 100 feet of you each gain +10 to that defense for the next five minutes." giving everyone +10 to reflex in case we go and have to dodge lasers, EB, Kage, Nigt Cap, Patch, myself and Sue'zhan to be specific
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Nonstop Baaka
"Sue, keep the kids safe!" EB didn't have time to get angry. They definitely needed to take that lazer out...
He looked down at Night Cap, thinking about what they tried before. Night Cap nodded at him. EB nodded back. Within a few moments, EB launched the pawny like a football towards the laser, right as the smokebomb went off.

Might check to launch Cappy
1d20 + 15 : 17+15, TOTAL: 32
Hope you don't mind the slight artistic lisence here, just thought it'd be funny.


Pittied fools.
The Chemist saw through his waking haze that there was an open doorway on the other side of the room. He also noticed machine with a mechanical arm and a sharp scalpel was lowering towards him and a second machine moving in to hold him down...

As the Omega Knight ran across the various walkways, he saw the Chief Apothecary was reacting to the smoke cloud. "Computer: Disconnect. Move to clear vantage point. Subdue invaders. Retrieve capsule." Sparks burst around her and the small section of walkway she was standing on separated and started hovering away from where Monday was. An arm sized capsule started to hover towards the Chief Apothecary from across the room.

Meanwhile, it seemed Dee had guessed correct as the machines in front of the group that stopped moving as they entered now sprung to life! If EB's throw was less true, one of the machines would have snatched Night Cap out of the air. A red laser from one of the machines swept toward the group, though the angle was strange. Sue'zhan snapped to attention and tried to hustle the children out of the way while Correspondent 251 sighed.

However, the surprise was when the ceiling lights suddenly turned off leaving the room in an eerie glow from the emergency lights and various experiments. In Patch's head she heard Friday say, "I think I found the lights. Jezejandra mentioned deliberately feeding things to the firewall, so I tested. Still struggling with the rest of the systems. Just...

I remember how much it hurt when The Cloaked Man fired his ray gun and he wasn't even aiming at me. I had to do something to try to help, even if it's not much."

Night Cap: Might DC 10 to smash the ray gun
Patch & Dee: Reflex DC 20 to dodge the laser (or appropriate alternate skill)


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Night Cap extends both forelimbs as he flies towards his destiny. The Superpony pose never works out but he's seen pegasuses do this. They must have a reason.

Ponies and gryphons always talked about throwing him. They must have been vaguely sensing that he was born for this moment. He cannot fail.

Rolling line 1 : 1d20 + 2 to total : 8, + 2, TOTAL: 10


The Nth Doctor

"Yeah, no, I don't think so..."

The Chemist rolled off the table and made for the open door, pausing only briefly to collect a threadbare lab coat that might once have been his own, except it was now two sizes too large. Rolling up the sleeves, he reached into the pockets and was pleased by what he found. There was no reason for them to be there, but it was too good a coincidence to ignore. He began pulling technicolor vials from the improbably full pockets.

"A green, yes, yes... blue? Yes. Now if I just had some seeds..."

Passing through the doorway, he stopped and surveyed the scene of... darkness. Punctuated by strange and disorienting glows and billowing smoke. And... a pony... flying through the air? What? Then he saw the Chief Apothecary and a frown took over his face. Whoever these people were, they were clearly in opposition of her. And that made them friends.

"You!" He called to the imposing Viknadian woman, tossing her a vial of light blue liquid. "Drink this, it'll help!"[1]

He turned to eye the Chief Apothecary with a resentful scowl. "Being honest, luv," He said to Dee, "you don't seem like the sort to sit back an' wait." Here the man pulled a few glowing vials from his pockets and grinned manically, "What say you an' me cause a ruckus?"

[1]Motivational Speaker 5 Hour Energy Infusion (3) – 3/Extended Rest - Target: Destron
Time: 10 Seconds
Target ally may roll twice and take the higher result on his or her next skill check.

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
Reflex, with the +10 and my stat of 5 I just need to roll above a 5... [d20= 12] = 27 okay that's good.

Having grown up in the wilds of the midlands between her home and the south Destron's vision was not thwarted by the darkness... a soft chuckle in her mind as she thought 'I was one with the darkness' ... as such, she now kept her eyes fixed on the enemy and made sure to keep track of her movements.

When the Laser fired Dee would have moved unless Patch didn't, then she would have taken the hit.

Dee's condition -either dodged or lasered if not dead, she catches the tossed vial.

"A Ruckus... Stranger, Aye... a Ruckus we can do." She drinks the vial,

*Zam, I'm holding my action until you describe Night Cap's assault on the laser, I don't want to have Dee get too far ahead... but I'll be using Sunderblade to toss her sword javelin style if she needs to. I'll roll now so I don't forget. [might = 10+ [d20]= 6, 12 (thanks Doc) =22 (+40) at the base of the laser/underside of the platform it's attached to.

The Nth Doctor

Suddenly the Chemist's eyes locked on the hurtling pawny with unexpected recognition.

"Night Cap..."

Half unaware of his own actions, a hand shot into a coat pocket and pulled a pair of vials out, flinging them to where it seemed the airborne equine might land[1]. In one vial, a selection of seeds, the other, a green substance that glowed faintly.

Where they smashed on the floor, up sprung a giant blooming sunflower with a spring like stem.
Dexterity Check for catching Night Cap:
D20+4=2+4 total:6

Welp XD


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Keeping one eye on his friends and Jezejandras attempts to ‘deal with them’. He also took note of the ‘Capsule’ that she called for too…

Then he nearly choked as he saw Night Cap launched into the air to (incredibly) successfully smash the raygun!

”And here I thought such things were purely fictional,” he muttered. Then shook his head and chuckled. It was at this point that his spotted the strange, suited (if very bedraggled looking, arrival. He eyed the man as he tossed vials and called out to the rest of the group. Omega had no clue who this man was, yet felt an odd sense of…familiarity? There was no reason for it, nothing about him jogged Kages memory, yet there it was.

Then the man attempted to intercept Night Caps ‘ahem’ flight…

More like falling with style.
My my… Was that a joke?
’sigh’ Where have you been hiding.
I haven’t. I’m you, remember. I’ve just been watching, since you’ve been kinda focused.
Never stopped you before.
True, true. But you’ve never been more, uh, ‘You’ before.
What’s that supposed to mean?
You can figure that out for yourself surely. Anyway…stop talking to yourself and get back to work. The falling Pawny knight needs assistance…

…the Knight pulled out his grapnel launcher, aimed at the underside of the ‘Chief Apothecarys’ hovering escape platform and fired! As he did so, the Omega Knight lept over the walkway he was on, twisting in the air and using both his momentum and gravity to swing him through the air. Hoping to catch the flying pawny (if he could), the Knights main focus was to launch himself up and onto the platform above. Kage wanted to take down their latest adversaruy as fast as possible, before Jezejandra tried any more tricks with her machinery.

Acrobatics check for all the swinging.


Dexterity check to catch Bight Cap.

Nice again!

Might check to take out Jezejandra.

Oh my god! This is awesome!

’sigh’ I’m gonna pay for this later i’m sure.
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Well-known member
Reflexes check:
Mon Aug 28 2023 05:22:21 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
Rolling line 1 : 1d20 + 10 to total : 17, + 10, TOTAL: 27

"Yikes!" Patch might not have seen the laser coming towards her in time if she hadn't noticed Lady Destron's own move to dodge.

Checking to make sure the fabricated shield was still intact, she began levitating it towards EB. "Here, EB, take this!"

Mystic Manipulation (Telekinesis) (2) – At Will
Time: Instantaneous
You may mentally pick up or manipulate any number of objects within 50 feet of you with combined weights of 50 pounds or less. You can move objects this way at a foot per second.


Nonstop Baaka
EB wasn't sure who the new guy was or where he came from, but he noted the assistance. In any case, there was no time to question it. He turned to Patch and reached out for the shield.
"Got it!" Not wanting to get in the way of the others' attempts to save Cappy, he crouched with the shield, ready to spring into action if needed.

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