"Of couuuurse she coooould, howeeeever sheee also has maaaany plaaaates spiiiinning at any oooone time." Alistair states, without missing a beat at the accusation. "The Hiiiigh Priiiiest is oooone of the stroooongest maaaares I knoooow, but Taaaking caaaare of eveeeery single taaaask herseeeelf is highly ineeeefficieeent and nothiiing wouuuld eveeer truly geeeet done. And to think oootherwiiiise is foooooalishneeeess; afteraaaall, unleeeess yoooou're planning to soooolo this miiiiission, then yooou also doooon't seeeeem to be stiiiicking to whaaaatever teneeeents you beeeelieve in."