[IC] STOMP Super Spooktacular Special!


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Scarlet stared at the others for a bit. While his mind was slowly unfogged after the encounter with ‘Rasophae’, he still wasn’t thinking straight. He wanted to say something to the others, try and reconcile things, but nothing solid came.

Had Static died, instead of slipping into a secret passage, while Scarlet tried to hunt clues. Scarlet would have never forgiven himself. Ever.

And Harmony. Scared, angry and upset. Looking for her sisters and feeling that the only one she could rely on was Static.

Nothing he could say now could undo his mistakes. It would simply sound hollow and meanigless. Still, he intended to try.

Just not yet.

Scarlet took a deep breath, pulled out the torn paper again and held it up to the others.

”The Forestof the Dead is where you Learn to Spell. Thats what i found.

Somethings in the Library

First though, lets get this colt out of harms way.”

Turning to the door, Scarlet sighed.

”I’m sorry, for everything, he said softly.


Dining Room:

It was everything Team Get-along Gang was expecting, and unfortunately more. It was a fairly large dining room filled with all sorts knick-knacks from all over, in the middle of the room was one large table, but not super long. It had all sorts of food, though the center piece looked to be a plate of smoked kippers.But the room already had a guest that was enjoying the feast. a green colored unicorn, or used to be as the trio could see right through it was gorging itself on on food... though all that it 'consumed' just feel right through its body and landed on the floor. As the door open it looks up and shoots a deathly glare at those that dare interrupt its meal. With an unearthly roar it charged right at Night Cap chasing the trio back out into the hall, but not before leaving the poor earth pony covered in green glop.



As Team Powder Keg seemed to mostly starting to agree on something and leave the Trophy room to escort the witness back to the ballroom and safety under Swift Tart's supervision, they could hear the screams of their other friends as they are chased out of their room.


"Are you okay Mr. Night Cap?"

Misty is shivering enough that it's audible. "L-L-Le-L-L-Le-Let's n-n-n-not g-g-go b-b-ba-ba-back in-n th-th-th-there ag-g-g-gain."

As team powder keg approaches team Get-along Gang, Static can be seen still wearing his mask. The bleeding had stopped mostly. Instead of wet blood around the sides, it was mostly a sticky goo now. Some had dried completely and matted his fur on his face. He takes one look at Night Cap. "What happened to you?"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"I think that's a good idea Misty, Maybe Static's team should g-i-v-e i-t a s-h-o-t." Maple says, as she gives Misty a firm hug to try and settle her nerves a bit.

Amber wasn't certain how to respond to Scarlet and his apology - he was the only teammate she had who was behaving like one in the least. Then she heard the shouts echoing their way down from the other side of the hallway circuit.

Maple! Mr. Cap!

Amber motioned Harmony (as little begrudgingly as she could manage) and the unicorn in the direction of the ballroom door while the others followed Static's charge further down the hallway toward the dining room and the screaming.

She smiled faintly at the cowering unicorn and hoped it was at least a very little bit encouraging as he walked through the bright doorway and passed into Swifty's care.

"once you get cleaned up, I've got a snack that might cheer you up." Maple holds open a flab on her saddlebag and lets Night Cap and Misty have a look at the snacks she grabbed before.

"I have enough for every pony, if your team wants some to Mr. Spectrum."

Gradually catching up, Amber looked over the trio. "You're all alright!" she said, raising an eyebrow as she looked over Night Cap. "Have you found anything?"

Harmony smirks softly as she looked over to Night Cap covered in that horrid substance. "Well, at the very least that two-bit shoddy costume got what it deserved."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Maple Looks at Harmony and laughs... "Yeah, it's a good thing it didn't cost three bits, or it might not have torn easy enough to hold your sister together long enough to get possessed by a demon mask."


"Oh, you meant Mr. Night Cap's... sorry that was mean then... what I just said."
Maple adds, turning away from the new mare.

"Yes, like the bug knows anything about fashion." Harmony sneers looking down to Maple. "Maybe you should stick to what your good at like feasting on the emotions of that terrified Pegasus you never leave the side of. Or maybe when you see my sister you can offer her snacks and belly rubs like this was just some merry little picnic as slaughters all your teammates. But I guess I shouldn't expect much, pony emotions are just too complex for you to understand, that's why you got to fake everything isn't it?" She asks as she peers down to the little 'pony', she doesn't know w! hat STOMP is or what they do, but this she knew. Rhapsody was good at keeping stuff secret, expect for the stuff that upset her, and Maple's reveal deeply upset her even if she'd made peace with the little Pegasus by now, but her getting Catty with Harmony wasn't helping the distraught sister.

"Rhapsody has her faults, and one of them is assuming the conclusions she jumps to are correct and then never bothering to actually make sure... it must be genetic. We don't actually Know each other MissHarmony." Maple turns back with her hoves up. "Now, in the span of a minute, you've insulted my friend, my lady and my character... with absolutely no prompting. I'll admit, it's nice to not be the only monster in the room... but shut your mouth before I knock your teeth out."

A presence deep, dark, and spectral grabbed hold of Amber's mind, taking hold of all that was dark within her and moving her body as if by forces behind her control.


"Amber, noooooo!"


"We shouldn't be fighting, everypony! If we get distracted, we'll be easy pickings for the g-g-ghosts!"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Maple, drops her hooves.

Amber was panting heavily as she yielded and untangled herself from the young pegasus who had so easily overpowered her. When she spoke, it was in a snapping, defeated string of bile. "Somepony else foalsit this spiteful, empty-headed strumpet you all insist is a member of our team. I'm going to the library." She abruptly trotted down the hallway at the clip of a pony precisely on time for a meeting, with all the poise of a pony attempting to give precisely that impression but just as likely at any moment to break into tears.

"Oh gosh... what do we do now Mr. Night Cap?"

Though Scarlet had rushed to the cries of his friends, as he had a pretty good idea of what had happened to them. He had stayed silent till now, as he was still grappling with how he was going to get through to Static.

All of that just went out the window. Grief and distrust were no excuse for this! Scarlet voice started in a low, contemptuous growl, though it didn’t take long before he was shouting.

“Now who’s being callous? Now who’s being cruel? You sanctimonious airhead! Stop using your grief and bitterness as a bludgeon to beat other ponies with!

With a sharp gasp, Scarlet forced himself to calm down. When he continued, his emotions were firmly back under control.

”Yes, your sisters are lost and you’re desperate to find them. I get that. I also completely understand why you don’t trust any of us. Save for Static of course, because you like him. You don’t know us, you only have Rhapsody words to go on.

But get this through that wall if fear if you can.

We are. Alltrying to save Rhapsody!

We are all trying to save Symphony!

We are all trying to save... You!

You are not the only, lonely pony searching for a way to rescue them.

And you have no right to belittle and badger a pony you barely know! I will say to you what i said to your sister when the truth about Maple came out. Except and until she turns on us and starts acting the way all Changelings of the past have done. I will continue to treat Maple as the pony she is!

Despite what you seem to think, we aren’t a bunch of fools whowill abandon you at the drop of a hat. We are the professionals here. If Rhapsody told you anything about what she does for the Keep, you must know that.”

Turning to Static, he spoke softly.

”Don’r you dare defend her on this. Maple is your friend.”

While he wanted to just fly off to the Library and get on with the hunt, he was not going to let the team splinter again.

”Amber, wait! Please. We need to stay together!”

"Not with her!" Amber called over her shoulder without stopping.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Destron D-69:
"Oh gosh... what do we do now Mr. Night Cap?"

"Oh, dear... I think ve should probably peel them apart, first..."

In as bad a mood as he was with Scarlet and Amber, Static was stunned when Harmony railed against Maple. He was too shocked to even make a move as Amber was winding up for a punch. And after the briefest of thoughts, he wasn't sure he wanted to stop her.

He was sure Harmony would want to go to the next clock-wise room like the original plan. Static honestly wasn't sure whether he wanted to go with her or go with the others to the library. Then he realized either way it was the same room.

He sighed as he walked in line to the room. "Maple didn't deserve that," he said softly as he walked into the library, hoping that Harmony was going to follow. After all, it was the next room. But after everything that just happened...?

"Well, I think I should go home now."
Maple gets up and nuzzles Misty a little before walking toward the door.

"Good luck with your family Rhapsody."

Scarlet tried to think, waving a wing absently as he felt his brain complaining.

"Hey, you ponyfeathered buck! Ow, i really shouldn't shout. i almost believed you!


Well it's... uh... It's...um...?

It is... Today?

Today is...uh... "

Static looked at the empty Mescal bottle. "Riiiiiiight!" Having already finished off his own bottle, Static was also finding it harder to focus. But he at least seemed to be having a slightly better time of it than Scarlet. But you could see the gears turning. "I was kidding about the fire alarm test...but...do we even work tomorrow?" A slightly puzzled look crossed his face. "What day even is it?"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Though Scarlet had rushed to the cries of his friends, as he had a pretty good idea of what had happened to them. He had stayed silent till now, as he was still grappling with how he was going to get through to Static.

All of that just went out the window. Grief and distrust were no excuse for this! Scarlet voice started in a low, contemptuous growl, though it didn’t take long before he was shouting.

“Now who’s being callous? Now who’s being cruel? You sanctimonious airhead! Stop using your grief and bitterness as a bludgeon to beat other ponies with!

With a sharp gasp, Scarlet forced himself to calm down. When he continued, his emotions were firmly back under control.

”Yes, your sisters are lost and you’re desperate to find them. I get that. I also completely understand why you don’t trust any of us. Save for Static of course, because you like him. You don’t know us, you only have Rhapsody words to go on.

But get this through that wall if fear if you can.

We are. Alltrying to save Rhapsody!

We are all trying to save Symphony!

We are all trying to save... You!

You are not the only, lonely pony searching for a way to rescue them.

And you have no right to belittle and badger a pony you barely know! I will say to you what i said to your sister when the truth about Maple came out. Except and until she turns on us and starts acting the way all Changelings of the past have done. I will continue to treat Maple as the pony she is!

Despite what you seem to think, we aren’t a bunch of fools whowill abandon you at the drop of a hat. We are the professionals here. If Rhapsody told you anything about what she does for the Keep, you must know that.”

Turning to Static, he spoke softly.

”Don’r you dare defend her on this. Maple is your friend.”

While he wanted to just fly off to the Library and get on with the hunt, he was not going to let the team splinter again.

”Amber, wait! Please. We need to stay together!”

AH, So that's why your fine about the little runt joking about Rhapsody death like its nothing? Some friends you have." She sneers. "I was trying to lighten the luna damned mood. But Honestly, you can all go die for all I care!" She yells, and of course being Slimed by Night Cap likely didn't help anything any, but at the same time it seemed some of her anger my have left her, not much but she seemed slightly less ready to just pumble someone into a greasy smear.

"That little harlot threatened my life, you wanted to turn my prioritizing Static over finding clues as selfishness to get him to turn against me, now my sister's death is a joke to you lot. And you all DARE accuse me of being in the wrong?" She says seething with rage. "I'm wondering if you lot we're even really her friends. Maybe you're not doing this out of loyalty, you're doing it out of guilt! She apparently sacrificed herself,... something none of you seem willing to do based on the discussion about what to do with that witness we found, and it struck a nerve! You're all the least professional group of professional I've ever had the displeasure to deal with!"

Scarlets glare could have cut glass.

”Tell me, calling a total stranger ‘a little bug who’s too stupid to understand things’ is... Lightening the Mood, is it?

For bucks sake Harmony! Will nothing get through to you? Will ANY action we take mean a damned thing to you, or will you twist everything!

Had any one of us been close enough to see the attack. We would have done something! Rhapsody was closest. Rhapsody acted. Why? Because she’s a hero!

And no. It isn’t guilt that drives us. Its love. We care about Rhapsody and we all want to save her. We’re good like that.

As for our Unicorn witness. We need to get him back to the ballroom, because that is the only place that is protected from the fgosts. Which is something you would no if you’d listened to Swift Tart.


I will say it again. You are not the only one who cares.”

Scarlets glare could have cut glass.

”Tell me, calling a total stranger ‘a little bug who’s too stupid to understand things’ is... Lightening the Mood, is it?

Harmony rolled her eyes. "You are so bucking dense. My comment about the costume deserving it, the one that made the little runt make her callous joke, was trying to lighten the mood. No, Joking about my sister's death? Which I see NONE of you calling her out on, SO much love there. She's lucky I don't punt her out a window!"

Static sighs as Harmony responds to Scarlet. "She's got a point there. Maple, not funny. Everypony else, including Harmony...including me...can we all take a collective deep breath and remember who we're doing this for. While we stand here arguing, Rhapsody is still out there possessed by this demon. I can only imagine she's in pain like none of us have ever known. So in the name of our love for her, can we stop arguing and keep investigating as quickly as possible so our friend doesn't suffer needlessly?"

And no. It isn’t guilt that drives us. Its love.

At the library door, hearing Scarlet's raised voice echoing around the passageway, Amber dropped her head, the knot pulling ever tighter in her stomach, before raising a hoof to swing open the door.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Scarlet looks to Static and nods.

”Yes. Lets get back to it.”

Scarlet shook himself hard, trying to drive his anger away and get back to a calmer, more focused mindset. Turning to Maple, he shook his head and gave her a disappointed look.

”I was angry because of what Harmony said to you, but she’s right. What you said to her wasn’t kind and wasn’t funny.


I’m tired of being angry, of being wrong.

Lead on Static. Lets go break this curse.”

Misty is quiet as she ponders the situation. It seems to her that Harmony is not going to get along with Amber, Scarlet, or Maple. Which means...

"I'll go vith Harmony. Static can take my place vith Night Cap and Maple, and Scarlet, you should go find Amber so she's not all alone."

"It wasn't a joke." Maple gives Misty a hug before she walks past Harmony. Dropping her disguise as she does so. "If your sister meant nothing to me I wouldn't still have her dried blood all over me..." Maple's magic reignites and she continues onto the library.


A large room filled wall to wall with books, even the doors are book shelves. As Scarlet follows the Angry and the diminutive mares in, the doors suddenly close behind him. No matter what they try they can't get the open.


As Amber, Maple, and Scarlet enter the library, the doors slam behind them as a trio of ghosts appear in the hall, fairly familar looking ghosts. The vengeful spirits of the Hex Mares. They giggles as they look from one another then to the remaining STOMP members. And of course the trio begin to sing as they chase the group through the halls.

You hear the screeching of an owl,
You hear the wind begin to howl,
You know there's Ghosties on the prowl,
And it's
terror time again.
They've got you running though the night,
terror time again.
And you just might die of fright,
It's a terrifying time.

You hear the beating of your heart,
You know the screaming's gonna start,
Here comes the really scary part,
'Cause it's
terror time again.
They've got you running through the night,
terror time again.
Oh, you just might die of fright,
It's a terrifying time.

All the trees begin to moan,
And the ghosties grunt and groan,
Rotting faces full of slime,
Don't you
know it's terror time?

And it's
terror time again,
They've got you running through the night,

Yes, it's
terror time again.
Oh, you just might die of fright,
It's a terrifying time!


Shrugging at the locked door - perhaps they could bore out a seam later and she could teleport everypony out if necessary - Amber scanned over the titles, sorting out the library's filing system. It was much easier to understand than the trophy room's, at the very least, and quite a lot more of the items seemed worth keeping around.


As she scanned the titles, she made smalltalk.

"So Miss Jack, I gather that you're a Changeling?" she said. "Was this a recent development?"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders

"Oh, that was just a costume.... I guess losing another friend tonight is fine." Maple says, dropping her magic again as she looks for clues along the bookcases... adjusting all the books to see if one triggers a hidden passage or something.

"Snowy and I went on a trip once ad while we were there working out a problem of his we discovered my family... the mare from my locket... well we also discovered I was already there and also a fully grown Earth pony... it was quite a good shock and well here we are. I told everyone when I got back and it's taken some ponies more time than others to adjust to the idea that I'm still me and won't actually eat them." Maple says after raising her disguise again.

"I see. Just a sort of buzz from the blue, then," said Amber, nodding without looking in Maple's direction as she drew a volume from the shelf and quickly flicked through it. "No previous Changeling tendencies, perhaps, or ambiguously, ah, Changeling experiences? That must have been quite a shock." She shook her head. "You're quite certain it's not a sort of ... Changeling phase, are you? You know, we can all have ... insecurities," she said, seeming to look herself over, and back to the books, taking a few steps on three crouched legs while tracing along one low shelf with a hoof. She seemed to have a realization and tilted her head in perplexity. 'How do you and Miss Monsoon -" she shook her head.

Maple's face disappeared into her mane -it wasn't anything to do with her powers, she just couldn't possibly blush any harder.

Static sighed. "Well, I guess next would be the Lounge if that's where you left off. But..." Static looked Night Cap over. "We better get you to the Ball Room for some healing first. You don't look too good," said the pony whose blood was still seeping from around his mask.

As the Library doors slam, Scarlet spins around and grabs the handles.

”Oh no. I hope this doesn’t mean what i think it does.”

But the doors were locked and there was no getting through. So, defeated, Scarlet turned to the ‘Forest of the Dead’ and considered the clue he hoped had lead them here.

”The clue reads ‘The Forest of the Dead is where you Learn to Spell’. Hmm, learn to spell. A hint about where to look?”

Deciding to leave Amber and Maple to their conversation, Scarlet headed into the stacked walls of books. Though not for the section, if there was one, on magic. Scarlet instead looked for books on spelling. Or curiously misplaced books that might indicate something hidden within.




Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static ran as fast as he could when he was hit by one of the ghosts. "Buck!" he bit out. That hurt! He looked from Night Cap to Misty. They were in trouble too. And Night Cap was looking particularly in bad shape. "Buck!" He yelled out again. "Get to the bucking Ball Room, NOW!" He starts off in a dead sprint to the ball room. "MOVE IT!"

Maple continued her search before turning toward Scarlet.

"Thank you, Mr. Spectrum." she said, his words in the hallway were what she needed to hear.

Coming to the end of the shelf, Amber smiled at Scarlet then at Maple. She stepped over to Maple and took the little pegasus' hoof between her own. "I just want you to know that however this turns out, we'll always support you, Miss Jack. It's very brave of you to come forward like this." She flinched only visibly before throwing her hooves around Maple in a hug.

"Me brave, pushawh... you're the one hugging a grumpy little monster bug." Maple pulled away, looking Amber Spark up and down.

"At least my magic seems to keep you ponies clean when you touch me." She adds... in case Amber took the head to hoof appraisal the wrong way.

He slides to a hal- no still sliding... still sliding... and... halt.


Without Harmony's presence to antagonize her, it seems that Amber is finally able to be effective at her job, soon coming across an out of place page, most the text seeming to be faded, the words were hard to read, but what amber could make out was: 'You can't hyd from these spikes.'

Maple equally unphased by her previous encounter finds a scrap of paper, its words more legible for the little faux pony "Darkness can be found between Victory and Knowledge."

It was the struggling hero, Scarlet that came across a roadblock in his search. While he knew the location of the artifact, he still didn't know what he was looking for and thus had no luck in finding what the room hides, however fate seemed to have other plans in store for our plucky pegasus as he finds another page with faded text. "Seek the Knife that makes pans flench."



"Oh dear, you look to be in awful shape Mr. Hero." Swift Tart says as they trots over to Black Night Cap as the green blob of a pony finally comes to a halt. "Should I have the staff take your outfit and cleanse it while you are here?" They ask "Though it seems to at least the four of you are safe, relatively speaking... Did you find out anything that might be of help to us?"

"Oh I did, I can provide you some info about our experiences that should help you increase your defenses." Harmony states as she walks over to the piebald and leads them away from Black Night Cap and out of earshot as she discusses something with them. Swift Tart blinks and nods. "Oh absolutely, I'll informs the unicorns about this and I am sure they can help shield us against any other threats..." They muse as the pair soon return to others.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Remembering just too late that he didn’t have any idea what it was that was hidden in the Library. Scarlet cursed softly as he imagined literally walking past that which he sought. Scarlets spirits rose a bit as he found crumpled and faded page.

Then he read it.

”Seek the Knife that makes pans flench? Are we supposed to go routing through the cutlery drawer in the Kitchen?”

A little confused and unwilling to assume what be the all-too-obvious interpretation if the text, Scarlet headed over to the others.

”Any luck?”

With a reassuring smile at Maple, Amber took a step toward Scarlet, then showing him the page. "You can't hyd from these spikes," with the "hide" spelled with a Y. You don't suppose the artifacts were hidden by an illiterate pony?" she said with a sudden flash of shock.

Static faced Swift as they come back to the others.Scarlet found something that led him to the library. That's where he and his team are now. The witness we brought back earlier was able to reveal that the murderer was a stallion. Not much else. Oh...and rose thorns hurt...a lot!

"Darkness can be found between Victory and Knowledge."

"My piece of paper doesn't have any spelling mistakes." Maple holds hers out to the others as well... "Unless those second and third big letters are wrong - sometimes I do that in my reports on accident and the chief writes me little notes." Maple blushes again, but this time not nearly enough to disappear. "I mean she did, ...I'm on probation for being a good friend, but a bad team member." she adds for Amber's benefit.

"Darkness can be found between Victory and Knowledge."

"My piece of paper doesn't have any spelling mistakes." Maple holds hers out to the others as well... "Unless those second and third big letters are wrong - sometimes I do that in my reports on accident and the chief writes me little notes." Maple blushes again, but this time not nearly enough to disappear. "I mean she did, ...I'm on probation for being a good friend, but a bad team member." she adds for Amber's benefit.

"Hmm," said Amber. "It isn't a puzzle about filing systems and indices, Knowledge should be between Darkness and Victory," she said, musing. "Though I suppose there is the Library of Canterlot system to consider...." She paced in a quick circle. She looked around her at the walls of books. "Knowledge. You don't suppose?" she said, seeming to consider the room in a new light. "We came from a room full of trophies of victory."

She glanced at her own stubbornly inscrutable clue, looking a bit glum.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"SO THERE MIGHT BE A SECRET DOOR BETWEEN THIS ROOM AND THAT ONE!!!!" Maple's wings buzzed as she lifted off the ground super excitedly. It hadn't really happened to her since the night Rhapsody took her and Misty and Mr. Night Cap to their first training at Skylinx's Gym... when she learned to fly like a Pegasus... that memory helped her come down again... and calm down again... "This really isn't a mystery night -lark... a fun game for us at all is it Ms. Spark...?" Maple's voice is quiet again as her wings stop moving entirely.

"Rhapsody might be gone, and we may never find Symphony ... "

Amber locked eyes with Maple, looking more sorry than sorrowful, her eyes finally welling with tears.

Neither pony nor Changeling quite knew how it had happened, but in the next moment, Amber was sitting on the floor, her front legs wrapped around Maple's neck and body, sobbing into Maple's wings. Amber was not a tall pony, but she slumped at an awkward angle from the floor to meet Maple's low shoulders.

"It's all my fault, Miss Jack!" she said in a warble. "I wasn't even brave enough to tell her I wanted to move on, and the moment I did -" Amber seemed to choke on the idea, leaving Maple to hope that the unicorn wasn't about to throw up on her hidden, gossamer wings.

It was all happening faster than Maple's mind could Process... their eyes locked, she was on the floor getting hugged tightly by the larger mare ... then the sobs, and


Maple's wings sprung backward fully extended sending the damp tears sailing across the room right at the unsuspecting Scarlet Spectrum...

the last of the moisture trailing down her back causing maple to shiver and settle her mind to the task of Hugging Amber back.

"I guess we both needed a moment to let things sink in huh?"

Amber sniffled and held onto Maple, nodding into her neck. "I never truly cared for her the way I know she cared for me, Maple. I was like some kind of - parasite. Some kind of nasty parasite, living on another pony's love." She hiccuped. "Do you know what I mean? Can you imagine that?"

"We should maybe stop hugging now Ms. Spark."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Scarlet was about to offer up his clue to add to theirs, when his two friends... had a moment. Waiting patiently as the the mare and the filly bug opened up about the nights shocks, as well as past fears. Scarlet tried to think of something 6o say that might hel—!

The brief shower of tears made him jump backwards in surprise. Luckily, most of them landed on his hats sunvisor. Recovering himself, Scarlet stepped forward and coughed to get their attention.

”Self-Recriminations and beating yourself up will not change the fact that this isn’t your fault, Sparks! You loved her then and you love her now. From what little i know of you Amber, your work and your love for research mean a lot to you. It is also clear that, when faced with the chance to move on and up, your heart was torn.

Amber, had you not cared for Rhapsody enough, then the fear of hurting her would not have stopped you from ending things.

Did that fear lead you to avoid, in your own mind, hurting Rhapsody? Work and love are not easy. I know that.

And your facing her now, tonight, did not lead to what happened. Remember, the masque itself even said it was looking for a sacrifice. It was aiming for you! Rhapsody saved you. None of that, is your fault.

Look8ng at Maple, Scarlet smiled sadly.

”Rhapsody is and isn’t gone at the same time. When ‘Rasophae’ attacked Amber and i, somehow, Rhapsodys mind broke through and held her back. Now i’m not sure exactly how it happened, but it is clear that seeing her friends and those she cares for, might spark her memories and unseat the masques hold on her mind.

Like i said before, this doesn’t mean we can save her and bring her back. I’m sure there might be a slim chance of that. However, it could also mean that when we break the spell, it sets her spirit free.

I would have preferred a spooktacular game instead of this horror too Maple.

Scarlet said as he held up paper, ”my paper reads ‘Seek the Knife that makes pans flench’. So thats three clues found and, unfortunately, they all seem to point in different directions. I really would have preferred to find whats hidden in here, but the clue that lead here didn’t actually say What it is thats hidden here. So lets get back in the hall and figure out where our treasure hunt leads next, before any spooky action catches us here. Ok?”

"Of course you're both right," said Amber, nodding to both of them as she unwrapped herself from Maple, smiling at her knowingly. Brave little Miss Jack, finished with her hug and ready to save the day, and the bold Scarlet Spectrum, whom Amber could already tell tonight had an inspiring speech for every occasion. "Of course," Amber repeated. "We have a mystery to solve and ponies to save."

Maple wasn't sure how to take that smile after what Amber had just said to her... so she let her unwrap herself and then slinked away a little more toward Scarlet.

Misty doesn't have much to add to what Static and Night Cap have said. After two ghostly encounters, she's still quite a bit on edge, nervously looking over her shoulder every now and again.

Static faced Swift as they come back to the others.Scarlet found something that led him to the library. That's where he and his team are now. The witness we brought back earlier was able to reveal that the murderer was a stallion. Not much else. Oh...and rose thorns hurt...a lot!

"Oh dear, you look to be in awful shape Mr. Hero." Swift Tart says as they trots over to Black Night Cap as the green blob of a pony finally comes to a halt. "Should I have the staff take your outfit and cleanse it while you are here?" They ask "Though it seems to at least the four of you are safe, relatively speaking... Did you find out anything that might be of help to us?"

"It's just a stain."

Green Night Cap looks himself over.

"Maybe let's wait until the end of the night and do it all once."

"Anyway I read something about a torch leading the way in darkness. Does this mansion perhaps have some secret passageways that require torchlight or something?"

"Well, I suppose that it is something. Maybe the others have found more." Swift Tart replies to Static and looks to Night Cap as he reveals a bit more information. "Hmm... Well then..." They say and trots over to the original map that Amber had quickly copied for others. "Well, this is a very old mansion. They're know for hidden passages and the like, and this one seems to have more secrets then most. I wouldn't know of any that would specifically require torches as we've not explored everything. We simply didn't have the time. That is why we tried to block off the areas we've not been to yet, for the safety of everypony... Though obviously we can't block off secret passages, especially if we don't know of them..." They state as they examine the map. "Maybe I can find something to help you there, though it does seem like our little hero might need a recharge. His talisman's glow is rather faint, but that will take a bit of time to fix as well."

"We can't just sit around on our hooves waiting for you to give us a lead, or wait for one of these 'Heroes' to find their courage..." Harmony replies and looks to Static. "Why don't we leave the wannabe Smooze here, its safe right? Not like you'd have to worry about him, could always leave the blue one as well... Not sure she's cut out for this. Might be good for her to have a break. We could examine a room or two and come back for them later."

"That does seem like a rather efficient plan, though it does leave you both kind of short hoofed, but I'm not sure we have the luxury of options tonight."



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Council of Elders
"That does leave us short hooved," Static said, clearing not liking the idea. "But I don't see any way around it. Like you said, it's not a good idea to just sit on our hooves." Static takes another look at the map. The others are in the Library. The other team just came from the Dining Room. So it looks like the Lounge is up next. Works for me. It is where I wound up when I stumbled onto that secret path from the Conservatory. I didn't get a chance to look around much, so I've been wanting another crack at it."

Misty wasn't sure what to do. She had said she would be following Harmony, but... would Night Cap be alright all by himself? Wait, he's Night Cap. Of course he'll be alright.

"I-I'm going to go along with the others, okay?" she says, and trots off hurriedly to catch up with Static and Harmony.

"As you desire, Miss Monsoon. I will ensure that our resident hero is safe til you all return." Swift Tart replies.


Static looks between the Lounge and the Dining Room. He really wanted to get back to the Lounge. The room and him had history after all. But on the other hoof..."Night Cap said you all didn't get a chance to get far in the Dining Room before beeing chased off. Best not to leave business unfinished. Let's go!"

Static walks off toward the Dining Room.

[Maybe I can get something to eat while we're there. I'm starving!]

Scarlet rubbed his chin with a wing for a few moments, as he mused on if it was worth taking another look around. Then shook his head. Looking to the others, he said.

”I don’t think we’re likely to find much more here. It looks like another clue is needed from elsewhere, to go with the one that lead us here, if we’re to find whatever is hidden here. On too of that, all the clues from the Library point elsewhere too. So lets get back to the hall and figure out our next step.

Walking to the door, Scarlet tried the handle again, hooing it would open this time.



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"Yeah, and I'd like to check and see how Misty's doing if that group is back in the hallway too."

Scarlet finds that the door to the hall now opens freely as it should letting Team Haters access to the hall once more, where they can try to follow up on one lead or catch up with Team Get-along as they make their way to the Dining room.

"Pans and flensing sound like a kitchen more than a dining room, but our friends have already looked there," said Amber. "Perhaps we should simply continue to the Study as planned?"

”Hmm. The Kitchen was my first for where my clue leads too, but you’re right though. We should orobably stick to the original plan and check all rooms on this side at least once. We’ll get to that knife eventually. The study may prove fruitful in providing clues to help yours and Maples.

We may see Misty and the others on the way Maple. Though i’d guess they might be headed for either the Lounge, or the Dining Room you got chased out of.

Speaking of which, i hope Static and everypony else are ok, because the Library doors slamming shut earlier has me worried.”

As he began a steady walk to the study, Scarlet scanned around and called out.

”Static? Misty? Are you in here? Are you okay?”

Maple wasn't sure it was a good idea to follow Amber out of the room... but she didn't want her following herself either... this was all kinds of awkward now.

"I'll watch our six as we make our way." She said, finally figuring the best option was avoiding Amber altogether.


Maple closed the door and backed out into the hallway with the others ahead of her... Why did she ever think discovering her secret would be a good thing... It's only caused her heartache.



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Council of Elders
”Static? Misty? Are you in here? Are you okay?”

Static heard Scarlets Call. "Over here. We left Night Cap in the Ball Room to heal. We're moving on to the Dining Room now. How's your group holding up?"

"Capitally!" shouted Amber. "Quite incredible what ponies can accomplish when they work together, we're all making fantastic progress here." Was it impolite of her to refer to Maple as a pony? Amber would have to ask her when they had an opportunity.


The two groups met up in the hallway. Harmony looks over to them. "Oh, they're still alive. How... wonderful..." She comments through gritted teeth at seeing Amber and Maple in particular. "It would have been simply dreadful if the ghosts had gotten your friends while they were locked in a room with no escape..." Harmony says as she looks over to Static.


"Oh, I am afraid I never drink coffee, and this old house doesn't seem to have any way of preparation even if we had the beans for it." The piebald says with a soft frown. "We do however have a rather nice tea that I made fresh, 'New Moon Drop' it felt particularly relevant tonight, of all nights." Swift Tart ways with a gracious bow the slime covered hero. "It is a particularly strong and unique blend that many do not get to experience, but is rather popular in the town I hail from."

Amber's eyes widened, then narrowed, remembering belatedly that they had, indeed, been momentarily locked in before their search and her heart-to-heart with Miss Jack - and after parting ways with the others. "No escape," she repeated. "Miss Harmony, just how did you know that we were trapped in the library?!"

Maple looks over to Harmony and felt immediately better about what Amber had said in the last room... there was malice when Harmony spoke. Amber was just speaking as she always did. She hadn't meant for it to sting as much as it had. ... Still, Maple knew Harmony was going through a lot right now, and maybe she was just looking for easy targets.

and then Amber spoke and all the goodwill Maple was generating for harmony vanished



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Council of Elders
Harmony looks to Amber. "You Think I somehow locked you in? Static was the last one near the door when they closed, he can verify I did nothing to them! The doors closed on their own, and I heard one of you trying the handle right as the Ghosts attacked us. That's not a sign you can get out of the room, and seeing as we we're chased off; it seems that something didn't want anypony helping you." Harmony huffs and looks away disgusted from Amber at being accused of such a horrendous act.

"Static?" said Amber, looking to the stallion to confirm Harmony's story.

"She was nowhere near the door. It wasn't her," he confirmed. "Though this may go immeasurably faster if we weren't taking pot shots at each other at every given opportunity," he said eyeing Harmony.

Misty isn't sure whether to keep an eye out for ghosts or keep an eye on Amber and Harmony in case a hooffight breaks out.

"I see," said Amber with a nod. She tried to smile at Static but couldn't muster one up. "Shall we compare our findings? All of these little riddles we've been finding in the mansion must have something to do with the hidden artifacts, or at least tell us something about where Rasophae may have intended to take Symphony. I think we should record everything we've found and how thoroughly we've been able to check the rooms we've visited so far."



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Council of Elders
"She was nowhere near the door. It wasn't her," he confirmed. "Though this may go immeasurably faster if we weren't taking pot shots at each other at every given opportunity," he said eyeing Harmony.

"Oh, I see. I should just be nice to the one that threatened my life, and the one that makes jokes about my sister's death, and the one that wanted to leave you to die. I guess those are just small potatos to such big heroes such as yourselves, but to us ordinary ponies like me, they're still kind of a big deal. Maybe I was wrong about you Static." Harmony says and turns away from the yellow stallion.

Amber was gradually realizing she didn't have anything to be angry about. Perhaps talking to Maple had done her more good than she had realized, but even Harmony was beginning to make some sense.

"Oh, honestly, Miss Harmony, you'd be quite surprised how quickly one can adjust," she said, reassuringly. "By the time of my second mission, I was ready to attack one of my friends in the chance that we could free her from an ancient, evil spell," Amber continued as she unfolded papers and began annotating her map, taking down her own and Scarlet's clues. "Detachment certainly comes more easily for some ponies than others, but it's a skill you can learn with practice all the same."

"well, um... I still have the snacks I was going to give out before, if anyone is hungry?"
Maple says trying to cut the tension.

"Ah, thank you, Miss Jack," Amber said, looking in the little pegasus's - ah, Changeling's direction as she shuffled papers.

Maple set about getting her Pack off so the group would be able to have better access to it, and those of them not wanting to get too close to her wouldn't have to.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Amber was gradually realizing she didn't have anything to be angry about. Perhaps talking to Maple had done her more good than she had realized, but even Harmony was beginning to make some sense.

"Oh, honestly, Miss Harmony, you'd be quite surprised how quickly one can adjust," she said, reassuringly. "By the time of my second mission, I was ready to attack one of my friends in the chance that we could free her from an ancient, evil spell," Amber continued as she unfolded papers and began annotating her map, taking down her own and Scarlet's clues. "Detachment certainly comes more easily for some ponies than others, but it's a skill you can learn with practice all the same."

Harmony blinks and looks around to all the others as Amber seemed to speak for all of them, not only stating just how horrible she is but seeming to revel in it, and the small pony doesn't seem interested in refuting her so obviously it has to be true. "You are ALL horrible ponies. I can't understand why EITHER of my sisters would put up with any of you! I'd be better off with the ghosts!" Harmony says and runs off.


"Oh, I am afraid I never drink coffee, and this old house doesn't seem to have any way of preparation even if we had the beans for it." The piebald says with a soft frown. "We do however have a rather nice tea that I made fresh, 'New Moon Drop' it felt particularly relevant tonight, of all nights." Swift Tart ways with a gracious bow the slime covered hero. "It is a particularly strong and unique blend that many do not get to experience, but is rather popular in the town I hail from."

Only tea. This is it. I will not survive this night.

"I'll give it a try then. We'll see if it is particularly strong as you say."

"What town are you from? I've never heard of this blend."

"Oh its a little nowhere town, that doesn't get many visitors at all. I don't think it's had a tourist in nearly a century..." Swift Tart replies as he brings over the cup of tea. It certainly looked and smelled different then most teas. Teas were commonly a brown-ish red color, with some lighter or darker then others,,, but this one... well it was kind of obvious how it got its name. It was pitch black, like a moonless sky, a result of the rare leaves used to brew it. It had a somewhat sweet smell ontop of the herbal scent the drifted off the top. It was certainly a very strong tea with a definite kick to it, one some would akin to being kicked by a mule, but only the most racist or insensitive ponies would actually say so. "I do hope it is to your liking..."

"Wait, wha? Harmony! Wait!" Static tries to run after Harmony.



Maple went into stealth mode and followed Harmony

Amber tilted her head. "That was not entirely the reaction I was expecting. Mr. Spectrum, I believe I will leave any future pep talks to you," she said, with a look to the pegasus stallion.

"Wait, wha? Harmony! Wait!" Static tries to run after Harmony.


Harmony seems to be heading in the direction of the Kitchen, it doesn't seem like it'd be too hard to catch up with her.




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Council of Elders
Without a word, but with an expression on her face that says many words, Misty takes off after Harmony.


At least it sorta looks like coffee.

Green Night Cap tries the mysterious brew.

"I'm from a nowhere town too. A little forgotten area in Summer Swamps. Nothing ever happens there anymore."

"Ah, no wonder you do not seem to mind you're current predicament." Swift Tart says with a smile. "You're town at least has you as a claim to fame. Shadow Mane doesn't even have that, just a few legends that no one seems to take seriously. I suppose its not to different from that Mask that has that marefriend of yours..."

"Harmony, wait up!"
Static calls out as he gives chase.


Static starts to run after her. But whether she's too fast or if the night of rose thorns, arguing, being chased by ghosts and all the other havoc that's occurred this weekend, he just can't keep up. He returns to where Amber and Scarlet are.

He tries to catch his breath. At the point, he doesn't even care any more who team leader is. "She's just as stubborn as Rhapsody! How did Symphony turn out so nice?" Static sighs. "So where to next?"


Scarlet just stared as (Dis)Harmony opens up with some truly callous and snidey remarks. Then gets all huffy and self-righteous when her targets (unsurprisingly) don’t take kindly to her being disappointed they aren’t dead already. He is about to try (again) to get through that wall of bitterness she seems to wrap himself in. Except the snippy little equine storms off!

Scarlet opens his mouth to yell after, changes his mind to yell8ng after the ponies he run off after her. Changes his mind again when it becomes apparent that she isn’t coming back. Opened his wings to fly after her himself.

And then remembered Amber.

Scarlet reared and slammed both forehooves into the ground.

This. Is. Bucking. Ridiculous!


Hearing Ambers words calmed him, sortof. Giving her a sardonic smile, Scarlet let out a frustrated sigh.

”Ms. Spark, not even my best efforts have been able to break through that wall of grief and indignant anger she’s cloaked in. I get that Harmony is scared, not sure who to trust and desperate to find her sisters, but she’s getting more and more unhinged. I’m really worried that she’ll end up dead if she keeps stomping around like this...”


As Static returned, Scarlet gave his best attempt at a reassuring smile, under the circumstances.

”i might not have known her as long as you two have, but even accounting for my misjudgements of Rhapsody. She’s an angel compared to Harmony! I agree though, how did Symphony end up so friendly and reasonable? I mean, she adora—ahem—uh i mean, nice.



Well, the plan was to head for the Study. The clues Maple, Amber and i found...”
Quickly, Scarlet brought Static up to speed on the Library clues, where they thought the clues, might lead, as well as that it seemed Artifacts needed to fight ‘Rasophae’ seemed to need What and Where clues in order to find them. As evidenced by his not finding what he was hoping for within the “Forest of the Dead”.

”...so we decided to carry on checking around the rooms in order. Whst do you think Static?”

"I think you have a thing for Symphony." Static said with a grin. "But yeah, let's keep doing the rooms in order."



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Council of Elders
As Scarlet turned and gestured towards the Stufy with a wing, he said.

”Agreed. I think we should head—wait, what?”

Static whistles innocently with a wide grin and a walks airily toward the Study.

”Hey, wait a ponyfeathered minute! Don’t you walk away from me!”

Grumbling all the way, though in a far more good-natured tone than before. Scarlet followed Static and Amber towards the Study. Grateful, if a little embarrassed, to have something positive going on.

"Good to have you back, Static,"
Amber said with a smile and a nudge to his shoulder.

"Good to have you back too, Amber," Static said with a sincere smile. "I'm sorry for being harsh earlier. I was trying to keep the trust of Rhapsody's sister so she wouldn't run off and get herself hurt." Static looked after where Harmony had run off with a bit of a scoff. "For all the good it did. She is a bit of a fire cracker."

Static turned back towards Amber. "Though in all honesty, it wasn't too hard to act hurt by you leaving." It would be an exaggeration to say he w! as crying, but Statics eyes were glistening. "A lot of ponies have left lately. And you were the first friend I ever made when I joined STOMP." Static winced with a sharp breath. "Actually...you were the first friend I ever made...period. So...yeah...it kinda hurt when you left."


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