IDW to Lose the Transformers License?


Well-known member
Now, this is just a rumor, and from Bleeding Cool, to boot. But, just to keep people informed.

*puts down a 50 pound bag of salt*

Now, everyone just take a pinch, there has to be enough for everyone.

There has been enough management changes behind the scenes these past few years that I could believe it, though. It feels like somethings up at IDW.


Source: dude trust me


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
That article contains one sentence stating the rumor. The entire rest of the article is just background on IDW and Transformers comics. There is not a single sentence indicating who said what.

The Phazer

Well-known member
Ultimately Rich does have good sources. He was the first one to break the mess with Hasbro US pulling DW's licence outside the US.

Given IDW's financial issues of late I wouldn't be shocked if this was true. But there's not that many other avenues for licensed books nowadays. Dark Horse seem in an even worse place than IDW. Maybe Boom Studios? Boom's Power Rangers book is excellent to be fair.


Wondering bot
From what I heard, IDW isn't exactly in the greatest of shape in terms of finance, then again same can be said for the whole Armeican comic book market as it completely outsold by manga and is getting their butts handed to them! So IDW loosing the license, could be that those in charge of Hasbro, would rather avoid a repeat of what happened with Dreamwave but then again they could be looking to change publishers before Rise of the Beasts comes out, but with nothing truly soild to go on, all we can do is speculate on the matter and keep an eye on IDW finance reports!


I'm sure Boom would do a great job and indeed they seem like a good fit at the moment.

Generally my opinion of Dark Horse is that they're a bit old and tired, but after their MOTUR mini my faith is renewed a little.

Marvel got Conan back, maybe they can have TF again as well! Heaven knows Rom would work better there too.


Was Megatron right?
If IDW loses their TFs license, will they lose the rights to print trade paperbacks of old issues?

I'm still playing catch-up with the pre-2019 run.


Well-known member
If they were to lose the license, then yes, they wouldn't be able to reprint any of the trades either. That's still a big if, though. For example, I don't believe they've reprinted any of the Ghostbusters trades since they've lost the license to that franchise, either.

Mind you, even if they do, you likely still have some time left. They announced the War's End 4-issue miniseries that's starting in February ( retroactively suspiciously titled given the rumor). So, assuming they don't start double-shipping all the books like they did at the end of the Lost Light/Optimus era, you should have until May 2022, at least...and knowing IDW's track record with releasing books maybe until June or July.
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Continuity Nutcase
Odd time of year for April Fools, isn't it?

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Given how the Ghostbusters situation just came straight out of nowhere, this worries me inasmuch as if it happens, we may have no real warning.


Wondering bot
Give it to Marvel, or nothinggggggggg.

No chance of that happening, as Disney doesn't care about the comic books, if they wish, they could shut down Marvel comics tomorow and simply not care, they would just put the characters out for licensing, same could happen with DC, that is how bad things are in reailty, so the most likely place for Transformers license to end up is Boom studios, Image isn't a real contender at this point as they are a bunch of small groups of people who work under the Image banner and just resently, a bunch of admin staff are trying to form a union but its not been knowledged by the people actually in charge of the company! The Armeican comic book market for Marvel & DC is pretty much in freefall right now and as we know, IDW isn't in great shape either, so, Hasbro might be looking and thinking "Where else can we get our comics published?"


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Marvel don't really do licensed books any more (outside of "licensed" meaning "other Disney owned properties"), so I'd put the odds of that at zero.
Marvel did do two Ultraman miniseries recently in partnership with TsuPro, and there's more planned. I wouldn't count them completely out of the running.


Well-known member
Marvel already licenses out stuff they own because they don’t want to do it. I can’t see them taking on something they don’t.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Then why did they do the Ultraman minis, plus the upcoming Ultraseven one? I'm not saying they'd jump on it with the quickness, but who's to say Hasbro might not make a similar arrangement to whatever TsuPro did with Marvel? It's a long shot, but it's not 0%.


Supreme System Overlord
Staff member
Council of Elders
I didn't see the need to jump on the news bandwagon because like Coffee said it's basically just some random guy wondering about it.

I have to say, I've been disengaged with Transformers comics since Dreamwave went under so I'm not bothered either way by this information.

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