Interplanetary Death Match


Super-Powered Zealot
Last one standing?


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Eorzean Idiot
Death Star, Unicron...not sure what that other one is. All I'm going to say is that if the Death Star can be blown up by a snub fighter with a single torpedo, there's no way it's standing up against Unicron.


Well-known member
Pretty sure that's Beast Planet from War Planets. I'll admit I'm not super familiar with War Planets. The wiki says it's larger than most planets, so in-universe it's bigger than a moon.

It might depend on if this Death Star can transform into a giant Darth Vader, complete with force powers.


I think I'd go with:

Unicron> Beast Planet> Death Star

It's hard to beat a literal GOD with what's basically a oversized tank.

And the Death Star is just the smallest of the three, in universe. Even with force powers (and I'm not sure how that would actually work), I feel like Unicron still has a advantage.
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Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
And that's Armada Unicron right there. No easy Matrix resolution. He is inevitable.


Continuity Nutcase
Well, judging by that pic, it looks as if Unicron has already lost, what with him lying passed out on his back, there.

Or, unless he's just taking a nap.


Super-Powered Zealot
And that's Armada Unicron right there. No easy Matrix resolution. He is inevitable.
Good catch. I was wondering if anyone would point that out. I would have posted the Haslab version...but I don't have any vacation days left to spend transforming him.
I'm in the Unicron wins camp myself, but I really don't think it would be an easy win for any of them....and I find the lack of faith in Vader's ability to throw down in a moon-sized sentient mech....disturbing. an aside for anyone who doesn't know, there's a seeming connection between Transformers and Shadow Raiders / War Planets: Botanica
  • The planet that Botanica and her crew were sent to explore is apparently Planet Jungle from Mainframe Entertainment's other toyline-based cartoon Shadow Raiders/War Planets. Whether this is an intentional crossover or simply due to the recycling of backgrounds and animation models for budget reasons is unclear.


Super-Powered Zealot
Well, judging by that pic, it looks as if Unicron has already lost, what with him lying passed out on his back, there.

Or, unless he's just taking a nap.
Or...some of us underestimated the need for's stand when it came out. :cry:

Maybe it was just a feign to lure in unsuspecting adversaries all along....
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Well-known member
If it's the canon Death Star, it's absolutely gone. It takes minutes to aim and fire, and an entire day to reload. Against anything capable of evasive maneuvers it's useless.


Active member
If it's the canon Death Star, it's absolutely gone. It takes minutes to aim and fire, and an entire day to reload. Against anything capable of evasive maneuvers it's useless.

They where ready to take out Yavin not long after taking out Alderann. While #2 was taking pot-shots at rebel ships in quick sucession.


Well-known member
This can't be DS2 in the pics here because it's completed. Though if it were, the weapon used against the rebel ships sacrificed planet-killing power for versatility. Enough to take out a capital ship, but I doubt it would hurt Unicron that badly.


Super-Powered Zealot
I would say since the Death Star transforms, it is neither DS1 or DS2, but an alternate reality version.
I agree the original Death Stars would not fare well, but I think a transforming Death Star would be able to give Unicron more of an evenly matched fight...still wouldn't beat Unicron, but it would be a good fight I think.


Continuity Nutcase
And that's Armada Unicron right there. No easy Matrix resolution. He is inevitable.
Oh, but he can be stopped by happy thoughts and feelings of teamwork and cooperation. ;)


Continuity Nutcase
Hey, the Universal Dominator helped....a little....
Dunno why that toy was give that name, since that title belongs to Unicron proper. The real name of the green one is the "Unicron of Light".


Super-Powered Zealot
Dunno why that toy was give that name, since that title belongs to Unicron proper. The real name of the green one is the "Unicron of Light".
I agree. I actually refer to him as that...but "Universal Dominator" sounds more impressive for the sake of argument. :LOL:


Super-Powered Zealot
Up next....


Sometime....somewhere in the infinite loop, Raz embued with the power of the cube vs. Blackstar (with the power star), and Warlock?
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Well-known member
Okay, not being intimately familiar with EITHER of these guys means I had to look ALL of this up.

First off...Fortnite has LORE?!

Okay, impression of these characters is this:

Raz with the power of the Cube is that he's basically Aladdin if he got possessed by a Cosmic Cube.

Blackstar is He-Man, but he has a pet dragon instead of a tiger. The Power Star is basically exactly like the split Sword of Power, the villain even usually has the other half. The complete version apparently had enough power for the villain to rule over the planet before it got split.

Soooo....hmmm...I feel like Raz SHOULD have more power going by the LORE...but in the game itself he gets taken out by a rando with a gun (the player).

And a big problem is that I don't think we really have any idea what the upper limits of a complete Power Star are. In theory, Blackstar might even be able to share the power with Warlock the dragon and then the fight would be two against one.

I guess I'm going with Completed Power Star Blackstar and Warlock? I'll admit, I'm going in blind here.
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