Completed mine, yet following the instructions, I found that his arms would not go where they needed to be for vehicle mode, thou I sort of sorted it, I got two pin holes appearing on top of his shoulders as I had to move the 1x2 brick down, now everything fits together, I already made couple of minor mods, one which was featured in the video I posted the link to the other day and the other is with his front grill to ensure that doesn't fall apart on me everytime I touch it, for that, I just added 4 4x1 plates in dark grey behind the metal coloured plates.
Overall, not a bad build but its not without its issues, not sure what went wrong on my build to force me to mess around with the arms in the manner I did, before I made the changes on the arms, I found they were stuck and would not slide under the torso, I'm pretty sure that I followed the instructions correctly as everything else on the torso worked correctly
I figured out what went wrong, I thought the problem was in the upper arms, it was actually the lower arms I messed up on, the block for the elbow joint is where things went wrong, its now fixed and the top looks a bit better in truck mode!