LGBQT+ News & Articles


NOT a New Member.


"...Japan is the only G7 country not to fully recognise same-sex couples or offer them clear legal protection, leaving the country's LGBTQ+ community feeling vulnerable and nearly invisible..."

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NOT a New Member.
Apparently, the clinic below refused all unmarried women treatment.

And some people have the gall to call Japan a "developed" country...


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
I don't feel comfortable calling Japan, specifically, out on this sort of garbage while being an American. They are only a couple of steps behind where we are currently on LGBGTQ+ issues and we(the US) seem to be backsliding a bit lately.

Anonymous X

Well-known member
Japan’s a mass of contradictions from a Western European and North American perspective. Advanced and developed on many levels (and they have universal healthcare!), awful on gender, LGBTQ and racial equality, among other sensibilities. Although, to be honest they’re more developed on some of those issues than certain Central-Eastern Europe countries.


jumbled pile of person
Japan used to be more progressive than the West. Remember the same-sex couple on Sailor Moon (I think that's what show it was) that got turned into siblings in the English dub?


Well-known member
Japanese media was more progressive (in general, and especially with regard to gender and sexuality) than western media in the 90s. That doesn't mean the culture as a whole was.

(Also, Sailors Uranus and Neptune were made into cousins, not siblings.)


NOT a New Member.
Japan used to be more progressive than the West. Remember the same-sex couple on Sailor Moon (I think that's what show it was) that got turned into siblings in the English dub?
That's not really progression. Japanese anime is simply escapism. To use that anime as proof of "progression" is like using "Dumbo" as proof that America was "fine with drugs" due to the "pink elephants" scene.

About twenty years ago, I had the "honour" of teaching an old man English in Japan. He proceeded to tell me that "Japan has no homosexuals". When I asked him to then explain to me about Nichome in Tokyo, he replied "That's full of foreigners, not we Japanese".

Anyway, I'm sure, as stated above, other countries aren't exactly shining examples to Japan in this area and this isn't the thread for me to go on a tirade about Japan, but its social/political state isn't (and arguably has never been) as developed as many other places in the world.


NOT a New Member.


jumbled pile of person
The Christian model of dealing with government is fundamentally incompatible with living in a democratic country, anyway. It teaches to always submit to the government's authority unless they actively tell you to stop practicing your faith, in which case you turn yourself in and let them nail you to a cross. But in a world where governments are not only no longer allowed to do that to religious people but the masses have a civic duty to participate in the democratic process, the moral imperative to submit to authority becomes a paradox. If you vote for those who favor your values, you're bossing around the people who ought to be bossing you around. But if you purposely refrain from voting or actively vote against your own interests, you're failing in your civic duty which is a form of rebellion in its own way.

(You'll notice, by the way, that everywhere else that Christians are instructed on how to deal with those who have power over them, said power is always framed as absolute—for example, Paul speaks on how slaves should behave towards their owners, but never on how free workers should behave towards their bosses. Presumably, in Paul's version of a perfect world, such vague relationships would not even exist.)
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NOT a New Member.
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