LGBTQ+ Transformers fan thread

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Castiel (might have) came out as bisexual! *screams*

I've read a ton of Destiel fanfics but, ahem, I can distinguish the actor from the role, of course, haha.

Though Misha Collins split with his wife in 2021. I guess he's exploring his bisexual side this year. I hope he's doing awesome!

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
I'm actually wondering if there would be a discussion on something from the Transformers fandom ala 'G1 Optimus Prime toon is sexy but IDW Megatron is hot hot HOT' but it's not going there, haha. Probably cuz Futurama would call it robo-sexual, haha

Probably too odd to discuss actual people here in Allspark too ala 'MightyMegs is so zaddy!'. Or be harassment?

Anyhow, Misha Collins gave a statement in his Twitter that he misspoke. BUT he doesn't actually say that he's NOT bisexual. If he's clever, he could be saying he mistakenly meant he's not an introvert, haha


The Nth Doctor

Prime has hot lumberjack dad vibes.

Megatron is somewhere between leather biker and 40-something goth.

But this really isn't an LGBT discussion, just horny for robos. Not that it isn't worth discussing, just not really this subject.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Well, perhaps gay topics in Transformers then? Like, Tailgate and Cyclonus plus Chromedome and Rewind were the starting couples in the IDW comicverse and they felt organic.

But when the other writer suddenly made Blastoff be in love with Onslaught and then Needlenose stirring up the crowd about his love (I forgot his name. Was he a bull?), those two couples felt like they were jumping on the bandwagon.

Though admittedly, I really liked manly military dude Blastoff being in love with his superior officer.

Anyhow, what did you folks think about those couples in the comics?

Aaaand Misha Collins says he's not bisexual. Sigh.



Flamboyant Cuddles!!!
First of all, YAYYY an LGBTQ+ thread in AllSpark!!😍😍😍

Second, started reading through and loving everyone’s post until I realized there were three pages worth.😅

Anyway, polyamorous genderqueer non-binary acefluid transfemme here. Come say hi! 👋🏼


Flamboyant Cuddles!!!
I dunno. I just gotta respect the hustle I suppose. 🤣

(I know it’s supposed to be tongue-and-cheek poking fun at the corporatization of the Pride movement, but I know many people who felt that had to do such things out of survival so.🤷🏻‍♀️)


Flamboyant Cuddles!!!
ERGMAGERD thank you for pointing out this exists. I LOVE Emperor Kumquat’s videos!!😍🏳️‍⚧️

Reposting my response from YouTube here:

First off, Happy Pride!!!

Second, THANK YOU for tackling this topic. I’ve had so many dudebros cis-splain to me why this “isn’t as bad as you think” because their idol Furman said so.

Third: Furman is trash. Yeah he would never do anything intentionally to harm the trans community blah blah blah. BUT HE DID. Because we (the trans community) said so. And our experiences MATTER. Our voices MATTER. He doesn’t know cus he’s not trans, so maybe listen to the experts on their own experiences. So NUT UP and take responsibility.

Finally, saying Transformers are genderless by therefore the default referent pronoun is he…. So the default is male? Ummmm sexist male supremacist much?? That’s kind of like saying the default race is white, and anyone else is an aberrant inconvenience. If you want a default pronoun for a genderless race, pronouns “they/them/theirs” says “hi.” The hellfire hug kind of “writer” doesn’t know that gender-neutral pronouns exist for a genderless concept race? Oh, cus maybe his content is informed by his PERSONAL BIASES??? HMMMMMM….

Reiterating - so Furman’s ego, that of a cishet white man, is more important than the safety of the entire trans community? Sounds…. FAMILIAR.🙄🙄🙄

We are not asking for the things we ask for because we are sensitive snowflakes who want a pretty cookie pronoun. WE JUST DON’T WANT TO DIE. Feeding to the hegemonic narrative around trans people, which is already being used to legislate us into death, and accompanying suicides (which is higher than the trans community proportionally than ANY other community), contributes to factors leading to our death. The fact that his ego or a person having to use new pronouns with you and the inconvenience that brings is considered more important than a trans person’s life…. Says a lot about a person who thinks that way.
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Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
i think i've decided to come out of the closet by writing and sending a letter to my grandpa once he goes up to our summer home

it'll just be easier this way because i'll be able to clearly write down how i feel and explain it instead of stumbling over my words if i tried to tell him in-person

also this way, it'll give him time to get his initial reaction out of the way before he calls me (and, while i don't have the letter written yet beyond some initial planning, i'll make it clear that he should wait a bit after reading the letter to call me)

obviously i don't know what his reaction would be but it doesn't matter, does it? i can't deal with being closeted anymore. i'd rather have a difficult life being who i am rather than one where i have to pretend to be something i'm not, you know?

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Wouldn't that be a difficult life, regardless? At least being open you don't have to lie and manufacture excuses.

The Nth Doctor

Speaking from personal experience, it's frighteningly easy to lie about who you are to placate family.

Yeah you may face inner conflict over it, but you don't have to worry about your own family turning against you or actively abusing you. Obviously I can't speak to Viola's family or how they might react, but I can totally see it being harder to live in a family that hates you, than stay silent in one that doesn't.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
Literally the only people in my family who I'd care about knowing that I'm trans is my grandpa and my mom. And my mom already knows and accepts that I'm non-binary.

Genuinely couldn't give a toss about the rest of my family (or at least the rest of my family on my dad's side). I'm not saying that to be callous or anything, but I just have no real attachment to these people at all beyond being vaguely related to them. They're basically strangers to me, so why would I care if they don't accept me? I already have nothing to do with them anyways.


Flamboyant Cuddles!!!
Having stayed silent with my controlling, abusive parents about being trans and non-binary for most my life, I can say that for me it was DEFINITELY harder as I inched closer to completing suicide daily. Getting away from them was a big step toward healing. Staying away from them helped me finally discover and live my truth, which was even more life-affirming. I’m still weighing if I should even come out to them at all, since I’ve been estranged from them for close to a decade at this point.

There are some family (siblings) that already know and accept, some that do and don’t (a sibling and an aunt and uncle), a couple others that I’d like to know bc they are important to me (grandma and an uncle who raised me), and my parents, who I would like to know not so that I can achieve their acceptance and approval nor as an attempt to re-establish contact or a relationship (that ship has long since sailed, and I’ve long since bombed the harbor with no reason or desire to ever want to rebuild it to even receive said proverbial ship ever again), but so I can finally initiate the narrative of who I am, define myself on my own terms to them for the first time in my life, so they finally know that I am free of their controlling attempts to make me into someone I’m not.

It’s complicated, different for everyone, and there’s no way to predict what will happen. Best you can do is have a, “Ok, now what?” self care plan with chosen loved ones for afterward.
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NOT a New Member.
Having stayed silent with my controlling, abusive parents about being trans and non-binary for most my life, I can say that for me it was DEFINITELY harder as I inched closer to completing suicide daily. Getting away from them was a big step toward healing. Staying away from them helped me finally discover and live my truth, which was even more life-affirming. I’m still weighing if I should even come out to them at all, since I’ve been estranged from them for close to a decade at this point.

There are some family (siblings) that already know and accept, some that do and don’t (a sibling and an aunt and uncle), a couple others that I’d like to know bc they are important to me (grandma and an uncle who raised me), and my parents, who I would like to know not so that I can achieve their acceptance and approval nor as an attempt to re-establish contact or a relationship (that ship has long since sailed, and I’ve long since bombed the harbor with no reason or desire to ever want to rebuild it to even receive said proverbial ship ever again), but so I can finally initiate the narrative of who I am, define myself on my own terms to them for the first time in my life, so they finally know that I am free of their controlling attempts to make me into someone I’m not.

It’s complicated, different for everyone, and there’s no way to predict what will happen. Best you can do is have a, “Ok, now what?” self care plan with chosen loved ones for afterward.

And hopefully, find a supportive and helpful network of like-minded/compassionate people too? For example, local bars that are welcoming for LGBQT+ (Not just "pickup bars" but rather places where people can just chill and feel "normal")?


Flamboyant Cuddles!!!
And hopefully, find a supportive and helpful network of like-minded/compassionate people too? For example, local bars that are welcoming for LGBQT+ (Not just "pickup bars" but rather places where people can just chill and feel "normal")?
Oh yeah, I’ve got a pretty decent network of folx. My husband and my boyfriend are 1000% supportive (and members of our community as well), as are my coworkers (most of which are also members of our community). Also got chosen family where I live and where I’m relocating to soon. And supportive healthcare providers. And colleagues in LGBTQ+ organizations that I volunteer for and work with. I’ve been fortunate enough to build said network over so many years that I’ve pretty much been able to happily hide away from many of “the straights” indefinitely. 😅 I consider myself EXTREMELY LUCKY to have the life that have now with the people I now have it with. I know it’s not the case for so many others.


NOT a New Member.
As a straight person, I'm rather envious that some people in the community get better grades than the other pupils at school. Most kids would kill for an "A-", but some kids excel and get "LGBQT+"....

I'm sorry, but as someone who often got "N/A+" for my own grades, I'm rather envious...

(I'll get my coat...)


singularly focused
Hi! I'm fine with the label trans woman, but really I consider both my gender and sexuality to be "lesbian"
she/they pronouns

Used to post here some years ago as Silent_Magnus, but stepped away from transformers as a hobby while I figured myself out
Finally getting back into it now that I have a much healthier relationship with both myself and my hobbies!(and also cause my girlfriend's wife is a huge transformers nerd as well)

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