LGBTQ+ Transformers fan thread


Well-known member

The Nth Doctor

From the limited amount of the articles that I read (above), one of the main reasons for such housing was economic. This was due to LGBQT+ people being refused housing by bigoted landlords/banks/etc in the "regular" (sic) housing/economic market.

Personally, I think having LGBQT people anywhere is always a "plus"... ;)
Right, that's obvious. What I'm referring to are the tactics employed by opposition groups, who don't want such facilities built. At least here in the US, there is a long history of conservative factions using underhanded tactics to force minorities out of ares they don't want them.

For example, a primarily conservative city council might push for redistricting that makes building the proposed housing impossible. Or they might create a campaign to deny the "ugly" facility on the "beautiful" land, encouraging people to demand the state step in to save their "natural" landscape.

If it gets built anyway, they can push to raise taxes or cut funding and essentially price the facility out of business. A classic tactic used against majority non-white schools is to deny funding to the school based on negatively skewed performance, which causes the school to struggle even harder, prompting further cuts until the school is forced to close and, in turn, non-white families are forced to leave the area to find other schools.

It sounds like the plot to movie, but it happened to me some years back when the trailer court I lived in was bought by wealthy land owners in in the city, closed down supposedly to develop it for higher end housing... Yet over five years on and it's still an empty lot. They forced us out because the rich people in the area didn't want us there. I now live with a longer commute, with higher rent and eyeing entirely new gated communities creeping towards our new home day by day. I have no doubt that, in the next five to ten years, our landlords will be receiving offers for the land we live on.

Undesirables are rarely burned out of house and home, just quietly pushed out of the area.


NOT a New Member.
...In the US, there is a long history of conservative factions using underhanded tactics to force minorities out of ares they don't want them...

I'm aware of redlining and gerrymandering in the US, which are similar to what you wrote, right?

I haven't lived in the UK in ages, but here are some links that might be useful:






Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Redlining when it's against ethnic/racial minorities, gentrification when it's against poor people(who are also disproportionately ethnic/racial minorities), not sure the proper term when it's used against sex/gender related minorities, not that it matters much. Just a different flavor of humanities inhumane treatment of other humans.


NOT a New Member.
Redlining when it's against ethnic/racial minorities, gentrification when it's against poor people(who are also disproportionately ethnic/racial minorities), not sure the proper term when it's used against sex/gender related minorities, not that it matters much. Just a different flavor of humanities inhumane treatment of other humans.

Yes, but I'm sure both are still used for anyone that the average WASP doesn't want in their neighborhood?

I found some interesting reasons for some LGBQT+ people's housing/land issues:




I couldn't find anything about anti-LGBQT+ housing/land discussion as endemic as redlining though. However, I might not know the correct terms to search for.

Speaking of terms, could someone help me please?

While researching the above, I came across a site which advised those unfamiliar with LGBQT+ people to avoid certain terms. Most of the terms seemed obvious to avoid (such as "gay agenda", etc), but the site also stated that the term "homosexual" was offensive?

Here's the link:


I could forsee referring to people in casual conversation via a clinical term to be possibly rude (basically reducing people to a "condition") but when I was young, I was taught at school that "gay" was a derogatory term, whilst "homosexual" was the official/neutral term, especially in formal writing, etc.

Could anyone help to explain the article and either back it up or refute it please? Is it correct?

Thanks in advance and sorry to take anyone's time for my ignorance.

In other news..

Pope and protestant leaders denounce anti-gay laws.

Pope Francis and the leaders of protestant churches in England and Scotland have denounced the criminalisation of homosexuality.

Speaking to reporters after visiting South Sudan, the Pope said such laws were a sin and "an injustice"...

(Full story: - )
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Well-known member
Haha, what would you define as "middle-aged?" I feel like I'm getting there myself now... 😅 Anyways, congrats on your coming out!


NOT a New Member.
Hello. I'm usually very shy and secretive. I hope I don't regret doing this later. To keep it simple for now, I came out last August. I'm almost middle-aged, but better late than never. I'm happier and more mentally stable now than I was before. Though I constantly fear for my rights and safety now. :cry:

I didn't realize there were so many LGBTQ+ people on Allspark. But I suppose I'm not super surprised. I feel so much safer and accepted here than I have anywhere else. Thank you all, LGBTQ and allies of Allspark.
The Allspark has seemed to me as a much nicer place to chat about transformers and anything, including issues for marginalised groups of people. There are far less trolls here, IMO.

Best of luck with your endeavours!

The Nth Doctor

I think it's different for different people. I figure maybe 40 is middle-aged? But I'm 38 this year anyway. Just old enough for the original Transformers line. I still have all my old G1 figures. Nothing before 1987 back then (except Eject, Ramhorn, and Reflector). I think my first Transformer was Sinnertwin. But I'll stop there before I feel too old again. XD
I literally only realized I was trans after my 40th birthday. No shame to had there. There's no upper age limit on inner clarity.

Welcome and congrats!


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Heck, I'm a quickly aging Gen-X born in the second half of the 70s. Granted I've known what I am since puberty started, as much as I've been denying it since then.(UGH puberty was awful for me. Hopefully, if I ever decide to go through with HRT, second puberty will be much better)


New member
The Allspark has seemed to me as a much nicer place to chat about transformers and anything, including issues for marginalised groups of people. There are far less trolls here, IMO.

Best of luck with your endeavours!
I recognize this username. You're either the same person or have the exact same username as someone who was known to troll other TF forums (petty arguments about grammar/typos, frequently trying to derail threads by going off-off topic, insulting mods and posters who disagreed, lying about PM exchanges etc etc). I believe you/they were banned there for said trolling, but either way that's pretty interesting.

Anyway, back topic...

I'm not LGBT+ but my wife is. I've been trying to get her to read More Than Meets the Eye as she enjoys fiction that features but does not revolve entirely around LGBT relationships (or indeed make a massive song and dance about being LGBT), but lordy does it require so much pre-reading to have any idea what's happening, and I'm not sure if it's worth trying to explain the (incredibly lengthy) IDW history to prepare for it. Anyone here have experience with reading that series without much knowledge of IDW lore beforehand? Guess what I'm really asking is whether you really need to need to understand the full history of that universe to enjoy the more character-based story of MTMTE.


Nonstop Baaka
Most of my TF knowledge was from vague nostalgia, but I started gaining more info through osmosis after meeting TMM. MTMTE is one of the few TF comics I've read all the way through, and I was in it mostly for the Sad Gay Robots in Space. I didn't understand all the references/in-jokes, but didn't know I missed them until TMM told me about it later.

My biggest issue was trying to keep all the robot names/faces straight. I'm not really into robots, and they aren't always distinct enough in faces/personality for me. I think it was more an issue with the side characters. Wouldn't have minded more expressive faces sometimes, but that's tough with some of the designs.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
I recognize this username. You're either the same person or have the exact same username as someone who was known to troll other TF forums (petty arguments about grammar/typos, frequently trying to derail threads by going off-off topic, insulting mods and posters who disagreed, lying about PM exchanges etc etc). I believe you/they were banned there for said trolling, but either way that's pretty interesting.

Anyway, back topic...

I'm not LGBT+ but my wife is. I've been trying to get her to read More Than Meets the Eye as she enjoys fiction that features but does not revolve entirely around LGBT relationships (or indeed make a massive song and dance about being LGBT), but lordy does it require so much pre-reading to have any idea what's happening, and I'm not sure if it's worth trying to explain the (incredibly lengthy) IDW history to prepare for it. Anyone here have experience with reading that series without much knowledge of IDW lore beforehand? Guess what I'm really asking is whether you really need to need to understand the full history of that universe to enjoy the more character-based story of MTMTE.
You only need to read... Um, I forget the numbers but

-Two issues of Megatron at the bar. I think.
-An Optimus Prime one shot prequel to MTMTE #1

Both are written by James Roberts.

Someone correct me or clarify the issues.


NOT a New Member.
News from the country of Georgia.

Georgia's surprising LGBTQ+ scene.


In socially conservative Tblisi there is a thriving LGBTQ+ scene, with comedy, clubbing and art at its core. James Jackson meets some of the key players.

Nata Talikishvili never wanted to be a comedian. With a career that ranges from sex worker to club bouncer, Talikishvili uses her acerbic humour to expose society's hypocrisy, telling true stories that make light of her own difficult experiences as a trans woman in the transphobic culture of Georgia. She turns up to her interview with BBC Culture an hour late, waving a fan coquettishly, and her comic talent oozes out to such an extent that the translator keeps bursting into laughter during our conversation...

(Full story: - )


NOT a New Member.
Hope this is topical. (Edit: - behind spoilers as it might upset some)

Trans violent offenders banned from women’s prisons in England and Wales.

prisons in England and Wales are to come into force on Monday, the justice secretary has announced.

Dominic Raab had already announced in October that trans women with male genitalia or who had committed sexual offences would not be allowed in women’s prisons.

Speaking on Sunday, Raab said this would take force from Monday but would also cover trans women who had been convicted of a violent offence.

“We want to have a liberal, sensitive, tolerant approach to the LGBT community as a whole and in particular the trans community who suffer a lot in this country and have high levels of challenges,” Raab told Sky News’ Sophy Ridge on Sunday programme...

(Full story: - )

Self love is important, too!
Did you just tell us to go
f...ourselves? ;)
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NOT a New Member.
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