LGBTQ+ Transformers fan thread


Well-known member
I've been on HRT for over a decade but it's been a struggle for me because I also have Crohn's, so I have a very difficult time adding enough to get anything resembling curves. Injectable estrogen + progesterone pills + topical progesterone cream is finally making a difference but it's sooooo slooooow. 😓


Nonstop Baaka
I keep my nails short when I remember to as well. I'm always crashing them and bending them and I'd rather not have that. I thought about painting my nails, but I feel like it'll grow out/get chipped so fast and make it not worth it. But I'm tempted to do it anyway.
You should try it for fun. It's really hard to do with your non-dominant hand when you first try it. Might be easier to get some stick-on nails and paint those, they typically have cheap ones at the dollar store. Even if they don't fit well, they might be good practice. Putting a clear coat on top is supposed to help it last longer. Getting a manicure also lasts longer, but I don't like having my cuticles pushed back. The end result is fun while it lasts, at least. They have cheap sets meant for girls that have a variety of colors.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Also, you can use clear coat nail polish to help train yourself to not bite your nails.

Stuff tastes awful...


Well-known member
I wish I could take injectable estradiol. But the pharmacy I buy from only has the pills, so it's what I get. Taking Spiro hasn't been bad for me, fortunately. But I wonder if I'm getting enough of it because I don't have much in the way of Spiro side effects. I've been taking Estradiol and Spiro since the end of November. I've tried to get blood tests to check my status, but for some reason two different places have lost my results in a row. So I still don't know what's going on in my body. :rolleyes: I'll try to get another test soon. But I need to hope my doctor actually asked for the correct tests, too. I can't tell.
If you ever move up north around Michigan, I'll have to introduce you to the clinic I go to. The doc I see deals with a local compounding pharmacy so he can get injectable estradiol and other stuff for relatively cheap, and he recently started having them make his own formulation too.


Well-known member
So, you may be interested to know, this clinic has a flat rate ($150 I think?) for payment from people who don't have insurance. And they take patients from all over the country (except where laws were passed that prevent it).


Flamboyant Cuddles!!!
Denied a prescription AND on medicaid while in Florida. I wasn't going to accept my life burning out as soon as I started to live again. I couldn't let someone else decide my fate. Not this time. So I took the matters into my own hands. It isn't the easiest solution and I don't know how big my med doses should be. But it was an easy choice regardless. I THINK I'm doing okay. I'm going to try blood test round 3 tomorrow. Maybe I'll get results for the first time this time. 😇
Ugh god I am SO sorry you live in FL.🤢🤮

Re: dosage, if you’re taking E pills, I don’t believe you can/should about 6mg/day. As you’re probably aware taking too much will just convert the excess back into T which just nullifies any feminizing effects and can blow out your liver for good measure.

Are there any harm reduction clinics or Planned Parenthood clinics still operating in FL or LGBT centers? Those places tend to have an underground rainbow railroad of sorts when it comes to gender affirming care resources and the state as a whole is a shithole country unto itself. Speaking from experience as someone who “coming-of-trans” back in 2018 in North Carolina.🤮 Eff that place.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
I feel lucky that I live in the one part of Florida that isn't a complete shithole for LGBT+ rights.

And by 'not a complete shithole' I mean 'my city is regarded as one of the most LGBT+ friendly cities in the US and is known for its high LGBT+ population', so I guess I lucked out on that front.


NOT a New Member.
Hello again. I intend to quit the Allspark because I quit any forum if I feel at all unwelcome... You folks didn't make me feel unwelcome. So I might return to this topic from time to time...
Apologies if I've contributed to your feelings of unwelcomeness, but irrespective of that, I've found the Allspark one of the most consistently welcoming, mature and inclusive of all the TF-based websites. Long may your time here be!
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Flamboyant Cuddles!!!
Hello again. I intend to quit the Allspark because I quit any forum if I feel at all unwelcome. Understand it's to protect my mind from excess stress. I have major anxiety issues that stem back to trauma I received long ago that I never got over. I have to make my own safe spaces instead of expecting someone else to do it for me.
But I kept thinking back to this topic in particular. You folks didn't make me feel unwelcome. So I might return to this topic from time to time. I also might disappear entirely and probably will eventually. Who can say? I'll reply to this one for the time being. Mostly because I have an anecdote of caution.

My blood test was incomplete again. It seems the clinics and hospitals in my area cannot get this stuff right. And also my doctor didn't order anything for estradiol levels, as it turns out. My other levels are strange, though. My body thinks it's about to ovulate according to some things I've read. Which is cute if harmless, but I don't really know. I only take 2 mg of estradiol every 12 hours. I wish I had an endocrinologist to help me with this. It could be more than half a year before I can get one.

And you might not want to depend on Planned Parenthood if you live in the wrong areas. Mine made a series of mistakes, asked me intrusive questions, dead-named me several times, then refused to prescribe me hrt over the phone, dead-naming me again on the way out as I was crying. Basically one of my doctors' nurses he delegates stuff to disagreed with the hrt, so Planned Parenthood wouldn't let me have it. Screw 'em. I'll help myself. I've learned I can't count on most people anyway. EDIT: I must add this isn't meant to discourage anyone from trying PP. Just don't depend on them as your savior or last hope.

Thanks for sharing. ❤️❤️❤️ Sorry you are feeling unsafe on this board, but I’m glad this thread at least provided some reprieve from that. And yes, please do what you need to protect yourself!

This might not help to hear, but I hope it provides some validation of some of your feelings. I “came-of-trans-age” in North Carolina, and my experiences with their medical institutions there were awful. I normalized quite a bit of what happened to me for a long time. Then I moved to Colorado. They aren’t perfect, but they are lightyears better than what I experienced in NC. And it took me moving to CO to validate some of my experiences as medical discrimination.

Specifically, there were many, MANY times they got things wrong for me. Prescriptions, supplies, medical tests, and especially insurance billing. There just always suddenly seemed like there was an extra step that needed to be done, or something I was accused of having not done, except when I did it, they would just gaslight me and not acknowledge that I did it, over and over again. And there would always be a more seemingly-incompetent person that would show up to take the place of an individual I made any progress with in my situation(s), and I would have to start from scratch, over and over again. “They just can’t get things right they’re so stupid” I would tell myself. They aren’t; they’re just transphobes all throughout the system and using the local laws to lord access over trans people to basic aspects of the medical system and throughout it. There were some good eggs helping me along the way, but had I not had the unique access to the people that I did inside the system, I would have never gotten anything l needed. And had I not moved out of state I would have not seen how the entire system over there was set up for people like me to fail.


I also appreciate what you said re: PP. You are correct that they ain’t jive, either. But I did have a couple friends who told me they were able to access needles and hormones from them at one point or another, through what effectively was an underground rainbow railroad of sorts of people that happened to operate within the local PP for helping people who were medically transition get access to basic supplies like needles and such as well as hormones. Of course, not all PP are personnel are equal and part of that network, and I would venture to say most aren’t. My husband, who is also trans, had horrendous experiences with them actually.
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Flamboyant Cuddles!!!
Uhhh completely random, but here’s a pic of me from a fae-themed photoshoot last week. I post it in hopes that it brings someone somewhere joy. Because butterflies. ☺️😅


For some more context: I do modeling part-time and I had never felt prettier in my life than I did at that photoshoot so.🤷🏻‍♀️☺️


Flamboyant Cuddles!!!
Can't say I don't feel a little envious looking at your photo. You look great.
Thank you! 🥰 I wouldn’t feel too envious; I had a whole team of people who helped to put that look together after hours of research, workshopping and planning. Didn’t just roll outta bed like that ya know?

In fact here’s a pic of me right out of bed for comparison:


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