

Eorzean Idiot
Top 5 Dragon Quest Games (main line only)

5. Dragon Quest III (played on Switch, PS5)
Now I haven't finished this yet. And while I didn't really feel like going too far with it on the Switch, I'm having a lot of fun with the HD 2D remake on PS5. But I haven't finished it yet, so for now it'll have to take the bottom entry.

4. Dragon Quest IX (played on DS)
The story is a bit lighter on this one than on some of my other favorite DQ games. But that's probably because you build your entire team from the ground up. And while VIII also had enemies on the map vs random encounters, I didn't play that one until later. So this is not only the first DQ game I played like that, but the first JRPG I ever played like that.

3. Dragon Quest I (played on NES, iOS, Switch)
Yes it's archaic by today's standards. There's more story in the instruction manual than in the actual game. But I still have very fond memories of getting this game for free with my subscription to Nintendo Power. It was unlike any game at the time. If not for getting this for free with Nintendo Power, I probably never would have played it. In turn, I probably never would have gotten into JRPGs in general, let alone Funal Fantasy and the other DQ games in particular. I owe a lot of my present taste in games to this cart here.

2. Dragon Quest XI S (Played on PS4 [DQ XI] and PS5 [DQ XI S]
This one has it all:great graphics, great story, multi-platform availability even today. Jade is easily my favorite party member. If you've never played this or any other DQ game before, play this game...seriously!

1. Dragon Quest V (played on DS, iOS)
After the original Dragon Warrior game for the NES, I never even saw any of the others. I just never saw II or III. I don't think any others even made it stateside until DQ VIII and I didn't have a PS2 at the time.

So when I saw this at the local Game Stop for the DS, all the nostalgia for the original Dragon Warrior came flooding back.

This still remains my top favorite. I could kick myself for selling it after completing it. Now I only have the iOS version. I also have a Super Famicom version, but I don't have a Super Famicom and don't really want to mod my childhood SNES to play it...especially since it would be in Japanese anyway and I can't read Ja

I love how the story branches three generations. I love how you choose your love interest. I love the connection this game makes you feel to each of the characters.

I want so badly for this to see a re-release on a console so I can see it on my big screen. I'd be ecstatic for an untouched port of the DS game. I'd be over the moon for a HD 2D remake.

Also, I wish Dragon Quest Your Story had a physical release in the states. I watched it once on Netflix, but really rather not restart my subscription just for that.


Eorzean Idiot
Top 20 Masters of the Universe Toys I Own or Have Owned:

20. Castle Grayskull
Seriously? How dare I put the Castle Grayskull at the bottom of this list. Well, to be fair, there are a lot of MotU toys that didn't even make the list. So breaking the Top 20 isn't bad. But the thing is, I never had this as a kid. It may have been central to the show that I always used to watch, but as a toy , I never had the nostalgia for it. And now that I have it now, it's done little more than sit there and take up a LOT of space. I also have never been that much into playsets. I've always been about the characters. Still, it is a cool thing to have and it is central to the lore. So it does squeak by onto the list.

19. Roboto
Honestly kinda feel like I'm padding this. The only thing this had going for it was the interchangeable hands and the moving gears in the chest when you move the waist. It's kind of a cool toy. It was just cool enough to make it onto the list. But honestly, there's much better stuff coming up.

18. Ram Man
I never had him as a kid. But I did get the Origen version and I always did like any toy that would spring up off the ground. Don't know why. Just the stupid animal side of my brain that's easily amused, I suppose.

17. Leech
This is another one I didn't have as a kid. But I did get a vintage toy from eBay as well as the Origins version. I think I like the vintage more. I don't know if the suction cup actually was any more powerful, but the button that actually drew out the air to create the suction sure made it feel more impressive.

16. Screech
I had one as a kid and now I also have an Origins version. They're both very similar. I don't know what made this stand out so much for me, but it's just one of those toys I always enjoyed having.

15. Battle Cat
Maybe if I had this as a kid, it would rate higher. But much like Grayskull, it he had a central part in the show, but never having had the toy as a kid, I just don't have the same nostalgia for the toy. Still, this beats out other toys that I did own and have nostalgia for. So that much count for something.

14. Strider
This was only one of two vehicles I owned as a kid. It was also the first one I owned. I seem to remember I either got this for my birthday or for Christmas. I want to say Christmas, but I'm really not sure. But anyways, it was my first MotU vehicle and I love it.

13. Bashasaurus
This was the second vehicle I owned. Push the button and the hammer goes smash, hehehe! What can I say? It was fun running over all the bad guys with this thing.

12. She-Ra
I never had a She-Ra toy as a kid. The Origins just didn't have much in common with how she was shown in the cartoon either. But there were a few toys (Classics, Masterverse) that looked pretty good. And being the main character from the other side of the MotU line, I simply had to get at least some version of her. I have a few now.

11. Teela
Pretty basic character. She doesn't have any real gimmicks and only a couple accessories. But she is one of my favorite characters and, aside from Masterverse, I tend to get as many of her figures as I can.

10. Catra
Not so much the vintage toy from the She-Ra toy line. I looks at that toy and I hardly even see how that counts as a Cart. But I do have a Classics and a Masterverse version. I'll be honest, I mostly only care about this one because the heterochromia of the Netflix version caught my eye (no pun intended). The mask is also kinda cool. I didn't really care much for the Netflix show, but I did like that design and wish I could find that toy at a reasonable price. But as for the ones that I do have, they're pretty cool. Every toy line needs a fem-fatale.

09. Skeletor
I have a hard time pinning down what version I like. I like the Terror Claws accessories, but not the general look of the toy. Thanks to the mix and match properties of the Origins line, I wound up making my own Ultimate version of Skeleton with: Battle Armor body, Terror Claws hands, Keldor's cape and Keldor's extra head. There really wasn't a single best Skeleton version, but boom! Make you're own best version! Origins rocks!

08. Grizzlor
I had this one as a kid and it was soft and fuzzy. Soft and fuzzy counts for something. I have the Origins version now. That's really all I have to say about this one.

07. Mantenna
I didn't have this one as a kid. But I did get a vintage one from a vintage toy store as well as the Origins version at (I think) Target. I'm sure from here on out one thing you'll notice is that I like me some gimmicks. I like this one because of the eye gimmick. That's it. That's why it's on this list. I liked the gimmick.

06. Horde Trooper
I was bored out of my mind the first time I ever went to a Sam's Club. Their toy isle was small and lacking. But they did have this. I clutched that thing for dear life as I followed my parents in absolute, mind numbing boredom as I went through the Sam's Club. That memory has stuck with me. That's why it because one of my top favorites. Also the whole "push the button to make it fall apart" gimmick was kinda cool too.

05. Mosquitor
When you're a young boy, you love gross things. It's part of being a young boy. So you have a toy where you push a button and see blood pumping down through a window on the characters chest...what can be cooler than that?

04. Man E Faces
When I was a kid, I had a thing about having multiple toys in one. That's why I liked transformers so much. My brother only got a car whenever he got a Hot Wheels toy. Meanwhile I got a car and a robot. It's a twofer. So with Man E Faces, you have a human, a robot and a monster. It just fit right in. It was awesome!

03. Two Bad
This is another total nostalgia thing. I went golfing with my father. Actually, my father went golfing. I sat on the cart in the hot afternoon sun with only my Two Bad to keep me entertained as I sweated out the game. Ever since that moment, I have absolutely loved Two-Bad. I wish there was more to it. But that's really it. it was trauma bonding.

02. Power Punch He-Man
Thing with pop-caps were so awesome back in the day. Robocop had a toy line that used those paper strip caps. There were toy guns that used the ring caps. So, yeah, I have to admit, the fact that this toy used the ring-caps is what made this so cool. I had a Battle Armor He-Man as well as a Spinning Fists He-Man. But this was always my favorite and it was simply because it used those caps. Those things were cool. It's a darn shame they're so rare in toys these days.

01. Buzzsaw Hordak
So there was this thing with toy commercials back in the day. The toy lines were always trying to outdo themselves. Dinobots were cool. But according to the show and the commercials, Devastator can easily beat the Dinobots. Devestator's cool. You want him, right? Well, what about the Aerialbots. They're more powerful than even Devestator. You want them, right? Well, the Predacons can beat them...but Skylynx can beat them. Well, I guess I was a stupid kid, because of course Buzzsaw Hordak was more powerful than Hurricane Hordak. There was no greater threat than Buzzsaw Hordak. And as far as I can remember, that's kinda where I left off with the line before growing out of it. If you were to own any Hordak toy, it had to be Buzzsaw. And you know what? I fell for it so hard that even after all these years, Buzzsaw Hordak is still my uncontested favorite of the entire MotU line.


too old for this
So . . . . back when I worked at the Prison, I decided to have some fun with staff and asked for songs that reminded people of the work, the people, and the situations we've had to deal with. The response was impressive. Staff from literally every department in the prison, even admin, contributed at least one song. Some of these reference some *very special people and special situations. Most of them show just how much we did not enjoy our working environment. But, most are really funny. Enjoy.

Due to the size of the list, I've broken this up into a few posts.

The ICH Playlist

Songs in the Key of Seg

01: Tears of a Clown – Smokey Robinson
02: If you’re gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough – Roger Allen Wade
03: Friends in Low Places (not like we can get much lower) – Garth Brooks
04: Rollercoaster of Love - Red Hot Chili Peppers
05: Pressure - Muse
06: Ring of Fire – Johnny Cash
07: Hurt (Johnny Cash cover: Crisis Room Edition)
08: Hollaback Girl – Gwen Stephanie

09: Mayhem (Have you been in 1B lately?! Edition) - Halestorm

10: Disturbia - Metallica

11: Taking Care of Business – Bachman Turner Overdrive

12: Highway to Hell (technically Rice Rd isn’t a highway, but. . .) – AC/DC

13: In the Air Tonight (we’ve all had that ‘oh jive’ feeling) – Phil Collins

14: Down with the Sickness (Marshall put WHAT in the vents?! Edition) – Disturbed

15: Same Girl – R. Kelly ft. Usher

16: Shout – Tears for Fears

17: Locked Up – Akon ft. Young Jeezy

18: Breaking the Law (Eh, it’s not like policy means anything Edition) – Judas Priest

19: Ridin’ Dirty (The Russel Stover Bus Edition) – Chamillionaire

20: It wasn’t Me (Fine, we’ll roll cameras Edition) – Shaggy

21: Call Me (The Van Petten Edition) – In This Moment Cover

22: Creep (Looking at you, Reed Edition) - Radiohead

23: It puts the Lotion on its Skin – Greenskeepers

24: Mr. Lonely - Midland

25: About a Girl - Nirvana

26: Respect Walk (if we had any left, we’d have quit by now Edition) - Pantera

27: Sad but True – Metallica

28: Born to Raise Hell (but locked down because I suck at it) - Motorhead

29: Last Resort – Papa Roach

30: Unforgiven (all of them the songs and all of them the people) – Metallica

31: Enter Sandman – Metallica

32: Here comes the Boom (SORT Edition) – P.O.D

33: Sabotage (We do it to ourselves! Edition) – Beastie Boys

34: Rx (What excuse did Mays use to get into the clinic this time? Edition) – Theory of a Deadman

35: Lowlife – Theory of a Deadman

36: Nights of Blood and Fire (Oh the next shift is going to hate us Edition) – Type O Negative

37: Bad Company (Original)

38: Oogie Boogie’s Song

39: Free Bird – Lynard Skynard

40: Purple People Eater – Sheb Wooley

41: Beautiful People – Marilyn Manson

42: All Along the Watchtower – Jimmi Hendrix

43: I fought the Law – The Clash

44: Bad Boys – Inner Circle

45: Every Day is Exactly the Same – Nine Inch Nails

46: The Kids aren’t Alright (Ingold Edition) – Offspring

47: The Hellion/Electric Eye (Bubble Edition) – Judas Priest

48: Superstition (Oh jive, is it a full moon already? Edition) – Stevie Wonder

49: Bad Moon Rising (Oh jive, it IS a full moon! Edition) – Creedence Clearwater Revival

50: Smells like Teen Spirit – Nirvana

51: Complainer (The “I want a grievance” Edition) – Cold War Kids

52: R.E.S.P.E.C.T – Aretha Franklin

53: Heard it through the Grapevine ( Edition) – CCR

54: Don’t Go Chasing Waterfalls – TLC

55: Gangsta’s Paradise (Yeah, sure. Keep telling me all about how gangsta you were on the outside Edition) – Coolio

56: What’s Going On (The ‘I have no f—king idea’ Edition) – Marvin Gaye

57: I kissed a girl – Katy Perry (PREA edition only)

58: Self Esteem – Offspring

59: Sanitarium (For them or for Us Edition?) – Pantera

60: Sympathy for the Devil – Rolling Stones

61: Special Fred – Steven Lynch

62: Asshole (We all know one Edition) – Dennis Leary

63: Stuck in the Middle (Control, please open the damn door!) – Steeler’s Wheel

64: Break on Through – The Doors (EER Edition)

65: The Otherside (EER Edition) – Red Sun Rising

66: Bark at the Moon (Oh my God, just go to sleep already Edition) – Ozzy

67: Crazy Train – Ozzy

68: War Pigs – Ozzy (Officer’s Edition)

69: Perry Mason – Ozzy

70: I Shot the Sheriff – Bob Marley/Eric Clapton

71: 18 to Life – Skid Row

72: Holy Diver – Dio

73: Rainbow in the Dark – Dio

74: Shot through the Heart – Bon Jovi

75: Born to Run – Springsteen (EER Edition)

76: Jar of Hearts – Christina Perri

77: Heart of Glass – Blondie

78: Momma Tried (That moment when even Ms. Hulings rolls her eyes Edition) – Merle Haggard

79: We didn’t start the fire – Billy Joel

80: Fire Water Burn (Firewatch Edition) – Bloodhound Gang

81: Coward of the County – Kenny Rogers

82: Fancy – Reba McEntire

83: For the Love of Money – The O’Jays

84: 5-1-5-0 – Dirk Bentley

85: When you’re in prison – Offspring

86: Good Girls go to Hell – Billie Eilish

87: Murders in the Rue Morgue – Iron Maiden

88: Saturday Night Special – Lynyrd Skynyrd

89: Bohemian Rhapsody – Queen

90: Smooth Criminal (Oh please, like anyone here is smooth Edition) – Michael Jackson

91: Take the Money and Run (The “You didn’t run fast enough, obviously” Edition) – Steve Miller Band

92: Heartache Tonight – Eagles

93: Dizzy (The “OMG call a STAT!” Edition) – Tommy Roe

94: Fight Song – Marilyn Manson

95: Saturday – Elton John

96: Man of Constant Sorrow (ICH OIC Edition) – Soggy Bottom Boys

97: Shout at the Devil (Kulp Remix) – Motley Crue

98: Mother – Danzig

99: Jailhouse Rock – Elvis

100: Chain Gang – Everly Brothers



too old for this

101: Rusty Cage – Soundgarden

102: F—k the Police – NWA

103: My Own Prison – Creed

104: Back on the Chain Gang – Pretenders

105: Voices in my Head (Pod 2 Edition) – Alice in Chains

106 Hotel California – Eagles

107: Somebody to Love – Queen

108: Perry Mason – Ozzy

109: Man in the Box (Marshall Edition) – Alice in Chains

110: Jeremy – Pearl Jam

111: Send in the Clowns – Krusty the Clown Cover

112: Talk Dirty to Me – Poison

113: Urgent (It’s the same people calling chest pains. Is it really? Edition) – Foreigner

114: You can Ring my Bell (Olds Edition) – Anita Ward

115: Part time Lover – Stevie Wonder

116: Maneater – Hall & Oates

117: Chop Suey! – System of a Down

118: Toxicity (Gee, kinda like the culture around here) – System of a Down

119: Revenga – System of a Down

120: Psychosocial – Slipknot

121: Megalomanic (Isn’t this like half the cellhouse? Edition) – KMFDM

122: The Real Folk Blues – Seatbelts

123: Trip like I do (Positive Pee Test Edition) – Crystal Method

124: Smack my Bitch Up – (I’m going to Seg edition) Prodigy

125: People are strange – The Doors

126: One is the Loneliest Number – (Seg edition) Three Dog Night

127: Little Miss Can’t Be Wrong (Looking at you Alexander Edition) – Spin Doctors

128: The Bitch Came Back – (Childs Edition) Theory of a Deadman

129: Dude Looks like a Lady – (I’m going to get in trouble for this edition) Aerosmith

130: Sea of Sorrow – Alice in Chains

131: Back the hug up – (1B edition) Fear Factory

132: Mad World (Pod 4 Edition) – Gary Jules

133: It’s a small world (The “OMG we were in county together!” Edition) – Disney Medley

134: Tiny Dancer – Elton John

135: Bad Girlfriend (But let’s be fair, it’s not like he’s being faithful either) – Theory of a Deadman

136: Never Again – Nickelback

137: Living Dead Girl – Rob Zombie

138: Jaws Theme (Because “duh” edition)

139: Sweet Dreams – Eurythmics

140: Shut Me Up – Mindless Self Indulgence

141: They’re Coming to Take Me Away (Pod 4 Edition) – Butcher Babies

142: Private Dancer – Tina Turner

143: You’ll Rebel to Anything – Mindless Self Indulgence

144: Mambo #5 (B. Adams Edition) – Lou Bega

145: She’s not a Drug - Jackyl

146: Animal I’ve Become – 3 Days Grace

147: Pain – 3 Days Grace

148: Animal Inside – Disturbed

149: Mind your Manners – Slash

150: Still counting (if you knew the lyrics, you’d understand Edition) - Volbeat

151: Soldiers of the Wasteland (is my shift over yet? Edition) – Dragonforce

152: Blurry (Just pulled a double Edition) – Puddle of Mudd

153: I Walk the Line – Johnny Cash

154: Old Timer (6-2 edition) – Willie Nelson

155: Caffeine- (10-6 edition) Alice Cooper

156: Cat Scratch Fever – Ted Nuget

157: Now that you’re Dead- Metallica

158: Tie a yellow ribbon (every time they walk past Pod 4 Edition) - Tony Orlando

159: Pain Killer- Judas Priest

160: Eleanor Rigby – Beatles

161: Imagine – John Lennon

162: Another One Bites the Dust – Queen

163: Time of your Life – Greenday

164: Had the Time of my Life (retirement edition) – Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes

165: American Idiot – Greenday

166: Infect Me – (exposure protocol edition) Bad Religion

167: I Love this Bar (shift over edition) – Toby Keith

168: Raining Blood (Olds edition) – Slayer

169: Red Solo Cup (shift over edition) – Toby Keith

170: What do I have to Do (the desperate Edition) – Stabbing Westward

171: Sad Sad Sad – Rolling Stones

172: Lonely Teardrops (Boo Thang just released Edition) – Jackie Wilson

173: Re-Education through Labor – Rise Against

174: Amnesia (Cheese Sammich edition) – Chubawumba

175: Ball and Chain – Social Distortion

176: Don’t Bring Me Down – Electric Light Orchestra

177: Short-Change Hero – The Heavy

178: Ain’t No Rest for the Wicked – Cage the Elephant

179: Put it on the Line (I’m not lying for you Edition) – The Heavy

180: Fulsom Prison Blues – Johnny Cash

181: Bad Luck – Social Distortion

182: Heartache Tonight – Eagles

183: Outsider – Green Day

184: State of my Head – Shinedown

185: What it’s Like – Everlast

186: Gotta Get Away (10 minutes to shift change and you hit a f—ing STAT?!)– Offspring

187: Yakety Sacks (Trust me, you know this song Edition) – Benny Hill

188: Movin’ on Up (OMG, I’m moving to JCH in the morning edition) – Jefferson’s theme song

189: End of All Hope – Nightwish

190: My Way (the O’Hara Edition) – Sinatra

191: Dual of the Fates (Suited up and at the door Edition) – John Williams

192: Renegade – Styx

193: The Chain – Fleetwood Mac

194: Janey’s got a Gun – Aerosmith

195: Easy Lover – Phil Collins

196: Freak on a Leash (Black Box edition) – Korn

197: Coming Undone (my boo thang goin to seg edition) – Korn

198: Chain of Fools – Aretha Franklin

199: Psalm 69 – Ministry

200: The System is Down (The IT Edition) – Strong Bad

201: You’ve got an Ugly and Stupid Butt – Strong Bad

202: Hit me with your Best Shot (go ahead and write that grievance edition) – Pat Benatar

203: Step Up (I refuse to cuff up edition) – Drowning Pool

204: Everybody’s working for the Weekend (except us poor bastards who work it) – Loverboy

205: Don’t Stand So Close to me (Marshall edition) – Police

206: Oops I did it again (What do you mean she swallowed ANOTHER spork?! Edition) – Brittany Spears

207: Who let the Dogs Out (Who authorized this movement?! Edition) – Baha Men

208: Bullet with Butterfly Wings (the State Workers Edition) – Smashing Pumpkins

209: Instruments of Destruction – N.R.G.

210: Nothing’s gonna Stand in our Way (Running to a STAT edition) – Spectre General

211: Dare to be Stupid ( . . . . . I mean) – Weird Al

212: Momma I’m Coming Home – Ozzy

213: Raindrops keep fallin’ on my Head (I busted the sprinkler edition) – BJ Thomas

214: We will Rock You (SORT has entered the building edition) – Queen

215: Safety Dance (Ostrander edition) – Men without Hats

216: Complicated – Avril Lavigne

217: Seal the Deal – Volbeat

218: You can Go your Own Way (the on again/off again girlfriend edition) – Fleetwood Mac

219: The Streak (Pod 4 edition) – Ray Stevens

220: Every Little Thing Counts (Wait, I have how many points now?! Edition) – Janus Stark

221: ADHD (Addington Edition) – Kendrick Lamar

222: Fight Song – Marilyn Manson

223: This is the New jive (God, aren’t we all tired of cleaning up after Marshall Edition) – Marilyn Manson

224: Watching and Waiting – Phineas and Ferb

225: Jagged Little Pill (Medline Edition) – Alanis Morrisette

226: If your Lips are Moving (Lying liars who lie edition) – Meghan Trainer

227: Life during Wartime – Talking Heads

228: Changes – David Bowie

229: Unchained Melody – Righteous Brothers

230: Guess Whose Back (A&D Edition) – Eminem

231: Whip It – Devo

232: Gimme 3 Steps (Backwards, please. And aren’t you supposed to brush your teeth daily?) – Lynryd Skynyrd

233: Co-Dependent (yeah sure, that’s a healthy relationship Edition) – Adema

234: Beat the Devil’s Tattoo (Reed Edition) – Black Rebel Motorcycle Club

235: Irreplaceable (Packout Edition) – Beyonce

236: Push – Matchbox 20

237: Time is on My Side (I’m not even ON the OT Bubble today Edition) – Rolling Stones

238: Black Gives Way to Blue (done got your ass kicked Edition) – Alice in Chains

239: Crazy Bitch (Oh so many editions) – Buckcherry

240: Who Stopped the Rain (Yards closed, go inside Edition) – CCR

241: Yakety Yak – The Coasters

242 Every Breath You Take (Crisis Watch Edition) – Police

243: It’s 5 o’clock Somewhere (But I get off at 6 Edition) – Alan Jackson

244: Le Freak (if you knew the backstory of this song you may think to yourself, “pod 4?!”) – Chic

245: Black Betty – Ram Jam

246: Hooked on a Feeling – Blue Swede

247: Let it Be (The “pick your battles” Edition) – Beatles

248: Carry on my Wayward Son (But I don’t wanna work Seg Edition) – Kansas

249: Fat Bottom Girls – Queen

250: Under the Bridge – RHCP

251: Linger (Crisis Room Edition) – Cranberries

252: Rolling Stone – Upchurch

253: Blue Bird of Happiness (It done flew the F away) – They Might Be Giants

254: The First Cut is the Deepest (Crisis Edition) – Rod Steward

255: I’m Not in Love – Barry White

256: I Stand Accused (DA’s Office Edition) – Isaac Hayes

257: Poppin’ my Collar – 365 Mafia

258: The Warrior’s Call (SORT Basic Edition) – Volbeat

259: She F--g Hates Me (Who’s my Councilor again?! Edition) – Puddle of Mudd

260: I’m Blue (Trash bag Edition) – Eiffel 65

261: Bloody Sunday – U2

262: Hangman’s Body Count (. . . . we know who this is Edition) – Volbeat

263: Pumped up Kicks (Active Shooter Edition) – Foster the People

264: Bad Romance – Lady Gaga

265: Poker Face (Lying is a class 2, you know Edition) – Lady Gaga

266: You Gotta Keep em Separated (PREA Edition) – Offspring

267: Patience – (good luck finding any here Edition) Guns and Roses

268: Misery – Metallica

269: Tell Me Lies (sure, tell me why you’re up here again Edition) – Fleetwood Mac

270: The Law – E40

271: Confessions (1 and 2) – Usher

272: Du Hast – Rammstein

273: Mein Rasend Herz – In Extremo

274: Knife – Rammstein

275: Bitchin’ Camaro – Dead Milkmen

276: I wanna be Sedated (Harper Edition) – Ramones

277: Tainted Love (Hep C Edition) – Manson Cover

278: Bullet – Hollywood Undead

279: Deal with the Devil – Pop Evil

280: Sad Man’s Tongue – Volbeat

281: Ol’ Red – Blake Sheldon

282: God is God (Evans Edition) – Juno Reactor

283: I Get Around – Beach Boys

284: All My friends - 21 Savage and Post Malone

285: Heathens – 21 Pilots

286: Angels – Avenged Sevenfold

287: Hail to the King (Oh crap, it’s the Captain Edition) – Avenged Sevenfold

288: The End of Heartache – Killswitch Engage

289: Homies – ICP

290: Take Me Home, Country Road (Oh God, let this shift end Edition) – John Denver

291: Grace – Will Young

292: TNT (Yeah, this is ICH) – AC/DC

293: Choices – E40

294: Something to Remind You – Staind

295: Youth of the Nation – POD

296: Never Go Back – Dennis Lloyd

297: Everybody Hurts (it’s not the years, it’s the mileage Edition) – REM

298: World Gone Mad – Bastille

299: Broken People (if they weren’t before they got here/started working here. . . Edition) – Logic

300: Legendary – Welshly Arms

301: Can’t Go to Hell if You’re Already There – Shake Sin Shake

302: We are the Others (I hate going to the store in Uniform Edition) – Delain

303: Drink (I sure could use one) – Alestorm

304: Fucked with an Anchor – Alestorm

305: Deathwish (Hence why I work here Edition) – Red Sun Rising

306: Judas (Every one of those backstabbing MOFOS Edition) – Fozzy

307: No More ***** to Give – Thomas Benjamin Wilde

308: Drop Dead Cynical (Ah, I see you’ve worked here longer than 3 months Edition) – Amaranth

309: Prepare for War (every 5-day ICH Officer Edition) – Abelita’s Way

310: Popular Monster (look, we all have PTSD at this point Edition) – Falling in Reverse



too old for this

311: Pray for You (Oh bless your heart Edition) – Jaron Lowenstein

312: My Dark Disquiet – Poets of the Fall

313: Ironic – Alanis Morrisette

314: Antisocialist (Oh God, they keep on talking Edition) – Asking Alexandria

315: What’s going on (I just frikken got here, what fresh hell is this?! Edition) – 4 Non Blondes

316: 100 ways to Hate (Welcome to 1B) – Five Finger Death Punch

317: Kiss the Ring (the hug I will Edition) – Reality Suite

318: Metal Health aka Bang Your Head (the Cutsinger/Telford Edition) – Quiet Riot

319: Let the Good Times Roll (We’re a sarcastic little jive, aren’t we Edition) – The Cars

320: We’re Not Gonna Take It (and yet we still show up for work every day Edition) – Twisted Sister

321: Three Little Pigs (Telford needs a shave Edition) – Green Jelly

322: We’ve Only Just Begun (Uh oh, GG says Change is coming Edition) – The Carpenters

323: I like my Women a Little on the Trashy Side (Ooh, too far. Way too far) – Jerry Jeff Walker

324: Cry for you (as if I’d spare the tears for the likes of. . . . ) – September

325: My Moonshine Kicks your Cocaine’s Ass (The “Homebrewers” Edition) – Jackyl

326: Boulevard of Broken Dreams – Greenday

327: Here in my Car (Oh, those sweet moments before you have to get out and go to work Edition) – Fear Factory

328: Liar (#50 Edition or The Burnam Edition) – 3 Dog Night

329: The Show Must Go On (Covid Edition) – 3 Dog Night

330: Castle On the Hill (ICH Edition) – Ed Sheeran

331: Night After Night (and we wonder why we’re overstressed Edition) – The Rasmus

332: Happy Song – Bring Me The Horizon

333: Happy Workers (GG really wanted Oompa Loompas) – Cast of Toys

334: Old Town Road (If you know you know) – Lil Nas X

335: Eat jive and Die – Harley Poe

336: Vermillion – Slipknot

337: Sister Christian (Light of the World Edition) – Night Ranger

338: All Night Long (FFS, just go to sleep!) – Lionel Richie

339: Choke (My god, it’s like it was written in Pod 4) – IDKHBTFM

340: Resentment (We all have more than a few) – A Day to Remember

341: Trouble’s Coming (A&D Edition) – Royal Blood

342: Commercial Pumping (Ah that sweet sound of the shift kiss ass in the Boss’s office) – Jaroslav Beck

343: Enjoy the Silence (the suspicious, suspicious silence) – Lacuna Coil

344: Resist and Disorder (ah, I see Sabb is working 1B again) – Rezodrone

345: Crazy, Mad, Insane (I see you Pod 4 material) – Beast in Black

346: Someone Else (okay, which personality am I talking to now?) – Razz

347: The Devil Within (does this list really need another Kulp joke?) – Digital Daggers

348: Dangerous (yeah, yeah, I’m sure you were a badass on the outside) – Big Data

349: Endless War (again, welcome to ICH) – Within Temptation

350: Take You to Hell (I spend 8 hours a day there, try your best) – Ava Max

351: In Hell I’ll be Good Company (That Team Spirit, yo!) – The Dead South

352: Vermillion pt. 2 (Pour one out for all the broken marriages, families, relationships that this job and all the PTSD, angst, pain, and shitty shifts have destroyed) – Slipknot

353: Addams Family Theme Song (The Baba Edition)

354: Blah Blah Blah (The ‘Oh, I’m sorry were you talking to me? Edition) – Armin van Buuren

355: Used to the Dark (I mean, I’ve been here a minute Edition) – Des Rocs

356: Professional Griefers (Looking at you, Pod 4) – Deadmau5

357: Summertime Sadness (that moment on patrol when you realize you’ve wasted a perfect day with work) – Within Temptation

358: Where is the Edge (would you PLEASE stop pissing off the admin?! Edition) – Within Temptation

359: Tacky (self-explanatory) – Weird Al

360: Parasite Eve (the ‘Is it really that damn hard to wear the mask right?!’ Edition) – Bring Me the Horizon

361: The Man Comes Around (Ooh, the captain looks really mad!) – Johnny Cash

362: MAYDAY (this prison is going down in flames!) – TheFatRat

363: overwhelmed (. . . . . yeah) – Royal & The Serpent

364: Do Bad Well (This group? Please.) – KSHMR

365: I’m Okay (I’m also a giant liar) – Little Big

366: Straight to Hell (when they send you to ICH on your first day solo) – LVCRFT

367: Amnesia (I wish I could forget) – Red Sun Rising

368: Emotionless (yeah, that PTSD takes it’s toll) – Red Sun Rising

369: The Call of the Mountains (oh God, please take me away from this Edition) – Eluveitie

370: I’m Only Joking (but Admin does not appear to be laughing. . . . ) – Kongos

371: Bad Reputation (*coughoharacough*) – Adelitas Way

372: Words as Weapons (the “I don’t care what policy says” Edition) – Seether

373: God was Never on your Side (the “Prea Tria” Edition) – Motorhead

374: Doom and Gloom (It’s my Monday Edition) – The Rolling Stones

375: Kick in the Teeth (the, “Wait, the Warden said they could do WHAT?!” Edition) – Papa Roach

376: Life During Wartime – Talking Heads

377: Cry of the Banshee (the ‘who the hell is screaming in their room?’ edition) – Brocus Helm

378: Being Evil has a Price (so does following policy) – Heavy Young Heathens

379: Do You Really want to Hurt Me (. . . . uh, is this a trick question?) – Boy George

380: Today was a Good Day (At least according to Willis’ pass on Edition) – Ice Cube

381: Juke-Joint Jezebel – KMFDM

382: Firething (The ‘so you’re in here for arson?’ Edition) – Anita Lane

383: My Ruin (or what I call a career!) – Crawlspace

384: Two Telephone Calls and an Airraid (seems like a normal night at ICH) – Shaun Emrei

385: Almost Honest (huh, reminds me of admin) – MegaDeth

386: Beginning of the End (pour one out for all the new hires) – SpineShank

387: Welcome to the Strange (Mental Health people are weird) – Murderdolls

388: When Darkness Falls – Killswitch Engage

389: Inside the Cynic (a case could be made for this list . . . .) – Stone Sour

390: My Plague (I hate working a quarantine unit) – Slipknot

391: Anything but This (I should have called in) – Static X

392: Halleluja (it’s quittin’ time!) – Rammstein

393: Cry Me a River (spare me your tear-jerking BS, please) – Justin Timberlake

394: Name of the Game (Oh God, please don’t tell me Dreyer had it right all along) – The Crystal Method

395: Cleansing (I’m not sure we have a fire hot enough . . . ) – Marilyn Manson

396: Lithium (hope it’s a strong dose. . . ) – Nirvana

367: I Just Wanna Run (man, when both officers and inmates agree. . . . ) – The Downtown Fiction

398: You’re Going Down – Sick Puppies

399: In Vain (The ‘I was just trying to help’ Edition) – Within Temptation

400: B.Y.O.B (Or, you know, hand sanitizer) – System of a Down

401: Whiskey in the Jar (or at least an orange peel and some bread) – Grateful Dead

402: Twilight Zone (it’s like we’re working in one now) – Gold Earring

403: Danger Zone (uh, she can splash you if you stand there Edition) – Kenny Loggins

404: I Don’t Care (how can I anymore?) – Apocalyptica

405: War of Change (spoiler: we lost) – Thousand Foot Krutch

406: Wash It All Away (my shower doesn’t get hot enough) – Five Finger Death Punch

407: OMG What’s Happening (What the hell did I just walk into?!) – Ava Max

408: Crazy, Mad, Insane (you may think this is about the inmates, but we’re really talking about the officers) – Beast in Black

409: Opportunities (if we had any, we wouldn’t still be here) – Pet Shop Boys

410: Obey (uh, no) – Bring Me the Horizon

411: I am Above (The Warden’s Song) – In Flames

412: For Whom the Bell Tolls (I haven’t heard Tone yet!) – Metallica

413: The Shortest Straw (Now wait just ONE GODDAMN MINUTE!) – Metallica

414: Wherever I may Roam (I said secure your door!) – Metallica

415: The Frayed Ends of Sanity (. . . . . I mean) – Metallica

416: Disposable Heroes (Thanks Gloria!) – Metallica

417: Party Up (whose got the hooch?!) – DMX

418: Gives You Hell (Jesus 1B is out of control) – All American Rejects

419: Dream Weaver ( The CSI Smith Edition) – Gary Wright

420: Because I got High (yeah, I work at Russel Stover. . . . ) – Afroman


Eorzean Idiot
Top 10 Street Fighter Characters

Do keep in mind that there are a LOT of Street Fighter characters. Just because they aren't on this list doesn't make them bad. They just aren't on this list. This also isn't restricted to characters I've mained. Maybe I just like the character.

10. Guy
To be honest, in the first Final Fight game I usually gravitated to the jack of all stats Cody rather than the fragile speedster Guy. But as the story went on, Guy remained the hero while Cody, however framed he might've been, just didn't seem interested in improving his station in life as a convict. So my vote kinda had to go to Guy for rounding out the top

9. Maki
I've said it more than once, they need to bring Maki back. So far she's only been in the portable Alpha 3 game and the Capcom vs SNK 2 crossover. Guy and Cody seem to get all the love. Hard to fault Capcom for that since they were in the very first Final Fight while Maki was only in the direct to console sequel. That still leaves Maki criminally underused and long overdue for a return.

8. Elena
This is one I love as a character but could never get to the point of using her well enough to main her. I just love her attitude. In a game with a lot of crime syndicates and personal vendettas, she one of the nicest characters just in it to make friends. I hope SF6's play style makes it so even I can use her better than before.

7. Kimberly
My hands down favorite of the new fighters in SF6. She easy to use, energetic and has a lot of spunk...pretty much all the things I love about Sakura.

6. Guile
And now we start getting into the main characters. I see two main stories in Street Fighter: Ryu vs the Dark Hado and the fight against Bison. His brother-in-law relationship with Ken, his partnership with Chun Li...he's just too integral to both sides to not make it on this list.

5. Ken
He's been here since the first game. And while Ryu and Akuma may be the two most cetral characters in the Dark Hado storyline, Ken has always been right there in Ryu's corner.

4. Ryu
I mean, do I really have to say any more? He's the poster child of Street Fighter. He's the main protagonist on the Dark Hado storyline. The on and only reason he rates this low is because now we're getting to my personal mains.

3. Sakura
I haven't been keeping track lately, but I seem to remember that at one point, if you include all the vs. games, Sakura is actually (barely) in more games than Ken...and she didn't even debut until Alpha 2. That just makes it all the more infuriating that she hasn't made it into 6 yet...yet. Usually I'm either using Cammi, Chun Li or some flavor of the month. But Sakura seems to be that flavor of the month that keeps coming back, making her an honorary main. Quit slacking, 6.

2. Cammy
Cammy has been my main since SFIV. Used to be I mained Chun Li for her mobility (get in, strike hard and get away before they retaliate). It feels like they slowed her down a bit though. Meanwhile Cammy if as fast and furious as ever. She gets in there and let up until it's over. Plus she likes cats.

1. Chun Li
The first SF character I ever used...well...that was actually Blanka. But the second SF character I ever used was Chun Li and she instantly became my first ever main. I love her design. I love her fighting style. I love her backstory. Even though Cammy may have taken Chun Li's place as my primary main as a fierce fighter, Chun Li will always be number one in my heart as a character...with Cammy as a close second...but still second.

Honorable Mentions
Juri, Poison, Akuma, Blanka, Ibuki

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
I'd have to expand it to top 20 Capcom fighting game characters

20. Cyborg shin Akuma
19. Metal Zangief
18. Dan
17. Rose
16. Bison
15. Magneto
14. Spider-man
13. Juri
12. Sakura
11. Psylocke
10. Rogue
09. Roll
08. Chun-li
07. Ken
06. Ryu
05. Cammy
04. Lilith
03. Zangief
02. Morrigan
01. Akuma
00. Felicia - goes without saying, she's my main

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