Make Up a HasLab Stretch Tier!


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
Okay, I didn't want to derail the actual HasLab thread with wild wishes and crazy ideas, so I thought I would start a thread where we throw out ideas for HasLab stretch goals to unlock.
Any HasLab, any idea:

I've seen some suggestions that micromasters Clipper and Riker would have made a good unlock for Liokaiser, and this would have made a lot of sense, but here's a crazier idea:

How about an eighth member that's a Deathcobra partial to take Gaihawk's place? Liokaiser has a certain symmetry that most other combiners don't have; both legs are tanks, both arms are jets, so replacing 'Elbat with Deathcobra sort of messes with that symmetry. Adding a second helicopter member would restore that balanced look. Obviously, this would be a highest unlock tier.


Kaiser Dragon
I like that idea. I love that we're getting Death Cobra, but he does really ruin the look for Liokaiser when he's used as an arm. I like that he can be used as a shoulder cannon. A second helicopter could also be used as a second cannon, letting him still have that symmetry even with the extra bots.

If a Deluxe+ bot can be a stretch tier, as evidenced by Deathcobra himself, I'd love to see Blue Bacchus as one, ideally designed to match either the old Deluxe Black Shadow or a potential new mainline one. The Crossformers are really scraping the bottom of the obscurity barrel, but I'd love to see them join the Victory group. Sky Shadow at least has some solo popularity going for him, but Blue Bacchus seems like a real long shot any other way.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
HasLab Metroplex

First Tier: Comes with a gun.

Second Tier: Comes with the other gun.

Third Tier: Comes with Scamper.

Fourth Tier: Comes with Slammer.

Fifth Tier: Comes with Six-Gun.

Sixth Tier: Comes with real working transformation cog that you have to use in order to transform him into a robot.

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