Marvel's Hawkeye on Disney Plus


Well-known member

Okay, I really hope this is what finally gives us Classic Hawkeye; Such a great character but so little really done with him, and seeing some stuff from the 'Hawkguy' comics gives me some hope for that . I also do love the touch that you can see him wearing a hearing aid in some shots, as Hawkeye's deafness rarely gets acknowledged.


...even Team Whirl.
Hawkeye does look fun - reminds me of "You and I remember Budapest very differently" and some of his scenes in Age of Ultron.


Continuity Nutcase
Before the MCU, my only familiarity with Hawkeye was via the 90's Iron Man cartoon (in which he was kind of a loner with a bad attitude) and a little bit of the 1999 Avengers: United We Stand cartoon (missed out on most of it, but caught a little bit of it, and in which Hawkeye was again kind of a loner with a bad attitude).

I don't know what comics Hawkeye was like, so I'm going into this only really knowing of MCU Hawkeye.


Well-known member
He started as a villain. But a "misunderstood wasn't actually a villain" type.

Then he joined the Avengers and for a long time he was the hot head-jerk-bad boy of the team. The "heart of gold, means well, but is too arrogant and always ready to break the rules and rebel" type.

Eventually he was on the Avengers and then at the top of the West Coast Avengers for long enough that writers had him have matured, and while he would still break rules, he knew how to do it the right way at the right time and he became kind of a mentor figure even. This was the point where he got Justice and Firestar into the Avengers because he felt they deserved a shot and he became Leader of the outlaw Thunderbolts because he thought they deserved a shot at redemption.

Recently (relatively) there was a character (re)defining series where he was a Jim Rockford style hard luck hero. Someone out of his depth who had screwed up a lot and would again but was a good person and never stopped trying. It really humanized him a lot. It was a huge hit and kinda defined who Hawkguy is now. The expectation is this TV show will pull on a lot of that series.

-ZacWilliam, after reading Marvel for 30 years I can honestly point to Hawkeye as one of the characters that's had pretty good and fairly consistent character growth.
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Well-known member
The buried lede with this series seems to be the sudden existence of "Rogers: The Musical."

ten bucks says the climactic song is some variation of "I am NOT throwing away my Shield."


Active member
The buried lede with this series seems to be the sudden existence of "Rogers: The Musical."

ten bucks says the climactic song is some variation of "I am NOT throwing away my Shield."

Why would a variation of My Shot be a climactic song? My Shot is an I Want song. It's the third song in the show for a reason, a character establishing moment. It's damn far removed from a climax.

They put Rogers in the Lunt-Fontanne and not the Richard Rodgers for a reason.

SHIELD Agent 47

Active member
Hawkeye is very nearly here! Next Wednesday, 24 November 2021.


Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Saw two eps. I'm thinking it will be a very local kind of story?

The musical, wow! I want to see that!

I'm not sure but Hailee seems a little awkward during her fights. Not looking practiced is on purpose?

I have no idea who the dog is. I bet he's a Skrull. Or Nick Fury, since he's missing an eye.

The eps are very slow going. When I saw the outdoor scene starting, I thought for sure it's the cliffhanger ending. But no, it was just the middle? I REALLY wanted that whole scene to last a big chunk of an ep, darn!

That aside, why wasn't that guy punished? He's giving his profession a bad name by his behavior and they didn't even call him out on it. Not good.

It took me until seeing the white suit to figure out who the enemy is.

I gave a little shout when I recognized the person at the end of ep2.

Doesn't seem to be Must-See TV but I was pleasantly surprised. I was prepped to dislike Kate when I realized she wasn't the actual daughter of Clint. I thought for sure the MCU would have the daughter be the new Hawkeye, aw. But Kate has been fun, kinda carrying the show somewhat.


Ancient Protoform
Local expletive deleted actor is one of the Tracksuit Bros. I hate that my eye is drawn to him every single time he's onscreen.


Well-known member
If someone at Disney isn't already working on an actual "Rogers" stage show for one of the theme parks then they are TERRIBLE at their job.


Active member

Full song was released. Amazed they got Shaiman to do it and didn't just hand it over to the Lopezes like all of Wandavision

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
OMG! That's just amazing/silly! Love that they did that :)

Oh, I had a weird feeling when Kate met Clint. Kinda skeeved me a bit cuz I realized I was reminded of the deal with Barbara and Bruce in BTAS, where she was actually in love in Bruce instead of just idolizing him. 0_0

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Glad the writers addressed that.

Haha, I can imagine them being sent to Vormir whatever to retrieve the Soul gem and Clint pushes Kate off the cliff. But the Soul gem doesn't appear because Clint didn't care about Kate, haha

Edit - aw, that could actually be a sad story. Kate and Clint would fight to be the one to sacrifice themselves but Clint would stop Kate by telling her that it wouldn't matter if she jumped, because he never valued her the way she does him. It would only work if he jumped, because Kate loves him, even though it would never work out.
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