Matrix Resurrections


I’m not dead yet!
Looks decent. Isn’t doing a thing for me though. After the end of the last two movies I really wasn’t looking for more.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
I loved the original movie as well as the Animatrix. The sequels had some interesting ideas, but were overall disappointing. I'm cautiously optimistic for this one.

It looks like it's taking place in the revised Matrix from the end of Revolutions where man and machine had made peace. If nothing else, I'm curious to see where it goes.


Active member
Honestly I was so disappointed by #2 I skipped #3, so watching this trailer is slightly confusing to me and seems like a weird retread of the first one but... without Fishburne and Weaving (n) Weaving had scheduling conflicts, fine, but not only is Fishburne absent, there's some other dude dressed like him which is even worse?

I'll probably see this in theaters just for the hell of it, but going to keep the expectations appropriately low.

Big bright side is maybe some theaters will reshow the original to hype this one.

Pirate Lion

New member
Agreed - the original and Animatrix had nicely rounded but open-ended plots and some neat world building.

Comparatively 2 & 3 were a let down, but I always rationalised it as a “possible” conclusion based on the multiple incarnations thing so sort of gave it a bit of a pass?

Hopefully most people have hazily remembered them or skipped them and this can do a bit of a reboot.

Not calling Fishburne is really weird, though.


Active member
Well, it's a great trailer... top-notch editing and built around a fantastic song. Reminds me of the Superman Returns teaser.

I hope it lives up to the trailer, but I don't really have any expectations. While I've grown to dislike the two sequels less over the years, I still find the original and The Animatrix (specifically The Second Renaissance) tell a story that's cohesive and satisfying, without really needing any further installlment. One would hope the machines and humans make peace in the end, as both clearly deserve to exist; but do we need to see it? ... unless it's done extraordinarily well, of course, which it hasn't been yet.

I'll undoubtedly go to see this, if only out of curiosity. Since Neo and Trinity died at the end of the third film, I'm a little curious at how they've been restored. I'd have said they're just disembodied minds existing within the Matrix, but we did see that one shot of Trinity in the trailer that looked like it took place in the real world... so was she restored to a clone body, or did they heal her original one?

Disappointed that Weaving and Fishburne won't be back, though.


Sack of monkeys in my pocket
first one was great. most of the animatrix was so-so (second renaissance was excellent). dont really feel a need for a fourth movie. might see it if im bored and its plating at my theater

the best thing the second one gave was the freeway chase. not much sticks out from the 3rd one


Eorzean Idiot
I thought I already replied to this before. Huh! Guess not. Anyway, first was a classic. Second...had an awesome chase scene. Third was just bleh.

I'll have to wait and see what more I hear about this one before committing to seeing it.


Active member
Actually really looking forward to this. Reloaded was meh, but I thought Revolutions was pretty good once they rescued Neo, and the fight for Zion was fantastic. Animatrix was a mixed bag, and I have... mixed feelings towards Second Renaissance.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I look forward to watching this on HBO Max, but I don't plan on going to the theaters for it.

SHIELD Agent 47

Active member
Huh. No one returned to this thread upon theatrical release. That forgettable, eh?


I’m not dead yet!
Pretty much. I just watched it on HBO max. And to be fair the movie makes fun of itself for making it for the WB overlords.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
I didn't know there was a thread. Saw it.

Thought it was funny how they got younger versions of some of the guys. The good robots and existing outside the Matrix is kinda cool but they're an extra thing that we didn't see happen in between.

I don't like the whole love conquers all trope and would have liked a more scientific explanation. Even something like goofy binary particles will always connect or quantum dynamics dictates thing split must reunite or something anything.

I can't take Neil Patrick Harris seriously cuz he's funny. If he appears anywhere else, he'll always be funny to me, even when he's not suppose to be.


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
For me, this film just feels kinda pointless. The metaness at points seemed interesting, some of the concepts might have had potential, but overall, it just felt like a speedrun of the trilogy with added bits, that leaves us more or less where we were at the end of Matrix 1. The resistance has freed The One and now will battle to free humanity from the machine prison of the Matrix.


Ancient Protoform
They broke their own visual rules and guides from the first films, which makes this worthless in my opinion. Definitely a dying epilogue of a film.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I thought it was the best Matrix sequel. lol.

Honestly, I watched it on HBO Max and enjoyed it, but I don't foresee myself watching it again.


New member
Well, I don't know how to take it. I watched without emotion. Nothing left of the class. Yes, new time, new people..but still..I think it was a mistake to shoot a new part.


Eorzean Idiot
Just finished watching it. I found it on Amazon for the right price and I was just bored enough to check it out.

Yeah it was pretty pointless. The first movie alone didn't need a sequel and the original trilogy definitely didn't need a follow up.

Still, in a world where Avatar gets an unneeded sequel, Indiana Jones gets an unneeded sequel, Matrix gets an unneeded sequel...I can think of a worse way to spend a night than some pretty cyberpunk.

At least they actually went more into explaining the actor changes more than just a half-assed throwaway line like they did with the Oracle in the third movie. That honestly surprised me.

But over all, it didn't really feel like it had the same soul at the original trilogy. Too many meta moments, too many moments I absolutely couldn't tell what the heck was going on. It was...meh...just like most recent movies I've seen. The fact that cyberpunk is my favorite genre is t only thing that makes this meh any better than the other meh I've seen recently.
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Active member
I own all 4 movies having gotten them at Dollar General with Top Gun II.

I started The Matrix I.

Am 30 minutes in on it or so.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
The first film is really good. The sequels aren't as bad as everyone says they are, and they have a decent story that concludes at the end of the third film. Honestly the last film is a straight up cash grab.

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