

This is how a unicorn comments

HOLY CRAP! I was not expecting it to be this big!


This is how a unicorn comments
Okay, since I seem to be the collector rival to Caldwin. Here's my collection now that my Dread stuff has come in the mail:

So Caldwin beats me right out with having the boxes for Metroid 1 and Super. He also has way more guides than I have.

I'm sure some are wondering why my Super Cart is black. I got it way back in the 90's from some neighbor I believe, and they had painted it black. It works fine, and that's all I really care about. Also honestly I think it looks nice black.

That little DS cart under my Metroid 2 and Samus figure is "Metroid Prime Hunters: First Hunt" A demo of the full game. Someone had it for a buck at a flea market, and I went for it.

My copy of Pinball sadly does NOT have the Rumble Pak. I'll get one eventually.

That copy of Prime 1 has a bonus disk for Prime 2. It had a basic demo of a few areas usually not connected, mashed up into a small area. I think it has other stuff like a Metroid timeline. I can't recall.

Both my copies of Dread and Samus Returns are the Special Editions.

I'm pretty sure that's every Metroid Amiibo made.

The one game I have that Caldwin didn't show is Federation Force, but I have a feeling the reason is people don't consider it an actual Metroid game?

Lastly that Samus Arm canon has lights and sound. It was a Christmas gift from last year If memory serves me right.

(Oh I also have a Samus Keychain that was a pre-order bonus for Samus Returns, but I forgot to put it in these pics.)


I’m not dead yet!
The Original Metroid did get a Classic NES series GBA cart at one point didn't it? I know it's not really necessary but hey guys theres a way to boost the collection! :D

But anyone else want MercurySteam to recreate the entire 2D series at this point? I mean sure I'd be cool just with what we have, but after Samus Returns and Dread I kinda want to see their looks at the original game, Super and Fusion. I mean with Super why mess with whats there........ but I want it anyways.

But if this really is the end of the original Metroid saga, where do we go from here?

At this point the Metroids are extinct. Completely. The only possibility is that the DNA in Samus is only dormant and not eradicated by the X that returns her to normal at the end of Dread. We essentially had a Metroid game with none of the classic critters in the game. I don't think it's a first overall for the franchise but it might be for the classic 2D series.

So what do we have Samus set her sites on now? The Space Pirates are overplayed at this point. This seemed like the last of the Chozo. Do we see her continue the Hunter rivalry with Sylux from the Prime Series? Most likely that will play out within that part of the series. How do we get her to a planet, lose her abilities and regain them alongside something new to play up.
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This is how a unicorn comments
The Original Metroid did get a Classic NES series GBA cart at one point didn't it? I know it's not really necessary but hey guys theres a way to boost the collection! :D
Funny enough I was thinking about that. XD I'd probably grab it if found for cheap.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I have that one. It is pretty unnecessary but I had the NES colored GBA so I wanted that to go with it.


Well-known member
I'm honestly starting to hate this game, I've been stuck at the goddamn sheild chozo for days now, and what used to seem challenging but fair just doesn't feel like it here. LOok up vidoes, everyone seems to beat him effortlessly. I'm just getting close to giving up and not going back.

EDIT: And bitching worked, finally beat the asshole.
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Eorzean Idiot

I didn't even think about the amiibo for some reason. I'm totally jealous that you got the Dread amiibo. I hope Nintendo goes the route of Skyward Sword instead of Samus Returns and releases more.

I didn't have the Prime Hunters First Hunt demo in the first pic because I honestly thought I lost it. I just happened to find it last night. So Happy there. I completely forgot about the keychain. It was in with a bunch of other free keychains I've had over the years. But I'm sure you could tell I had the Special Edition Samus Returns since I showed the soundtrack that came with it. I also have the pins as a preorder bonus from GameStop for Dread.

No, I don't have Federation Forces. I could have gotten it if I'd wanted it. But as a Metroid fan, I'd be embarrassed to have it in my collection. 😝

I am jealous of that arm cannon.


This is how a unicorn comments
I consider myself lucky as all hell to have the amiibo and the Special Edition. Like I said I figured it was a gamble buying it off of Gamestop's website, but it ended up paying off. Hell I didn't even buy them together. I saw the Special Edition of Dread for sale and immediately snagged a copy fearing they'd sell out any second. Only after I got my email confirming my purchase did I go back on the site and see if I could snag the amiibos as well.

There were pins for pre-ordering? Damn I'm gonna have to hit up my local Gamestop and see if they have any left over. I didn't know about them!

Yeah I figured most people skip on Federation Force, but I'm sorry I'm not that much of a prude. XD (Also honestly I think it's neat to see the Metroid universe from another angle.)

Also I get this feeling that since people kept skipping on the game, the price is going to go up. Right now English copies seem to go for 50 on ebay. I paid like 11 bucks for my copy.

I was very thankful to my friend for the arm canon. ^_^

I do have some shirts. Along with the arm canon, he also gave me this huge Super Metroid cart that was actually a container for a Super Metroid T-Shirt. I also have somewhere the pre-order shirt for Echoes.

I also have some Metroid skins on my Wii and DS that I could show. Wasn't there a Metroid themed handheld for the 3DS? *looks it up* Yeah there is. Man I wish I had THAT.

I also have the Metroid Other M Art Folio thing.


Eorzean Idiot
Just as kind of a "hug it" type thing, I just bought Federation Forces on eBay. I'm not expecting much. But I did just realize that it truly is the only Metroid game I don't have. Heck! Going even further down the rabbit hole...

WiiU E-Shop:
Super Metroid, Metroid Zero Mission

3DS E-Shop
Metroid, Metroid II Return of Samus, Metroid Fusion

Should we even count the Metroid and Super Metroid games that come on the NES-mini and SNES-mini?

Okay, that might be getting out of hand. Maybe we should just keep to physical media.


Eorzean Idiot
I'm honestly starting to hate this game, I've been stuck at the goddamn sheild chozo for days now, and what used to seem challenging but fair just doesn't feel like it here. LOok up vidoes, everyone seems to beat him effortlessly. I'm just getting close to giving up and not going back.

EDIT: And bitching worked, finally beat the asshole.

For me "hate" is a bit of a strong word. But I am stuck at a boss...again. This time it's Experiment No. Z-57.

I don't think I'm any more or less stuck on this boss than I was previous bosses. But I am getting that sinking "cut me some hugging slack" feeling I talked about before.

Giving a some bosses that are tough to fight but satisfying to beat is one thing. But to have to fight tooth and nail for every last bit of ground you gain...get a bit of distance, brick wall, get a bit of distance, brick wall, get a bit of distance, brick's exhausting.

I'm not to the point of giving up and not going back. But I do think I need a day or two. This's satisfying when you beat a boss. But it's just so exhausting to have to fight every single step of the way.

I mean...I still love this game...but...



Well-known member
Yeah, I got past Sheild guy only to hit that guy, decided 'hug it' and just gave up for now. Not yet to quitting, but going from one annyoing boss to another very quickly... just killed my drive to play tonight.


Got 100% items on my first playthrough in 11:30. Absolutely LOVE the game. Not too hard, hardest was actually finding all the items and figuring out all the Speed Boost puzzles without help.

That, and the last boss took me quite a few tries, the only thing I found real hard. But fair. Gotta learn all the patterns and execute them well (do not need to be perfect).


I’m not dead yet!
For me "hate" is a bit of a strong word. But I am stuck at a boss...again. This time it's Experiment No. Z-57.
There's actually an instant kill on it after the first phase. No sequence break required but good luck trying to get it.

If you can activate the Speed Boost as it's in the Upper right and keep it going as the waves of energy blasts push you back against the left wall, you can shine spark through the monster giving you an alternate end to the fight. But like I said it's going to take some practice.


Eorzean Idiot
I finally beat Experiment No. Z-57. Finally beat the hugger. I can go to bed now.

I hugging hate this game.


I’m not dead yet!
Personally I love a game that gives me a challenge like that. But the the end boss had my hands feeling sore by the end.


Eorzean Idiot
Well, I'm finally at Raven Beak...who soundly kicked my butt. But that's okay. Final bosses are supposed to be tough. With everything else cleared out and me being able to finally breath, I can take relax, gather my thoughts, get some strategies in place and maybe finish this game sometime soon.

This has definitely been one heck of a love/hate roller coaster. I think I'm coming around again to love.


Eorzean Idiot

I wouldn't even take that jive from Mass Effect.

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