Mey Hem RPG: Sword & Sorcery After the End of the World!


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Ooh. I’ve just had a thought on alternative fuel. I have no idea even remotely how it would end up. But… Cavorite. :)

Al thought from what Zam said. I kinda wish we Had crashed into the Viknadian wilderness. I could imagine the friction between the YPNR and the locals. Plus, Cher would end up very conflicted, since they are people in need, but also a potential threat to Viknadia again.

Mey Hem really has been a collaborative RPG. I mean, we’ve all built it Everyone who’s here now or not. All the GMs and Guest GMs.

And I swear to god I will continue my recaps until I’ve written this all down. I am, sadly, very good at procrastinating.

As for Oracle. I like to think she is is a complete AI, because of all the moments in the RP where she’s either chided, reprimanded, or even very subtly joked with Kage. Though since she’s bound to the cave other than voice comm, I’d roll with the idea that she’s not as open as Friday or Monday. I still like to think that Monday is another model of the same system that created Friday. Though that is just because of the name. Did you ever go further into what magic ‘evolved Friday, or was it simply a matter of her system somehow getting a surge because it was close to all the magic Moscareina was doing?

I admit I cannot even begin to imagine how much it takes to juggle all the plot threads, responses to character reactions and contingency plans for if players manage to do something unexpected.

EDIT: I almost had Kage suggest Judeen could take over Jezejandras role.

Also, one aspect of Kages epilogue will involve that other other identity I gave him thanks to Copper way back in season 1. Kevin Saldivar. I mean, he’ll always be the Knight, but Harue gave Kage a few ideas when she suggested using his money in other ways. :)
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Destron D-69

at Journey's end
The retiring King and Queen of Viknadia will offer amnesty to anyone from the city who comes to them asking for it - baring a few exceptions that the party will point out. Any of the common Citizenry will be welcomed to come and experience a magic positive culture if they wish to have a first hand experience with what actually goes on... and not whatever weirdo stuff they were told about that got them so angry. Heck if they wanted to they could land the city out in the wastes and just become neighbors - that could be cool. The new queen likes making friends.


Pittied fools.
I admit I cannot even begin to imagine how much it takes to juggle all the plot threads, responses to character reactions and contingency plans for if players manage to do something unexpected.
Pulling this one out for a moment. While I was often shocked that things didn't blow up, this isn't my first campaign. Though, I'd say every RPG player should GM at least once. Mey Hem presents a situation where those here know the setting, so they wouldn't have to build one from scratch, and they know the player characters. The trick would be to build a very small campaign to GM. Maybe not as small as a table building party but something around the size of the Thanksgiving campaigns is perfect. There would only be so much players could skew thingd.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I get ideas but I know I just can't. I completely freeze when things don't go according to plan, in any context.


Pittied fools.
I kinda wish we Had crashed into the Viknadian wilderness. I could imagine the friction between the YPNR and the locals. Plus, Cher would end up very conflicted, since they are people in need, but also a potential threat to Viknadia again.

If Cher thinks they're a potential threat to Viknadia, she wouldn't be conflicted in the slightest. Granted, the threat level of single individuals that aren't cold climate prepared is exponentially less than a giant laser.

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
"Nice Gossamer skirt... Sorry about the -40 Wind chill" proceeds to blow out her mouth like a failed whistle at them. But then uses her nice goddess voice in Dee's head to say maybe hand out some blankets to the nice ones


Pittied fools.
I get ideas but I know I just can't. I completely freeze when things don't go according to plan, in any context.
While not everyone is able to GM, I think a lot more people have the skillset than they realize. Premade modules help with this. All things considered, the first campaign of the game I treated Copper's initial notes and planning like a campaign module.

And a little secret...A lot of the time I don't know what to do so I push things at the players, wait to see how they react, and build plot around the reaction. For example, I wasn't prepared for the players to immediately make a beeline to stopping YPNR's descent when Sue'zhan revealed what she had done (because obviously players do all the sidequests and procrastinate the main quest, right?). So, I just threw the final boss at them and figured that if they survived, then they survived.


You survived! Thanks, Patch.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Players can always come up with something the writers of the premade module didn't think of. Even when we're not trying.

In fact, I think players are most dangerous when we're on the wrong track but we think we're doing what we're supposed to be doing and we're actually trying to cooperate. That's when gentle nudges start getting misinterpreted as obstacles we're supposed to beat, and we just get increasingly determined in a feedback loop.


Pittied fools.
Something that hasn't been revealed yet is just what was on the disc Master SAVAGE obtained. The reveal would have been that his genetics are from unfinished experiments from YPNR. Sort of a "lost Captain America serum" situation. He was trying to figure out if he could capitalize on it and just the nature of himself. The other reveal within that reveal that didn't come about since Patch's steps were never retraced is that Master SAVAGE is a near genetic match to Iro. But that's more leftovers from unfinished plot ideas from before players left. I mean, SAVAGE as a group was designed to work as enemies for the whole party but the whole reason I even came up with them was due to Bea.

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
to that point, I feel kinda bad that so much of the end revolved around my character's backstory. it feels more like a point in the adventure where Dee would leave, and everyone else would carry on - only for her to just show up again and be like ... "be a queen -bah, I'd much rather help you all finish your stuff" ...

but if it had to end here, I'm at least happy that Dee herself played a relatively support role and the rest of you did all the big cool important stuff.

it really was the friends she found along the way. and that makes me feel great that we came such a long way together in this game.


Pittied fools.
to that point, I feel kinda bad that so much of the end revolved around my character's backstory.

Well, it goes back to trying to have plots work for more than one character. SAVAGE was created due to Bea but was created in a way that works for everyone and pretty easily transferred over to Kage. Moscareina was Dee's enemy but designed for everyone but wound up having a major impact on Patch. YPNR had far reaching tendrils in how it affected everyone. While a big quest was made obvious due to Dee, a lot of YPNR was meant to center on Patch and EB (and Iro). Beathra was disappointing since I sorta never had a real plan for him but at least he worked well for smaller plans. Admittedly, Dra’Beht existed but that wasn't a full plan. Kage is interesting in that I never had an overarching plot for Kage but I knew that as a superhero he would be the easiest to attach to other plots to.


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
I don’t mind Kage not having a dedicated arc as such. Since I feel like he went through quite a bit of evolution simply by interacting with every other character. There were plenty of moments simply chatting or just dealing with hijinks. On top of the heroing, the changed Kage for the better.

Plus, being A Batman style espy, there was the danger of going to the standard ‘revenge’ path that we avoided many times. Either because of the ‘dead parents/desd home’ aspect, or Greatwolf having died. So I’m more than happy to work him through the big and little plots of the rest of the cast. I honestly found it more fun.

I did like the flaming hell of a night,are you gave him after he got knocked out Zam. :)

Oh yes, just an aside. Would Destron keep Night Caps armour, or could Kage keep it? Just asking for part of my epilogue.

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
yeah, Dee wouldn't keep it if Kage wanted it. She's going to have statues made, of everyone... and when the capital districts expand out into the wider lands of the nation each one will be named for one of them... after all lords and ladies need placed to lord and lady about in... XD

so yeah she's not going to need it for a keepsake... and I'm sure she'd have no qualms about Omega Knight keeping it for sentimental value.


Nonstop Baaka
*EB stares at his statue*
*Immediately kicks it down and breaks it*

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