Mey Hem RPG: Sword & Sorcery After the End of the World!


Pittied fools.
The sole thing I'll note about that is that Beathra also challenged Master SAVAGE and he opted to ignore it instead of attacking the challenger or attacking someone else and triggering the challenge.


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Indeed. Character wise, SAVAGE has what he wants. He’s not interested fighting, onky escaping. our characters either knock him out for the count, or he gets away with, whatevers on that disk.

The Nth Doctor

Would grapple actually force him to stop?


Pittied fools.
At bare minimum, I distinctly remember Vince Vinny Vini ignoring the Challenge (admittedly to his detriment).

As far as grabbing him: Out of combat, a skill check to grab would 100% stop him (or at bare minimum slow him down if it were Night Cap). The in combat power Grapple doesn't officially stop someone from moving despite the flavoring since combat doesn't acknowledge range. What I will allow for this one time is Beathra using the Grapple power with a DC 25 Presence roll added. If Beathra hits the DC, Master SAVAGE will stop in place for 1 turn. Of note, Beathra does have a high Presence and still has access to a Hero Point.


Nonstop Baaka
... hmm. Bad ideas, but EB's quite distracted right now. I'll wait to see if Beathra's roll succeeds or not.

The Nth Doctor

Hero Points are a +10, right? I can't remember and it doesn't seem to be in the Player Manual. I will proceed with that assumption and then correct if needed. I got the image of this in my head and don't want to lose it by waiting to long.
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The Nth Doctor

hug. I'm one point shy of getting it with the bonus.

I think Night Cap still has a turn, maybe he could assist. Like, it's going to really suck to lose this entirely by one damn point.


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Thinking on, i remember you saying Hero Points are a +10, just the Magic Point over in STOMP.

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