Mey Hem RPG: Sword & Sorcery After the End of the World!

The Nth Doctor

I'm pretty sure this is the round where you don't go because of the confusion, though I could see allowing a skill check since those are often free actions.

Or, wait was that last round? It's been a hella week and I'm not sure if I'm coming or going.
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Nonstop Baaka
Assuming Ronny's net gun has another net in it, what would the DC be to use it on Savage or toss it towards one of the party members that's closer?


Pittied fools.
I will say no to Kage assisting specifically due to the Presence roll already being a bend in the rules. However, he still gets his own turn so he can opt to attack or roll Might to grab at the same DC 25. Likewise, Night Cap still still has his turn.


Pittied fools.
Assuming Ronny's net gun has another net in it, what would the DC be to use it on Savage or toss it towards one of the party members that's closer?
EB is around the corner so it would be too late. There's also another problem with that but I'll have to go into that IC when the IC post comes around.


Pittied fools.
I was about to say no but your previous action this turn was just a Free action so it looks like the post is valid.


Nonstop Baaka
EB is around the corner so it would be too late. There's also another problem with that but I'll have to go into that IC when the IC post comes around.
Aah, ok. Other stuff I was thinking of won't work if they're out of sight/earshot. I'll post later.


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
I think i’m going to stick to Kage attacking and hoping to KO the guy. Fingers crossed.

Will get my post up tomorrow.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
What should I roll to assist? We can't lose this by one point.


Pittied fools.
While an assist has been denied, Destron's already succeeded in stopping him from escaping.
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The Nth Doctor

While an assist has been denied, Destron's already succeeded in stopping him from escaping.
That sounds awfully like assisting. Like, not to steal Destron's thunder, but when two players work toward the same goal, it's generally considered working together, even if it wasn't initially planned that way.

It just seems like an odd hair to split.


Pittied fools.
I don't think it's splitting hairs in the slightest. You rolled 24 when a 25 was needed. Destron's roll wasn't meant to be an assist roll but rather its own separate skill check. That skill check, which spent two hero points, succeeded. By twice the needed amount, in fact.

The reason the assist in the form of the game rule was denied was because adding the Presence roll in itself was already stretching the rules in the players' favor. It was a 'No' by default and instead I said 'Yes but...' to adjusting Grapple. Player wins aren't guaranteed and player choices have shifted what's happened in this battle.

The Nth Doctor

A stretch you suggested, but I'll keep that in mind for the future.

I do think we're working on very different ideas of what assisting means. But it's not worth the time. Savage is stopped, that's the important part.


Pittied fools.
I do think it's worth clarifying since a GM and a player should be on the same wavelength. It sounds like you mean the general aspect of team members helping each other out. Usually, I'm fine with that. I'm talking about the game term that...

...oh now this is annoying.

One problem with GMing both Wanderlust and Pony Tales: Aspirations of Harmony is though they're similar and one evolved from the other, they aren't the same system. While I was explicitly talking about the game term...sigh similar to 'Hero Points', 'Assists' seem to not officially exist in Wanderlust. While I note them in the Player Notes page, that's a house rule adjustment mirroring the other system where they do exist.

The Nth Doctor

Yeah, that's all I meant. That's largely why I didn't leave the check at 14. I figured, even if I fail, a near success would be easier for someone else to make up for.

I fully expect for Beathra to fail that attempt, but if it made it easier for someone else to succeed, that would be gratifying and make it less of a waste.

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
for what it's worth i'm sorry all my dice rolls were so low during my attacks... we'd likely have had savage down last week if a few of my d12s 12'd


Pittied fools.
I think I see the actual problem. I was looking at Beathra's roll as a standalone hail mary while TDW was looking at it as just a skill check that would be subject to all the other rules for buffs. In light of the game not being in real time (which would have cleared it up easier), Beathra can have his hero point back.

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