Mey Hem RPG: Sword & Sorcery After the End of the World!

The Nth Doctor

I'll try to get a post tonight... I've been distracted with life lately.


Pittied fools.
Did anyone have any specific interaction with Chief Librarian they still needed to do or should I advance things to the long rest?

The Nth Doctor

I was going to have Monday elaborate on the lady she saw Patch with, I've just been super busy and tired lately.

I'll try to get a post tonight.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I'm trying to remember if the Chief Librarian should have been surprised that Night Cap talked.


Pittied fools.
I thought I remembered it being revealed already and her being fascinated. I could be wrong but there's no way to double check.


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
I think it was. After his run in with the Lady of Games and Chance I think she found out and was, like you said, fascinated. Kage is stuck in a bit of a mental loop trying to figure out what do d or say, since almost all of his previous proactive moves have not gone well.

The Nth Doctor

Might as well push ahead... I've just been too busy and I don't want to hold things up any more than already.

I'll work something in when I get a chance


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I'm traveling this week and just got to my hotel. I'll post when I'm all settled.

The Nth Doctor

I don't know when I'll be able to post next, I'm... Not in a good place.

Full disclosure: My doctor's office screwed me over on my ADHD medication... I was taking adderall, but, long story short, my doctor quit and the office, for one reason or another strung me along until it was too late to get a refill. Long term, I'll be OK, as I have a new doctor lined up, but that won't be till July 14th and my last dose was Friday last week.

Withdrawal is a bitch and I'm struggling to get through daily life. I'm not sure how long the symptoms will last, but it could be weeks and even then it's hard to say what my mental state will be after that.

I don't want to quit, but I'm in no reliable state to post regularly right now... Just... I dunno put my character on auto pilot or something and I'll keep you all updated. I just don't want to drag things down for everyone else.


Pittied fools.
Take the time you need, I'll handle Beathra. While it thankfully wasn't as bad, I've had to deal with a similar 'doctor quit, didn't transfer patients over before quitting' problem so I'm glad you're not in mortal danger.

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