Mey Hem RPG: Sword & Sorcery After the End of the World!


Pittied fools.
Glad to hear you're feeling better. While it never should have happened in the first place, see if you can find out what they have in place so this won't happen again.

The Nth Doctor

I wish it were so easy >_<

Sadly, I think what happened was largely a case of people being honest with information they were given, but that information being faulty and possibly poorly understood to begin with.

A tldr version goes like this:

My previous doctor left his practice at St Vincent/Ascension after our last visit. I received a notice that there would be an interim doctor while a new doctor was brought in. About a month later, I went to get the labs he'd prescribed at the time and was told then that there was no interim doctor and they didn't have the new doctor's schedule, but that the staff were working to keep everyone going till they arrived. Then, about a month later, when I contacted them about my adderall, I was told that they had stopped filling for patients of my former doctor as they were only able to do that till the end of the previous month, when they had thought there was going to be an interim doctor. I would need a new, current doctor to get a refill and I was given a number for in-network doctors. I was able to get an appointment set up, but not till July 14th.

It's tempting to blame one or more parties. My doctor never told me he was leaving, but then he might have been under the impression that the office had it in hand. I could blame the staff, but it's honestly far more likely that they were, themselves merely repeating the information they were given. Information that could well have been true... Until something fell apart at the last moment. I could have been more proactive about seeking out a new doctor, but I was reassured at ever contact that everything was fine and I had no idea how horrible the withdrawal and rebound would be. It really caught me off guard.

But, being fair to all parties, the medical industry is a wreck, more than usual. Covid-19 screwed things up badly and every facility has been struggling to keep on enough staff to function. We even feel it in the pharmacy where I work.

It's really just a case of bad circumstances and inflexible laws.


Nonstop Baaka
Liking due to agreement. Even working tech support for pharmacies, I know what you mean. We've been slammed since Covid, new policies and procedures had to be rolled out so fast. It wasn't until this year that things calmed down a little (for us, not so much the pharmacy staff). Yesterday I had to go to the ER and they were absolutely slammed, trying to keep everyone's records straight. I felt so bad for them. I'm doing better, just extremely tired/sore due to a kidney infection.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
The hardest part of my dad's cancer fight is the communication breakdown between doctors and pharmacies. Things are very broken.


Nonstop Baaka
Hoping to get something up tomorrow, asuming I can actually sleep well. It's been awhile.


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Back while Patch was possessed, i kinda felt like this song fit her predicament quite well. Not fully, because I’m not sure all the lyrics fit, but close enough.

its one of the song that was made for the made up Star Lord band in the DotG game.

Darkness Inside:


Pittied fools.
Did anyone else need anything from the Library/AlphaNumeric Park? Trying to determine the speed of the scene since things are accelerating.


Nonstop Baaka
Swamped at work. I'll try to take another look tonight and see if anything comes to mind.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Night Cap can paw at your legs but other than that I got nothing.

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
while she's come a long way lol Destron wouldn't need much from a library. given more time she might think to search out whether there were any books that related to her homeland or people... but she's not thinking of that atm, so no. I'm good to head on


Pittied fools.
Striking the hatch with Sunderblade will permanently break it. Just making sure that's what you want to do.

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