Mey Hem RPG: Sword & Sorcery After the End of the World!


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Question. Will the additional 1d12 damage Kage gets from Beathra trigger Kages d12 special? I don’t want to assume yes, so i though I’d ask before I post.


Well-known member
Good to know, thanks.

I want to try and get a post up this weekend, but I'm still recovering from snow shoveling...


Well-known member
Sorry again. For some reason I'm really short on time this week. -_-

There's a lot going on this turn. Now, since Patch's only single target attack is her [8] special, can the attack bonus be applied to that? Have any more droids been downed after Night Cap's attack?


Pittied fools.
Yes, the bonus can be applied to the d8 special. No, Night Cap did not defeat any droids.


Nonstop Baaka
My brain has decided to shut down early today. Can't think good rn. Will reattempt tomorrow.


Pittied fools.
Has anyone heard from Destron? While I'm fine with waiting on his post, I see he hasn't logged in since the 13th so I'm getting a little worried.

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
yeah, sorry guys, be right there - just waiting to make sure everyone else has gone, I either go at the wrong time and get told, or i wait too long and need to get nudged lol.


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
I have, finally, gotten back to writing up the story synopsis for our Mey Hem campaigns. Still not quite finished the first part (or disk) of season 2. But I am back to writing. So check it out if you can and tell me if I missed anything. Or just typos. :)


Pittied fools.
Correspondent 251 wasn't saying YPNR was trying to summon a god. Rather, that it is normally impossible to attack one who isn't physically in our world. Unless that was just EB getting confused IC.


Nonstop Baaka
Oh! That's how I interpreted it. That they're trying to call the god to kill it, and magic.


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
It didn’t really occur to me until after Patchs post. But my ’you’re the reason I exist’ from Kage, while still meaningful. it has a lot more meaning when applied to Patch, since YPNR has impacted her life so personally. Wheras Kage is more generalising about villainous people like 251.

His anger is absolutely that bad though. :)

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
Sorry Zam, been putting in a lot of hours helping my dad with a landscaping job, I've got a post up. I'm not sure what Cher would think about Dee kinda half-ass wishing her to come back in and go all demon-eyes dark goddess on the poor Correspondent XD ... maybe she's above that sort of thing now... dang purification lol

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