Misc. European politics

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
I honestly think it similar to the french election a while back: the population is trying to send a message more than anything else.


jumbled pile of person
Ah yes, coalitions. The parliamentary system's answer to the Electoral College. Congratulations, you won but not by enough and now you have to work with people you hate to decide who actually gets to be in charge. Or, you won but not by enough and you have no one who wants to work with you so now the bad people who are willing to team up can overrule you.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
It's a system with built in compromise and internal checks by default. You work with the people whom are ENOUGH like you to cooperate, but not enough like you that they didn't want to form their own political ideology. You could see it up here in canada till sighn was bullied by poilievre into breaking it early in an attempt to force an election.

Like every other political system: it works okay until various parties become so extremized that they can only be dictators and not, you know, legislators.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I honestly would rather keep our system than deal with that nonsense. We sorta have coalitions too. They just lump together under one party or the other before we vote. It looks like we have fewer choices but I'm not convinced the outcome is all that different.


Active member
I have never thought the grass looked all that greener on the other side. Sure, maybe it's nice to vote for a party more closely aligned with your views instead of settling for the least crappy of two broadparties, but it's probably not going to get a majority of the vote (absolutely won't, depending on the country) and will have to stitch itself together in a political Frankenstein's monster to form a government no one actually voted for.

Did you vote for the mainstream liberal party in Germany? Okay, enjoy your alliance with the Greens and quasi-libertarians. The Greens will force you to kill nuclear power out of irrational eco-faith so you're more dependent on Russian energy and the libertarians won't bend on budget so you can't really fund any of your big goals you campaigned on.

Anonymous X

Well-known member
I honestly would rather keep our system than deal with that nonsense. We sorta have coalitions too. They just lump together under one party or the other before we vote. It looks like we have fewer choices but I'm not convinced the outcome is all that different.
Errr, France is more the US model, to be honest. As in absolutely averse to coalitions. Prior to the rise of Macron, France had a centre-left bloc made up of the Socialist Party and allies, and a centre-right bloc of the Gaullists/Republicans and allies. However both those major parties have since sunk in popularity (although the Socialist Party is a key part of the New Popular Front). But think of the pre-Macron setup as roughly analogous to the Democrats and Republicans, and you’re sort of there.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
They're doing a by-election in a montreal riding soon, couple of days. Do you know how many potentials are on the ballot?


Second time in a year they set a record for candidates.

A multiparty system DOES work... when the parties aren't all ******* jive. I have a plethora of choice in every election, but I still don't have a choice, capiche? The idea is: find your closest ideology and roll with it. The reality is parties aren't shades of gray, and generally so seperated in terms of ideology that what you like will always be outweighed by what you don't.

At least, in canada. Despite having choice; the ball gets punted between the same two assholes, and everyone else doesn't get a chance, because they've never had the chance to prove themselves, and because they can't win elections, they don't get the money to win elections... creating a spiral of "unproven jerk will always get passed over for jerk we know".

I still believe in it, but... getting harder every cycle.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
For a split second, I thought it was about the US state of Georgia, until I remembered what thread I was in. Given it was Putin, it very well could have been the peach state(and likely IS as well as the nation of Georgia)


jumbled pile of person
Against all odds, we could see both Georgias headed for similar fates in the weeks to come.

Anonymous X

Well-known member
Romanian presidential election results annulled due to the heavy Russian interference!

Anonymous X

Well-known member
Romania’s law enforcement aren’t going soft on the country’s Trump analogue.


too old for this
Why would they? They saw what is happening here. They probably have a better memory of what happened when authorities went soft on Hitler.
I'm tired of seeing this soft hands approach to authoritarians seeking power.

Thylacine 2000

Well-known member
Did Russia hack the voting machines, or was it the usual troll-farm meme slurry? Election opponents are always going to lie about each other; if more people believe the lies and vote for the liar, it's a fair win and the courts should stay out of it.

Anonymous X

Well-known member
Did Russia hack the voting machines, or was it the usual troll-farm meme slurry? Election opponents are always going to lie about each other; if more people believe the lies and vote for the liar, it's a fair win and the courts should stay out of it.
Basically, part of the reason was that Georgescu broke Romania’s anti-dictatorship rules by publicly praising the 1930s/1940s fascist rulers of Romania. He’s gotten himself barred from contesting the re-run election as of this past weekend.

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