Moon Knight On Disney Plus


Well-known member
Mostly curious in this series to see how they deal with and unwrap this clusterfuck of a character.

Powered Convoy

Trailer is interesting and has dark themes.

Glad Marvel doesn't seem to be shying away from that, as I began to be worried about how sterilized things were getting after Hawkeye.


Continuity Nutcase
Yeah, I can't begin to imagine how they can pull this off while sticking to Disney+'s below-R-rated standards.


Active member
Bad timing for that trailer in that one of the stars died in a skiing accident this week.


Continuity Nutcase

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
That was REALLY good! I've never actually read an 80s or 90s Moon Knight comic. Has this storytelling been in any comic?

I thought the Bendis (?) talking to himself version in the Avengers was Bendis trying to be Deadpool funny.

Oscar Isaac's career should taken off years ago, like he should have broken out before Sucker Punch.


Well-known member
Other than him having a great costume I've never paid much attention to Moon Knight. In 30 plus years of buying soooo many Marvel comics I don't think I've ever bought a Moon Knight book.

That was an awesome first episode. I loved it. Can't wait to see what's next.

-ZacWilliam, doesn't hurt that I love Mythology either.


This is how a unicorn comments
It was okay. Me being weird of course think it might have worked better if a Marvel Character we were already familiar with was doing something alongside or was in the background or something. Something to help ease us into whatever is going on here. I know nothing about Moon Knight.

Obviously, this is just the first episode, meant to draw you into the 'mystery' of what is going on. And since I'm not super into it right now, I can't help but nit pick small stuff.

Like okay so I get the multiple personality thing going on, and am assuming the Goldfish died and was replaced, hence the 'fin' conversation he has. But then that leads to him finding out he just lost days of time. So given Mark had a phone and keys and stuff hidden in the room, this suggests that Mark knows Steven is in his head. So... why haven't they talked to each other before? Have they and Steven just forgets or something?

Also the dog creature at the end. They weighed his soul earlier, he runs off and apparently just goes off to do the inventory and finishes it. So... why did we wait for him to finish that before sending the dog creature? Inventory can take HOURS.

"Did he just throw the gun?"

Yes he threw the stupid gun, that's a normal human reaction to this sorta insanity. To him time is skipping and he's got dead people around him. That kinda freaks people out. Gent bent you stupid deity.


too old for this
I've been a fan of Moon Knight for years. Since I picked up the Round Robin sidekick's revenge series way back when.
I've also been looking forward to this, but wondering just how they were going to deal with the insanity. This 'innocent bystander' personality is a great narrative tool.

This was also probably the best first episode I've ever seen from a disney property. I think this is going to be a great show overall. Can't wait for more.


Well-known member
Once Khonshu started to become indisputably real in Marvel (for a long time Moon Knight could simply have been imagining him), it was clear Khonshu was a major league jerk. On two extended occasions, Khonshu just decided to directly take over Marc's body and squeeze him out in order to accomplish objectives. So, yeah, that sort of thing in the D+ show has precedent.

Steven being unaware of Marc is a new interpretation AFAIK, but if there's one thing consistent about Moon Knight over the decades is that he keeps getting reinvented. When you start off as "Batman, who hunts werewolves," sticking around as more than a one-off riff requires some redesign. (In the 90s, he even spent some time as Tony Stark Lite, with power armor and everything.)

(In the 1980s comics, Marc was the real person, Steven Grant was the Bruce Wayne expy he created using money stolen during his mercenary days, Jake Locksley was the cabbie ID he used to gather intel a la Matches Malone. It was very much a statement on Batman's cover IDs, just explicitly making the millionaire playboy a false ID. He had his first issues with mental instability late in that run, as he started having trouble with the three IDs becoming separate people in his head. It was revealed that he had a progressive form of an inherited mental illness, exacerbated by his lifestyle and maybe a little by having been resurrected. In the current run, it's been established that his brain is several orders of magnitude worse now. He may be functional, but any telepath trying to get in his head is going to regret it if they survive.)



...even Team Whirl.
I know next to nothing about Moon Knight . . . I think I ran across him in one or two Ultimate comics, but I'd have to dig through those (or Google) to find out for sure.

First episode was kind of cool, though. Is it wrong that I could picture the special effects guys hiding 'off stage' and giving each other high-fives after throwing the sink out the restroom door?

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
I've been a fan of Moon Knight for years. Since I picked up the Round Robin sidekick's revenge series way back when.
I've also been looking forward to this, but wondering just how they were going to deal with the insanity. This 'innocent bystander' personality is a great narrative tool.

This was also probably the best first episode I've ever seen from a disney property. I think this is going to be a great show overall. Can't wait for more.
Round Robin Sidekick's revenge! That was six issues of Spider-Man drawn by Mark Bagley, written by David Micheline (?), right? Where Nova, Punisher, Moon Knight guest starred? That was fun. Lotsa fights.

The cyborg bad guy was Moon Knight's sidekick who turned bad cuz he was abandoned? But I forgot the name of the evil organization and I don't even know his name. He couldn't have been originally named Moon Boy, was he? Haha

The Moon Knight identity I knew about was the Bruce Wayne type. Isn't the name Steven Grant from a comic writer too? I think he wrote the reboot Challengers of the Unknown from DC.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Saw the second ep.

It's like Supernatural's hellhounds, hehe.

The suit part makes me like Steven. He's awkward but more endearing than the so far generic Marc.

I wonder how Egyptians are talking to the series so far.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
First episode had a ton of implied violence. I think there was blood on the hands.

The monsters seen miiiight be scary?


Active member
Thanks. We just watched the first 5-10 mins of Halo, rated T, and the violence was over the top for us. Just being cautious

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