My Adventures With Superman

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Saw the first ep. Yes, Lois is totally Luz from Owl House. I don't like it. Black Jimmy is practically Gus the illusion guy.

The way the Evangelion robots activated doesn't make sense. I gueeeess if the buttons are one and off switches, it works out. But that makes them really kinda dumb leaving the remote controls right there.

Also agree that Perry White could have confirmed the story with the cops and clean up etc.

Saw part of the second ep. Subtitles gave away that lady is Leslie (who's the new Livrwire?) And contact is Slade.

Edit - finished five eps

Ep3 I know Silver Banshee by name but not Mist or Rough House.

Ep4 ooooo the combination! Sorta interesting? The only other person needed is Tomorrow Woman anyway and I doubt she's on the radar.

The tiny problem I have with the ending is that it was all through sheer luck.

Ooooooo ep5! So THAT'S the motivation. I like it. I thought it was Eiling but I like this better. Has it been used before?

Also I thought that lady was Rampage but it was someone else. Coincidentally, she also appeared in Harley show recently.
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Well-known member
Keep in mind, the robots were not in "deployed for action" mode, they were in "demo for customers" mode. Normally, they would not be deployed right next to their off switches, or the killswitches would have been reassigned to a handheld unit.

Meanwhile, I'm not THRILLED by how last week's episode dealt with the whole secret ID thing, but at least they managed to avoid Superdickery and the fault was entirely on Lois for playing "guess culture" when Clark is clearly "ask culture."



I’m not dead yet!
So many people up in arms over this last episode and I just don’t get it. It’s like they have never experienced a secret identity revealed that went bad story. If anything I’m glad they ripped the band aid off it so soon. Making Lois that blind to him right in front of her for any length of time is kind of writing her badly.

Granted Clark usually is better at hiding it, but the one episode of “Lois and Clark” back in the day always summed it up with the Time Traveler from the future calling Lois dumb because of it. But even with the lengths Clark has gone to hide it classically shouldn’t keep it from Lois that long.

And even then there’s the way she forces the issue, which to me has any of the people complaining seen Superman II. Lois isn’t a stranger to getting confessions in more drastic ways.

Overall it bugs me more that people are hating on it. I have no real issue with the episode.


Well-known member
I didn't hate it but my issue is Lois being a Hypocrit. Clark was about ready to tell her the episode before until her "Oh I hate liars SO much, but you know what I hate even more then liars? those that keep secrets." Then this episode we get "Why didn't you tell me?" "I wanted to but thought you;d hate me." "Never you Clark." I'm sorry, you don't get to espouce your daddy issue in such a general way and expect the bastion of purity that is Clark to then tell you his big secret when he values you too much. What we've seen of this Lois so far would make anyone think she'd go off on them if they just suddenly revealed a big secret to her; becuase its what she does.


Well-known member
I realized yesterday that it comes down to an extreme case of Clark being from "Ask Culture" and Lois being from "Guess Culture." We never got to see if Clark would be honest in the face of "I know you're Superman," because Lois never actually SAYS SO. She just spends the episode trying to get him to guess that she knows, and she would rather literally throw herself off a building than be clear about what she knows. Clark, meanwhile, just spends the episode figuring that his usual excuses and evasions are still working, and Lois is just being weird. Annoying, yes. But way better than Silver-Age-style gaslighting.


Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Never thought I'd see Ask and Guess culture referenced here, hehe. I thought it was a bit of an obscure kind of dynamic so that's cool, hehe.

I think I need to recheck the cast but... is the guy with Amanda Waller the father of Lois (Sam Lane?)? Or is it General Eiling?

I got it in my head that it's Lois' dad, since she was just relating how she's not connecting with her dad... in relation to... losing their mom? I'm assuming she died in the Kryptonian invasion in the farm or something? The younger man in Clark's vision being Lois' dad?

Or am I imagining things?


Well-known member
He's only been referred to in credits as "the General," but yeah, given the context it'd make the most dramatic sense for him to be Sam Lane.


Active member
Wow. First off, did not expect to see Monsieur Mallah & the Brain, let alone for such a drastic alignment shift.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
I thought it would be Titano, from the Superman TAS.

Who was that guy at the end? Credits say Ivo but isn't he the Parasite now?

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Oh yeah, the Gurren Lagann mutant designs looked kinda out of place. We could have seen Cadmus guys like Dubbilex but he's not a fighter and probably can't mind manipulate robots.

Nice that they named the robots. But I thought the One Man Army Corp were alien tech? So the bots and tech Livewire stole were just from Task Force X?

Ivo has three designs now. Mustache guy, weakened Parasites body, now a clean shaven punk look. They should have been consistent with the mustache.


Active member
Neglected to comment on the kick I got over the reveal that Jimmy always knew that Clark was Superman. He had him pegged the first day, but kept it quiet out of respect.... yet even with everything going on around Lois, it took like what... 5 episodes?


Well-known member
Neglected to comment on the kick I got over the reveal that Jimmy always knew that Clark was Superman. He had him pegged the first day, but kept it quiet out of respect.... yet even with everything going on around Lois, it took like what... 5 episodes?

I love that the conspiracy nut knew almost immediately that Clark had superpowers, it fits in with his character and how he's mostly right about these things. It's gonna be interesting to see where his character goes in the future, because eventually these will be less theories and more facts as the series continues.


Well-known member
"But MalLAH, I want to watch them fight!"

Parasite was a thing Ivo did, but it isn't who he is. I bet he'll also create some version of Amazo using the Cadmus lab tech.

The Cadmus Mutants might not have looked like the more recognizable ones from the comics (like Dubbilex), but I felt that they fit the Kirby motif well enough. Think Arnim Zola, for instance. Face-chests have been a Kirby thing well before they were a Gunmen thing.



Well-known member
"But MalLAH, I want to watch them fight!"

Parasite was a thing Ivo did, but it isn't who he is. I bet he'll also create some version of Amazo using the Cadmus lab tech.

The Cadmus Mutants might not have looked like the more recognizable ones from the comics (like Dubbilex), but I felt that they fit the Kirby motif well enough. Think Arnim Zola, for instance. Face-chests have been a Kirby thing well before they were a Gunmen thing.


Maybe so, but those were actual gunmen.


Purple there is very much Lagann


And Yellow feels like a 4 armed version of the mech that become Gurren:



Active member
"But MalLAH, I want to watch them fight!"

Parasite was a thing Ivo did, but it isn't who he is. I bet he'll also create some version of Amazo using the Cadmus lab tech.

The Cadmus Mutants might not have looked like the more recognizable ones from the comics (like Dubbilex), but I felt that they fit the Kirby motif well enough. Think Arnim Zola, for instance. Face-chests have been a Kirby thing well before they were a Gunmen thing.


I'm a little more worried about him using the equipment to create a portal to the Phantom Zone

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