Ninja Turtles - Cowabunga!


Eorzean Idiot
I just finished 150. It was very Donny centric. So I guess Alpha drops in two months, assuming things stay on schedule. Here's hoping!


Eorzean Idiot
Citizen wasn't bad per se. The jumping is stiff. Don't know about PS5, but loading time is kinda meh on Switch. I could have done with a few more cut scenes to give me some kind of story. Like seriously, I'm not expecting War & Peace in an arcade game or anything. But the first two arcade games at least gave us something.

Still, for a side scrolling brawler, I've played worse. Like, even in the TMNT realm I've played worse. I'll give it a B-
Okay, as I figured, loading is better on PS5. In fact, loading is MUCH better on PS5. Control's also a lot smoother on PS 5. Which I find kinda puzzling, honestly. I mean, sure, PS5 is a more powerful system. But this game shouldn't be that taxing, even for the Switch. But in any case, yeah, better to play it on the PS5.


Koopaling Aficionado
So i finally broke down and bought a BST AXN IDW turtle. I saw the SDCC versions were largely still available, except Leo, so I bought him from a seller from Walmart's site last week. (Sddc versions have a wash over the toys to bring out the details and some slightly different paint apps to help tell them apart)

Much to my surprise when my package arrived yesterday it looked like the box had been damaged in transit, with both side flaps disengaged from their slots and the top flap with the peg hook folded back. Im a bit leery at this point.

As I open the box further it becomes clear its not just shipping damage this has been opened before! I immediately notice how flat the colors look on him and after a bit of research online i came to realization that the vendor swapped the whole figure and plastic clam for the standard release version.

I spent some time on Walmarts site setting up for a refund and had to go their chat to find out how to leave nasty review for fraudulent practices. I also looked and found for $2 more, Loyal Subjects actual amazon store still had 3 left in stock, so I grabbed it fast.

Gonna do a compare before I send the other to Walmart


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Well-known member
So after months of Searching, I finally found the one Mutant Mayhem figure I wanted the most:


I am a lover of bats, so I try to collect them when they show up in lines.

...And I'm just now noticing how she only has 3 toes on one foot and five on the other...


Eorzean Idiot
I am a lover of bats, so I try to collect them when they show up in lines.

I think I knew that about you. I do think they get a bad rap. About the only reasonable bad thing I've ever heard about them is that they can carry rabies, but that's true about any mammal. They're a very integral part of the ecosystem and some of them can even be pretty cute.

But I digress!

...And I'm just now noticing how she only has 3 toes on one foot and five on the other...

To be honest, Mutant Mayhem is not my favorite when it comes to designs. I've seen worse, but that just means someone else set a really low bar.


Well-known member
To be honest, Mutant Mayhem is not my favorite when it comes to designs. I've seen worse, but that just means someone else set a really low bar.

MM is probably my least favorite series design wise. Some stuff I like, but its the most Hit-or-Miss the franchise has ever been to me; however their Wingnut thrills me because it avoids one of my general pet peeves: Six-limbed bats; Bats that have arms and wings separately. I somewhat blame Gargoyles, even thought they aren't bats they had the bat like wings and did that cool clock look with them... Stuff like Rouge the bat I can overlook, just because its rare for a Sonic character really look a whole like like their actual animals. But here, Wingnut's kept relatively realistic in design and the arms are a robotic attachment. I prefer bats to have their arms and wings be incorporated when anthropomorphized; but this was a cool way to have both without cheating.


Koopaling Aficionado
So I got my second IDW Leo today, and sure enough, confirmed I was sent the wrong item the first time

Now, it turns out that they did not swap the figures as I initially thought. But it was still a clearly opened box. Im gonna send the reject back from whence it came. (Proper figure on the right)


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Well-known member
BETRAYAL! Why, Zaku? Why?
I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!

I'll admit, with the Lost Years mini bridging the two "main" minis, I kind of think of Last Ronin a ongoing at this point? I didn't think twice about it continuing, so I really didn't think about mentioning it.

...Did I ever mention the Lost Years mini? You might want to at least check out the Lost Day Special before jumping into Last Ronin II. I don't want to spoil too much, but some of characters get fleshed out a little in that one-shot.

I guess I might as well talk about issue 150, while I"m here.

It's good. But, it's not totally satisfying as a "ending". Neither to this era of the comic, or to Sophie Campbell's run on the book. And maybe it's not supposed to be? I mean, we are still getting the Alpha Special, which will probably help bridge the gap a little. But, this kind of felt more like the end of a arc, with a few added scenes, rather than the end of a entire run. This whole Armaggon arc has been fun and intense, but I'm not sure if it was always intended to be Sophie's final arc. And it feels like a weird stopping point.

Sophie's run has definitely had it's ups and downs. But, it's mostly been on the upswing since Venus got introduced. I don't know. It just kind of feels like Sophie got the short end of the stick on her entire run. At the start, she wasn't sure if Tom Waltz was ever going to decide to come back, so she kind of had to stall for time. And then Tom DID come back right in the middle of her run for Armageddon Game, which might have disrupted any plans she might have had. And now at the end, it feels like she got passed over so that Jason Aaron could take over. It feels like she never really got a chance to find her feet on this book, never got a chance to feel like this book was really "hers", and that's a shame. I don't know if that is how it actually happened, but it kind of feels that way.

Sophie had some good ideas. Some really unique ideas. The execution of those ideas were a little iffy sometimes, but I think the concepts were solid, at least. I didn't care for how long Mutant Town went on, but that wasn't really her fault. I think it was a solid enough run, looking back at it all.

I'll admit, I do wish we got more with the Warp Turtles/Future Donny's children. They seem like a really interesting idea, so I wish we got more time with them than half a issue. I feel like you could get at least a full arc with these guys.

It's just kind of weird to have the majority of this final issue ONLY really feature Donny and Venus. That's the part that really makes me feel like this might not have been the original plan.

Time travelling back to the origin was a nice touch. ALL the origins. But, I still wonder if the original plan at some point was to have Donny change the origin, giving the book a brand new starting point. Basically, write in a hard reboot instead of the soft reboot we seem to be getting. Like, Donny deciding to save baby-Raph thus changing the timeline.

I guess Venus is a ghost now. It kind of fits with this version of the character. She went from being spiritual to just being a spirit!

The notes in the back of the book make it sound like we're going to be getting a few different miniseries while the main series is going back to it's roots. So, I guess that's where they're going to send Jennika and the other cast members, while Jason Aaron tries to go back to basics. I am curious how Jason will eventually weave those back into his story.

So, I guess I'm just mixed on this ending. Just like with Sophie's entire run, really. It's not totally satisfying, but it's not a total ending anyway, so I guess I shouldn't have expected that. I just don't know.
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Eorzean Idiot
I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!

I'll admit, with the Lost Years mini bridging the two "main" minis, I kind of think of Last Ronin a ongoing at this point? I didn't think twice about it continuing, so I really didn't think about mentioning it.

...Did I ever mention the Lost Years mini? You might want to at least check out the Lost Day Special before jumping into Last Ronin II. I don't want to spoil too much, but some of characters get fleshed out a little in that one-shot.

Yeah, I got the special. According to my Kindle I even read it, though I don't remember much at all from it. I may keep with the new LR series for a bit, see if it goes anywhere I like. But it doesn't have the same appeal to me as the original story and I'm having trouble even remembering the new turtles' names. But you're right. It does seem like they're going to be making it an ongoing thing.

I guess I might as well talk about issue 150, while I"m here.

It's good. But, it's not totally satisfying as a "ending". Neither to this era of the comic, or to Sophie Campbell's run on the book. And maybe it's not supposed to be? I mean, we are still getting the Alpha Special, which will probably help bridge the gap a little. But, this kind of felt more like the end of a arc, with a few added scenes, rather than the end of a entire run. This whole Armaggon arc has been fun and intense, but I'm not sure if it was always intended to be Sophie's final arc. And it feels like a weird stopping point.

Sophie's run has definitely had it's ups and downs. But, it's mostly been on the upswing since Venus got introduced. I don't know. It just kind of feels like Sophie got the short end of the stick on her entire run. At the start, she wasn't sure if Tom Waltz was ever going to decide to come back, so she kind of had to stall for time. And then Tom DID come back right in the middle of her run for Armageddon Game, which might have disrupted any plans she might have had. And now at the end, it feels like she got passed over so that Jason Aaron could take over. It feels like she never really got a chance to find her feet on this book, never got a chance to feel like this book was really "hers", and that's a shame. I don't know if that is how it actually happened, but it kind of feels that way.

Sophie had some good ideas. Some really unique ideas. The execution of those ideas were a little iffy sometimes, but I think the concepts were solid, at least. I didn't care for how long Mutant Town went on, but that wasn't really her fault. I think it was a solid enough run, looking back at it all.

I'll admit, I do wish we got more with the Warp Turtles/Future Donny's children. They seem like a really interesting idea, so I wish we got more time with them than half a issue. I feel like you could get at least a full arc with these guys.

It's just kind of weird to have the majority of this final issue ONLY really feature Donny and Venus. That's the part that really makes me feel like this might not have been the original plan.

Time travelling back to the origin was a nice touch. ALL the origins. But, I still wonder if the original plan at some point was to have Donny change the origin, giving the book a brand new starting point. Basically, write in a hard reboot instead of the soft reboot we seem to be getting. Like, Donny deciding to save baby-Raph thus changing the timeline.

I guess Venus is a ghost now. It kind of fits with this version of the character. She went from being spiritual to just being a spirit!

The notes in the back of the book make it sound like we're going to be getting a few different miniseries while the main series is going back to it's roots. So, I guess that's where they're going to send Jennika and the other cast members, while Jason Aaron tries to go back to basics. I am curious how Jason will eventually weave those back into his story.

So, I guess I'm just mixed on this ending. Just like with Sophie's entire run, really. It's not totally satisfying, but it's not a total ending anyway, so I guess I shouldn't have expected that. I just don't know.

I feel like it was more epic in scope than the Armageddon Game tbh. Though I will agree that for the ending of an entire run, it did feel way too focused on a single character (Donnie). Though at the same time it's hard to say I wished they'd have done something too satisfying as an ending seeing as how they're going to be starting again in just a couple months, and even in the same continuity from what I can tell. "Oh, it's so sad. It's the end of an era. Nothing will be the same again. I'm going to miss you so much! See ya in a couple months!"

I don't know how I'd feel about an ongoing Jennika series. I might buy a mini-series once it's in a collected edition. But Jennika was one of those characters that's just kinda...there. I would buy the hell out of an Alopex ongoing though. There's so much to do with her now that she has her own clan.


Eorzean Idiot
This came from Amazon today.


And out of the box.


Size comparison with Super7 Ultimates and vintage toy.


The helmet feels kinda Predatorish. Not sure if that's good or bad. But in any case, I really like it. Shredder really takes to the MotU aesthetic really well. Some of the blades could stand to be longer and it feels weird for Shredder to have an ax instead of a sword. But overall, it works.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
My favorites of ToG have been the ones that "cross the line" into being viable as stand alone MOTU concepts, IN ADDITION to the crossover angle. Shredder was definitely one that did that well. He's just as viable as some warlord for He-Man to fight as he is a cross-dimensional villain.

I'm very eager for my Raph to arrive. He should do so tomorrow. Hoping the rumored next iteration will be based on Fisto.


Eorzean Idiot
No, you can't remove the helmet. I mean, like other Origin figures, you can remove the entire head. But something tells me that's not what you meant.

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