Ninja Turtles - Cowabunga!


Continuity Nutcase
Sooner than expected, J's Reviews has already churned out his retrospective of TMNT 2012 season 2!



Continuity Nutcase
And here comes Part 3! He's really on a roll with this series:



Continuity Nutcase
Part 4 has swiftly arrived:



Eorzean Idiot

I found this at Target today. I've actually never watched/read any Space Usagi stuff. I usually just keep it to the Feudal Japan stories. Still, I see Usagi, I gotta get Usagi.


As always, NECA comes through with the hand selection. I love that they included a mech lizard. I do question the effectiveness of a space helmet that has a hole for the ears.


Of course, you should always be careful collecting rabbits. Once you get more than one, they tend to multiply.


Continuity Nutcase
It makes me think of Android 16.


Eorzean Idiot
New issue's out. I gotta be honest, this feels much more high stakes than Armageddon Game. Like, it actually feels like stuff is happening.


Continuity Nutcase
And here is the concluding part of J's Reviews' retrospective for TMNT 2012:



Eorzean Idiot
You know what? These cross-over events make it really hard to know which thread to post in. I suppose I'll post it here and then copy/paste it to the He-Man thread because...well, I had to make a decision.


I found this at Target tonight. This was the only character I found and there were only two of them.


The picture at the bottom shows that some of the accessories that come with this are actually for a build-a-figure. But the work well with this figure too. So, *shrug*


Pretty decent Mouser. That card is just a card. No comic for you. 😥


And of course a size comparison with a MotU Origin figure and TMNT Mutant Mayhem figure.


Eorzean Idiot
There's no cross-promotion on the package like usual, so I really couldn't say what all they have planned. But that would be awesome.

Fullstrength Motleypuss

Well-known member
Are these packed in solid cases of each character? Because I saw 4 of Trap-Jaw at Target yesterday and nothing else.


Well-known member
There is some news about the IDW TMNT comic. IDW has renewed it's license for the comic, so it's not going anywhere anytime soon. But, it seems like Sophie Campbell's leaving after issue #150. And it sounds like we'll get getting a new #1 issue sometime in the future.

This article has some interesting quotes from some of the past creators on the book, celebrating the #150 issue milestone:

This article has some more information about the license renewal:

And this article confirms that the new series will NOT be a reboot. It sounds like the new book will still take place in the same continuity as the rest of IDW TMNT:

I'm a little surprised, but kind of glad that they aren't rebooting. They've already done so much in this universe already that I'm not sure what else they can really do. Shredder's reformed (for the moment), they've beaten the Pantheon, they've already been to space and alternate dimensions...they've kind of covered everything TMNT usually covers. But, I'd kind of miss the IDW TMNT universe if it did end. So, I guess we'll see how they manage to continue it. I'm curious how they'll manage to keep it fresh.


Eorzean Idiot
It seems like they're setting up Alopex for a spinoff with her own clan. I'd totally be all for that.

I'm pretty much in the same boat as far as not wanting it to end but wondering where else they could go. But I'm sure the writers have it covered.


Eorzean Idiot
I'll probably want to check out that Shredder, maybe the Leo. Honestly not seeing much else of interest.

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