Ninja Turtles - Cowabunga!

Shattered Trousers

That thing Ratchet needed.
Yeah... yeah, that would be my worst-case-scenario.

I don't think that's likely, given Campbell's personal history, but stranger things have happened.



Koopaling Aficionado
It seemed like a string of unrelated (outside of containing TMNT) vids with zero context.

"This game looks awesome can't wait for it."

"Batman vs TMNT was waaay better than I expected it to be, lets discuss."

"Its cool seeing one established style of TMNT shift into a different style, heres an example"

"That sure was crazy when the Power Rangers met the TMNT"

Something to give context or spark a conversation. As it is, its just 5 vids (one is blocked in my country) posted "just cuz". I don't mean to be post-police here, but lets try to encourage further participation instead of just posting into a void. This is a message board, not Twitter.

Shattered Trousers

That thing Ratchet needed.
Man, those Ciro Nieli (Nickelodeon) Turtles character designs are terrific!

Being reminded of how they look in traditional animation, rather than CGI how they normally appeared, only reinforces that to me.

And this is coming from somebody who grew up reading the Mirage comics! I'm nostalgic for the Turtles all looking the same, but I love them all having distinct facial features and body sizes.

And then I'm reminded how badly Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles screwed all that up. *sigh*



NOT a New Member.
It seemed like a string of unrelated (outside of containing TMNT) vids with zero context.

"This game looks awesome can't wait for it."

"Batman vs TMNT was waaay better than I expected it to be, lets discuss."

"Its cool seeing one established style of TMNT shift into a different style, heres an example"

"That sure was crazy when the Power Rangers met the TMNT"

Something to give context or spark a conversation. As it is, its just 5 vids (one is blocked in my country) posted "just cuz". I don't mean to be post-police here, but lets try to encourage further participation instead of just posting into a void. This is a message board, not Twitter.
Oh, sorry. Perhaps this video is contextual for our conversation?



I’m not dead yet!
Chill man, Literally you posted 5 videos without context as to why. Can't blame us for wondering that Why. Sure they are TMNT but without context it just feels spammy.

And if it's the same for me it's the middle video thats not coming through.


NOT a New Member.
Chill man, Literally you posted 5 videos without context as to why. Can't blame us for wondering that Why. Sure they are TMNT but without context it just feels spammy.

And if it's the same for me it's the middle video thats not coming through.

It was uploaded by Nickelodeon UK, which blocked it in the US, but not in Japan for some reason. Anyway, ignore the thumbnail; I think this is the one you couldn't watch?


Shattered Trousers

That thing Ratchet needed.
Astonishingly, here in Australia all five videos are viewable.

The thumbnail, featuring Murakami Wolf Swenson Donatello with Nickelodeon Donatello, was what prompted my comment about how much I enjoy the designs from the 2012 Nickelodeon show.

Love the way they handled the visit to the Mirage 'Turtle Prime' universe in this series - there's so much love for the early comics baked right into that sequence.



NOT a New Member.
Astonishingly, here in Australia all five videos are viewable.

The thumbnail, featuring Murakami Wolf Swenson Donatello with Nickelodeon Donatello, was what prompted my comment about how much I enjoy the designs from the 2012 Nickelodeon show.

Love the way they handled the visit to the Mirage 'Turtle Prime' universe in this series - there's so much love for the early comics baked right into that sequence.

It's surprising how many crossovers they've done and how much fan service was put into the most recent kiddie cartoons. Even the second Bay film was fairly faithful to the cartoon lore, what with Bepop and Rocksteady.

Anyway, as I'm in Japan, I don't think we got the recent Nick toons, well not on Netflix etc, anyway...

Shattered Trousers

That thing Ratchet needed.
Whenever you manage to watch the Nickelodeon TMNT show you're in for a treat!

I'm more of a writing and story guy, so no Turtles cartoon has managed to surpass 2K3 (the 2003 4Kids series) and how well plotted that show is.

That said, Nickelodeon TMNT has a lot of good stories, some interesting ideas on how to pay homage to the comics while still being its own thing and it's visually excellent.

It's probably my second-favourite Turtles cartoon, just behind 2K3, and it would be my favourite if the writers just learned to... y'know what? I'm not going to get into that. One day you're sure to watch it and maybe we'll discuss it here.



NOT a New Member.
Whenever you manage to watch the Nickelodeon TMNT show you're in for a treat!

I'm more of a writing and story guy, so no Turtles cartoon has managed to surpass 2K3 (the 2003 4Kids series) and how well plotted that show is.

That said, Nickelodeon TMNT has a lot of good stories, some interesting ideas on how to pay homage to the comics while still being its own thing and it's visually excellent.

It's probably my second-favourite Turtles cartoon, just behind 2K3, and it would be my favourite if the writers just learned to... y'know what? I'm not going to get into that. One day you're sure to watch it and maybe we'll discuss it here.

We DID get almost fully articulated Nicktoons turtle mini figs in gachapon machines over here. I've got a Leonardo. He came with two tiny katanas, which I've lent to my Joytoy mech pilot.



Koopaling Aficionado
I splurged on the hyper articulated Revoltech 2012 figures. Theyre really nice, I should probaly re-do my shelf tho, as some of the poses I have them in read awkwardly.

In more recent news, Super7 revealed their latest wave of Playmates inspired figures.

Punk Donatello, Michelangelo Metalhead, Triceraton, Robo Bebop and Sgt. Bannanas/Guerilla Gorilla (who is essentially a brand new character when compared to his original toy). Also those last 3 are HUGE. The ape even needing to be $75 instead of the usual $55.

Ive got the Metalhead from a previous release and really like it. I bought the 4 main turtles when they re-released them and hope they ship soon.

Shattered Trousers

That thing Ratchet needed.
We DID get almost fully articulated Nicktoons turtle mini figs in gachapon machines over here. I've got a Leonardo. He came with two tiny katanas, which I've lent to my Joytoy mech pilot.

View attachment 4658

That's quite a small Leonardo.

Here's my smallest, my custom painted Zuru Mini Toy Brands figurine (shown with an unopened copy and an Australian five-cent coin for scale.)



Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Man, those Ciro Nieli (Nickelodeon) Turtles character designs are terrific!

Being reminded of how they look in traditional animation, rather than CGI how they normally appeared, only reinforces that to me.

And this is coming from somebody who grew up reading the Mirage comics! I'm nostalgic for the Turtles all looking the same, but I love them all having distinct facial features and body sizes.

And then I'm reminded how badly Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles screwed all that up. *sigh*

Uh, how did Rise screw it up? You mean Raphael being turned into the big guy?

(Rise is STILL amazing. Absolute best Donnie there is!)

Shattered Trousers

That thing Ratchet needed.
My comment on Rise was very much in the subjective. I could've done more to make that clearer, but I really wasn't concentrating on that.

It's good that Rise did what it was supposed to, for you.
I tried to get into it, but I just didn't enjoy the experience. And life is too short, and goes by too fast to spend it watching TV shows you don't enjoy.


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