You're asking all the same questions I am.
I'm losing my mind. That's Al Falqua! Where is Katmandu? They only appeared in four issues each in the Archie series. Warrior Dragon? The Asian firefighter boyfriend of Archie April?
That's Ninjara at 0:43! But who's the person on the right? Chuen? The mobster guy who bonded with his guard dog?
Cudley the Cowlick is a given cameo but all the other are amazing! Is there a video or page that identifies them all?
Who's that human guy with the animals? Toon Hamato Yoshi? Where is Verminator X Manx?!
And yes, that was Chien Khan.
Except that last one, which human guy with animals? I saw a human guy, and I saw the Uncanny Trio, but...