This part is the real shocker. People are talking about Russia planning to erect their own Great Firewall to cut them off from any non-state-approved information, but apparently they've already had one for a good long while.said they had no idea what exactly Chernobyl was, had no idea that a major nuclear disaster had happened there,
This part is the real shocker. People are talking about Russia planning to erect their own Great Firewall to cut them off from any non-state-approved information, but apparently they've already had one for a good long while.
To be entirely fair, before this whole shebang kicked off, *I* had no real idea where Chernobyl was. I knew about it, yes, but prior to this event if you told me to point to it on a map I'd probably pick somewhere in Russia proper. Not Ukraine.
Just watched a video by a German news outlet about a town in Eastern Ukraine that was liberated by Ukrainian forces after the Russian troops had withdrawn. Apparently, the Russians had literally no clue why exactly they were even there, there was no greater plan they were privvy to, they were completely cut off from any kind of news regarding their own war effort, and as a result, they had to resort to asking the very Ukrainian citizens they were terrorizing to tell them whether Zelenskyy was still alive, whether they had already conquered Kyiv, and so on.
It really seems as if the Russians had gone into this war with a ridiculously naive minimalistic strategy.
No, it was built inside the Ukrainian Soviet Republic.To be fair: it WAS in russia when they built it.
More disturbing news: Workers of the Chernobyl power plant told Reuters that the Russian soldiers who did take the power plant wore no protection, moved heavy equipment through the infamous Red Forest, kicking up clouds of radioactive dust which they most likely inhaled, and when asked by the workers, said they had no idea what exactly Chernobyl was, had no idea that a major nuclear disaster had happened there, and were only told they were under orders to seize "critical infrastructure".
Unprotected Russian soldiers disturbed radioactive dust in Chernobyl's 'Red Forest', workers say
Russian soldiers who seized the site of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster drove their armoured vehicles without radiation protection through a highly toxic zone called the "Red Forest", kicking up clouds of radioactive dust, workers at the site
Seriously, Putin. **** you. **** you a million times. Even if someone for some twisted reason were to agree with the invasion, or "liberation", of Ukraine per se, how can anyone justify sending young, untrained soldiers to ****ing CHERNOBYL without having a clue what the place even is?
And I was being faceticious, since chernobyl was a soviet era project and the west largely didn't care about the various social, cultural or political regions during that time. USSR was russia, russia was the USSR.No, it was built inside the Ukrainian Soviet Republic.