Not my cabbages! - Avatar: The Last Airbender / The Legend of Korra Thread


Continuity Nutcase

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Gotta get it done before the kids grow up


Continuity Nutcase
Promising news regarding the production and casting for the upcoming next season of the Netflix Avatar series:



Well-known member
We watched about 1 episode when the Netflix series launched and my wife didn't like it and it got dropped, but I have almost caught up by myself the last few days.

I can't remember exactly when I watched the cartoon. I watched on DVDs, but I think I got started before they were all out. So I went through it fairly fast and a long time ago and have never rewatched. I loved Iroh by the end, but I don't think he caught my eye for quite a while. Did they hit the ground running with him a little better in this new series?

I know some of the story is left out and compressed and rearranged, but it has been long enough that I don't really remember much detail. I feel like this show really captured the essence.

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