On the wings of a dragon - Dekafox's excuse to post art


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
So one thing I find neat(though not a lot of artists do this kind of commission) is to give an artist a character, a theme song to inspire as a prompt, and let them cut loose. The "True FIghter" song from Ultraman Orb Origin always felt like a perfect description of how Lunaria saw her werewolf nature, and (other than the Ultraman Orb callout) I always pictured it as her insert song in combat scenes. Especially the climactic ones where the opening song would play over the action.

And even better, there's a English version, that fits perfectly and sounds natural!

So I just got back a "song-promtped speedpaint" of her with that very song:
PROTECTEDspeedpaint lunaria wolf-watermarked-1920px_small_SHARE.png

So here she is channeling the light in what looks like ti's about to be some sort of AOE/close burst attack, while doing an awoo.

Artist for this one is https://www.furaffinity.net/user/anoroth/


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Got another commission back pretty quickly too, from Halopromise. I'd liked his stuff, then saw that werewolves was one of his preferred subjects, not just raptors, so I jumped on it when he opened, and turned out not many others apparently did. (Their loss.)


It's a rather symbolic piece - Lunaria is a werewolf, which are usually tied to the moons, but she also wields the Light, which is often linked to the sun. So just like an eclipse makes the sun and moon one, she is also bringing together(in a way) the powers of sun and moon. I also loved the idea enough I made it part of her story as well - this is when she finally fully comes to terms with the idea that the Light won't abandon her just for being what others consider a monster. As long as she stays true to herself and her oaths, it will answer when called.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
This year is Elder Scrolls Online's 10th anniversary (though I've only played for 7-8 of those years) and the 30th anniversary of the Elder Scrolls franchise, so I finally went through with a commission idea I'd been bouncing around: homaging the original ESO promo art but replacing the generic heros(who are supposed to be stand-ins for our characters after all) with my Vestiges of the corresponding alliances.


Speaks-With-Bones: Argonian necromancer and Vestige of the Aldmeri Dominion. Also the savior of the Root-Whisper tribe, Champion of Elsweyr and Proxy of Fate.

Ahnkirra: Khajiit ice witch and warden, Vestige of the Ebonheart Pact. Also the Hero of Morrowind. Savior of Summerset, and protector of Western Skyrim.

Lunaria Valeris: Imperial werewolf templar and Vestige of the Daggerfall Covenant. Also vanquisher of Molag Bal, savior of the Celestials, hero of Wrothgar, bane of Mehrunes Dagon, and Defender of the Three Thrones.

While I have done more DLC than that with some of them, that's my headcanon for which one did what stories. And in true Elder Scrolls fashion, later historians conflate them all to be the work of a single Vestige, at least until the stories themselves were eventually lost to time with the rest of the records of the Interregnum.

Also for clarity, this is a different Lunaria than the one in the previous two images. That Lunaria is from a different setting/world, while the one in this image is an AU one native to Tamriel(although the Tamriel Lunaria is technically the original as I created her first in ESO before starting to get art of her and fleshing out her concept/story). I didn't really plan to end up with three werewolf pics back-to-back, but she IS my DC vestige.

This image is by SadNicole!


Eorzean Idiot
Once upon a time I played ESO. If I were to dig out my disk and log in, I'm sure I'd still have my Mhajiit archer. I even bought a werewolf ability DLC.

But I moved on to FFXIV so long ago, I probably wouldn't know the first thing about what to do if I did try to log on. Is it still no sub required?


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Yep, still no sub required. All the sub does is open up the infinite craft mat bag for use, and allows you to access any DLCs you haven't bought(apart from the latest chapter). Now's a great time to start up actually, since day 2 of the July daily login rewards is the Clockwork City DLC, and Morrowind, which happens before it, is part of the base game now.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
How things started:

How things ended:

Some more art of my eldritch kitsune, Sharilar!

The first one is part of a full series I'll be getting over the next year, pretty much, telling her story in the form of a full suit of tarot cards(the suit of Tails) from https://www.furaffinity.net/user/madnessdemon - this was how it all started for her, being used as the focus of a ritual sacrifice - only it corrupted her very essence instead due to her inborn oracle powers, starting a slow transformation into something Other and gradually empowering her.

The second is at the very end of things, from https://www.furaffinity.net/user/saf - with her transformation complete, she has ascended, becoming a nine-tailed Elder God(dess) with the same power as the other Great Old Ones. She holds sway over the forces of Fate, Hope, and Forbidden Knowledge(the secrets that normally destroy a mortal's sanity), and unlike most other eldritch beings of her power level, lends her aid to the mortals she was once one of, where she can.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
And now the Two of Tails is done. It is a bit similar to one of her earlier pictures, but I got the whole idea of the sequence from looking to fill in the blanks in her previous art, then had the bright idea to turn it into a tarot card suit because the numbers lined up and it made sense on a meta level. Going to take a while to finish though, at one per month.



Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Next, the Three of Tails: Loss


I had a scene like this in mind for a while, but -which- loss was in flux, as in a previous story I had mentioned a half-elf lover who she had lost at some point. In this instance, I ended up with it being her parents, attacked by Old God cultists seeking Sharilar after the original ritual leader(who managed to get away) learned she still existed - she gets there just a bit too late to have stopped them, and goes a bit berserk, and the after math of that is what gave her both her third tail, and leads into the fourth card(and I just submitted the idea for that card to the artist today).


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
And the Four of Tails.


After the loss of her family to the Old God cult, she went on a mission of revenge, though she had convinced herself that it was for justice. Rather than reactive, she went on a proactive Old God cult-hunting spree, eradicating those she could find and destroying their altars. Each time she destroyed an altar however, she was unknowingly absorbing the magic from them, suffusing herself with even more Old God essence. That eventually leads to her fourth tail manifesting, which acts as a wake-up call and makes her realize something needs to change.

This and the previous two are still by https://www.furaffinity.net/user/madnessdemon of course.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
And now the Five of Tails


After realizing what the search for vengeance(cloaked as justice) was doing to her, Sharilar took a step back and went to find find herself, so to speak, before the Void within her devoured everything that she was. While not fully secluding herself, still assisting if she was called for and needed, she sought out ancient tomes and gave her inner self a good hard look. Finding the balance between the past and future, mortal and eldritch, madness and knowledge helped her refocus, and granted her a fifth tail

Same artist as all the rest!


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
So every year I get that somewhat spooky(but also not inherently spooky) Halloween image for Speaks. I had trouble finding an artist for the idea I had this year, and then it took a while for what I wanted, but it's finally done!

speaks with bones_s.png

Just some cozy fishing in the West Weald. That ominous fog means nothing, I'm sure. And her pet is trying to help! (Or at least he THINKS he's helping!)

It also works for an autumn themed image, and it's still technically autumn for a week or so!

Artist is https://www.furaffinity.net/user/efaru/


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Got a couple this time!

First is the next card in the suit, 6 of Tails. IIs meaning relates to revelations and hidden secrets, as Sharilar is embracing the knowledge being given to her more directly, and discovering plots in motion that had been going on for years, decades, centuries... it all becomes uncertain when dealing with eldritch powers.

Same artist as the previous cards.


And I got this one back today of my wuxia-based cheetah warrior gal, Rahna. As discussed before, she's from a nomadic desert tribe, and travelling across strange lands trying to find her old mentor(who came from somewhere beyond the other side of the desert, got rescued by her tribe, then continued on years ago). Ever since I got her ref sheet, I had this concept in my mind and I really wanted to get that "stranger in an unwelcoming land" vibe across.

Artist is https://www.furaffinity.net/user/saterina/


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
So just noticed I forgot to post a couple of the cards here I got.

This one is the Seven of Tails: Journey. Sharilar, reading the knowledge of what was coming, decided to be proactive rather than reactive, and set out to change things as best she could to at least prevent others from being caught in the gears of the Great Old Ones' actions.
The card itself represents long journeys or lengthy undertakings. It can indicate a large project lies in your future, or suggest continuing one you have already begun.


And the Eight of Tails: Determination. Sharilar's transformation has continued apace, and though she does not know the exact details of what she is becoming, it is inevitable at this point. Even her blood was no longer red, but a strange purple that reflected the power welling up within her. Still she refused to give in, continuing to do what she could to lessen the impact of the eldritch cults and the indifferent actions of their masters.
This card represents great difficulties that lie ahead, and pushing through them despite the opposition.

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