Rhapsody watches as Hazel leaves the department, giving a nod to her before she enters, pausing momentarily... 'oh yeah, this is Static's department...' she muses to herself mentally, as she relates projectionist to the yellow pony more then anything else. "I got a bit of business from the Chief, do you have any info on a female pegasus named Chipotle Verde?"
"Rhapsody? Hmm, not often I see you here. You're usually shut tight away in the astronomy department. Chipotle Verde? Hmm, give me a moment." Static goes to the card catalogue. For you young fillies and foals out there, card catalogues are how libraries kept track of things before there were computers. Yes there was a time before computers. "Let's see. 'V' for Verde..."
Searching through the files for Chipotle Verde's name, Static Signal found a note stating it needed to be updated and redirected to 'mess halls'. There, he initially found info about the history of mess halls used by the Royal Guard but the most current entry was a newspaper article titled The Malfunctioning Mess. It mentioned that Chipotle Verde was contractor for several facilities that were in poor condition. Moreover, money had been skimmed from the contract but she was never directly blamed as most fault was immediately placed on the workers who had been hired from Petrichor Falls.
Rhapsody looks over what's handed to her as she answers. "We're not quiet sure what to do about her yet, that a large part of why I am looking into this. She used to own the Bubonic Inn, which is now just a faint memory thanks to the Chief. Though Verde kinda tried to defend it through a minion who is now on her way to Petrichor Falls. Afterwards the chief and I felt that the owner bared looking into, since the way they tried to handle things is setting off my instincts." She says giving Static a brief summation of events so far. "It seems like she doesn't like that a lo! ophole was used against her, and her minion mentioned other ways of how that loophole could be used against the city; but I don't want to say too much yet, since right now there is no plan as well as the chief might want to go into more details herself later on with the team."
"So far it seems that legally she is clean." Rhapsody says with a scowl and huff of annoyance. "But This certainly backs up some of what I've learned so far, that she's had issues with the Royal Guards and Grape Vine. I think the Chief might need to use her connections to learn more from the Royal Guards, and with luck we might get some intel from Grape Vine between the minion I sent her way, as well as how Verde tried to use Petrichor Falls for her own ambitions. If it is just her own. Never know who's working for whom out there. COIN, TAKE, Tipsy Tulip, and probably other organizations we might not know about yet. Anyways, copies could be useful as Black Night is already helping to look into this."
"The Bubonic Inn's gone? Heh! Night Cap might be sad to hear that. He used to stay there." Static shakes his head as he hears the tale. "Anything I can do to help. Grape Vine's been having enough trouble trying to see Petrichor Falls reputation repaired without mules like this pulling this kind of crap." Static takes the documents over to the copier and sets them copying.
"I though I'd heard of it before. Good riddance to the place. Looks like even a stray sneeze could have knocked the place down." Rhapsody replies. "So far the thing that stucks out most from what I have learned from other sources, is that she went missing for nearly a month before she came back and started setting herself up like this. There's a lot of things that could happen in that time; for all we know the real Chipotle Verde may never have returned, and we're dealing with a Changeling or something." She says, her mind seems to keep coming back to tha! t little detail. "Alright, I or someone else will probably come by later to pick the copies up."
"I've never been there myself, but with a name like Bubonic Inn, I can't imagine staying there would be good for anypony, especially not the way you describe it. I'll leave the detective work to you. I'll get these copied as quickly as possible. See you later then!"
Static looks at the clock. It seemed he still had some time and the documents didn't look too terribly taxing. He grabbed a quill, some papers and started to transcribe everything.