Playstation Thread.


Eorzean Idiot
Eh, more range than a Wii U, but nowhere near the versatility of the Switch. For $200, I think I'll pass.


Active member
Tomb Raider VII

Africa level.

Once I get to the PS 3 era I may need to stream most games due to size.

I would at some point like to play

Tomb Raider X
Tomb Raider XI
Tomb Raider XII

from the Survivor Trilogy but that might eventually be on PC.

Deathy G1

Active member
So I actually decided to return the Portal unopened. I don't think I would get enough use out of it, despite the freedom it may offer. I'll save my $ for other things.


Active member
I'm playing the Android version of Dissina Final Fantasy.

I'm on Chapter 2 - 3.

There are 4 acts
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Active member
Dissina Final Fantasy OO NT runs 22 G on PS 4 and 5 and as that's the case for Android I reinstalled the game to open up the space due to cleared levels and cut scenes.

I only DL for current chapter.

Even about 6 areas can take the game up to almost 800 meg so I almost have to continually flush and re install to keep the game moving without filling up my phone.

This includes cutscenes in this count as well btw.

Have you guys had this problem on Play Station?

As for the game proper I just got Barrett from Final Fantasy VII and Noctus from Final Fantasy XV.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Ok, I got a PS5 as an early Christmas present. The game I got is Spider-Man 2.

I just spent 6 hours gathering Sandman's statue pieces. Game is 11% done. It's all those robberies happening all of the city! I died so many times, versus fighting the Sand minions.

Holy cow, it's so hard to chase after those cars! I figured the technique is to not swing but use the web lines in rapid succession. I have to look up a faq.

There's stuff here I don't know since I don't know Miles' definitive origin. The recap here says his dad is dead?

And who the hex is Ganke? The game version of Ned Lee? And also that other lady classmate?

Kraken is looking very awesome, hehe
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Eorzean Idiot
Congrats on the PS5. If you're in need of suggestions,

Baldur's Gate III
Absolute must play. If it doesn't get Game of the Year, there is no justice in the world. This coming from someone who really loves Tears of the Kingdom.

Cyberpunk 2077
I finished it when I was still playing it on the PS4. Now that they've finally got it patched up, it's much, much better on PS5.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Yikes, I actually have Tears of the Kingdom on Switch but since it took me forever to finish World of Final Fantasy, I still haven't played Breath of the Wild, hence haven't played Tears.

I'm not much for rpg but I hear so much about Baldur's Gate that I want to see what the hype is about, hehe

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Ok, I got a PS5 as an early Christmas present.

There's stuff here I don't know since my I don't know Miles' definitive origin. The recap here says his dad is dead?

And who the hex is Ganke? The game version of Ned Lee? And also that other lady classmate?

Kraken is looking very awesome, hehe
For intents and purposes, Spider-Man: Homecoming is a Miles Morales film with a Peter Parker “overlay”. So that should help with some of the character contexts.

And don’t forget Astro’s Playroom! For a free “tech demo”, it has enormous charm and a love for the PlayStation brand that Sony themselves don’t seem to share. It’s short, but quite entertaining, especially with all the Easter egg appearances (even from 3rd party icons)

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
MCU Homecoming movie practically a Miles Morales movie? So Ganke is like Ned Lee Guy in the Chair and I suppose that other lady is MJ but figured out his identity Ala Far From Home?

I saw that thing! The playroom! But I didn't check out out yet cuz I wanted to get into Spider-Man already. I'll check it out.


Eorzean Idiot
Astro's Playroom really is a lot of fun. Like SM said, it's a tech demo, but it honesty feels like a full blown game...complete with trophies!

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
I just finished it. It's very pretty. The PS1 Memory cloud stage was my favorite, with the ball mechanic.

Didn't expect the boss ending. I was afraid there would be a third dinosaur, haha. Yeah, it was a lot of fun. Actually challenging at times.


I’m not dead yet!
The Game version of Miles backstory is different than his original or film versions. So comic Miles started as Spider-Man after Peter “died” like in the movie. But he was Spider-Man for a while before tragedy struck and his Mom was killed in a fight with some Ultimate universe version of Venom. But one Secret Wars cosmic reset brought Miles into the normal comic universe along with reviving his mother. Even has a baby sister now. Comic Da

And yeah, Homecoming basically took the Ganke character and slapped Ned’s name on him for Peter in the MCU films. The Spider-Verse movies has Ganke as Miles less enthused and more fit dorm mate.

Hailey is game original. Introduced in Miles Game.


I’m not dead yet!
Ah they did put the Baxter Building into Spider-Man 2! And I finally realized why I never saw it earlier.

it’s Fisk’s old building in the First Game! I never looked higher than the ground level at it while I was playing.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
And yeah, Homecoming basically took the Ganke character and slapped Ned’s name on him for Peter in the MCU films. The Spider-Verse movies has Ganke as Miles less enthused and more fit dorm mate.

Hailey is game original. Introduced in Miles Game.
Oh! Spiderverse Miles' nonchalant roommate (who wore his shoes, I recall, haha) is Ganke?! That's cool, hehe

I wasn't wild about playing Miles until I saw that Prowler Uncle Aaron was alive and so I checked all his hideouts. Wow, game Miles has his dad dead but Prowler alive? Such a flip from the Spiderverse movie!

I'm going to bet his mom's date is Kraven, haha

Also the day got reversed cuz I did the Peter finding Kraven's first kill already and Miles had to find Felicia (night is falling) but I played Miles' school missions (back to day again). Weird but funny.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Also, if you have any digital purchases from the PS4 days (or, select PS1/PSP titles), they ARE linked to your account. I found an extra dozen games available to me because Sony FINALLY started to get all that stuff up and going for purchases I made a decade ago.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Oh, I don't have a PS4 so no extra games for me.

PS5 Spider-Man's game world is throwing me for a loop. Along with the other stuff,

Mary Jane is a reporter?
Who is Black Cat's girlfriend?
Who is Wraith Yuri?
Don't people get confused when Peter in his Spider-Man suit calls Miles as Spider-Man too? Someone would have called Miles as Spiderboy or something.
Is Aunt May dead too?
Both Osborns are around but I don't know if they turned into Goblins in the previous game.

So far, I'm about to see Mysterio! Woo!

I love the stealth takedown tactics. I love stringing up so many henchmen from web lines I shoot across.

Miles turning invisible, I'm fuzzy on using, cuz my mindset is making web lines overheard and grabbing people from above.


I’m not dead yet!
Yeah a lot of people weren’t too keen on MJ basically being turned into Lois Lane. And the sections of the games you play as her get a lot of flak.

Cat having a girlfriend is new here and isn’t revealed who it is. But as talked about in game she and Peter had a history that the First game played on in the DLC of the first game. Peter has a good reason to distrust her.

Yuri Watanabe is a character introduced in the comics after the One More Day marriage reset. Like in the first game she’s a Police Captain who ended up jaded and began moonlighting as a vigilante, Wraith. The first games DLC led the ground for her becoming Wraith, and this is her debut in game as the vigilante.

May’s passing is in the first game. Really recommend going back to the PS5 remaster if you are enjoying 2 as it’s just as good and will fill in the blanks of this universe a bit more for you. Same with Miles own game.

Norman is a big part of the story of the first game as he’s the Mayor of NYC, but also head of OsCorp so his hands in quite a few cookie jars. Harry was MIA for reasons you will find out in 2, but you went through most of the first game thinking he was just in a long extended trip to Europe and being too busy to call. Neither has Goblined up but there were some tech schematics in the first game in Norman’s penthouse that hints that way.

And if you like the stealth portions, the first game had a lot more of that going than this one. Seriously cannot recommend the first game and Miles game enough. I’ve platinumed the original and remaster and am one trophy away from doing the same on Miles’s game. Plus just the story is amazing in the first game.

And if there is any PS4 games you ever wanted to play, don’t be afraid to go back unless it’s online servers have gone down. The 5 is backwards compatible with the 4’s library.


Eorzean Idiot
You should be able to find a bersion of Miles Morales that includes the first Spiderman game...or was it the other way around...I forget. I still haven't gotten to the second game yet. But everything Daith said I second. It's a really good game and most people I've talked to tend to agree.

Also, shame on me! I completely forgot to mention Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart. Definite must play.

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