Playstation Thread.


I’m not dead yet!
Didn't see a generic PS Thread and why not start one for the latest State of Play.



Koopaling Aficionado
That "not Dino Crisis" looks like big dumb fun.

Forespoken still looks incredible, I hope it plays well too!


Ancient Protoform
I'm still really enjoying Horizon: Forbidden West. Finished the game last weekend and now I'm going through, upgrading armor/weapons and finishing off quests for a Platinum. The first game was out-shined by Breath of the Wild and this one is being overshadowed by Elden Ring. Shame for one of my favorite sci-fi properties.


I’m not dead yet!
I still need to go back and finish Zero Dawn. Never finished the main campaign after BotW came out and even after finishing it the Frozen Wilds distracted me from the main quest until I was distracted again from the game again and never really came back to it.


Eorzean Idiot
I finished Zero Dawn but not the Frozen Wilds DLC. I'm sharing play time between Forbidden West and Legends Arceus.

I'm loving it so far. I do wish Aloy would get over herself and accept some help. She's being cruel to her friends. But I get the feeling that will come with character development throughout the game...I hope.


Eorzean Idiot
So it looks like Play Station is revamping PS+ starting in June...


Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Because of COURSE Sony can't keep it simple. And locking legacy content (of which many of us have already purchased a LOT of) behind an additional paywall seems a tad insulting. Must be a Japanese thing, because Nintendo is just as bad about it.


Well-known member
It’s materially worse than Game Pass in almost every way but maybe discount codes can save it.


Eorzean Idiot
Yesterday I go into GameStop.

Me: I know this is a stupid question, but I have to ask. Do you have any PS5's?

Him: We have an event tomorrow were we'll be selling PS5's first come first serve.

I go home. Well, great! I work on Saturday. There is absolutely 0 chance they'll have any left when I get off work. Heck with it! I go to Gamestop after work.

Me: I know this is a stupid question. You probably sold out an hour after you opened. But do you have any PS5s?

Him: Umm, no, but let me check. They still have some 15 minutes away.

Me: tell them I'm coming.

He calls. I break all kinds of traffic laws. I am now the proud owner of a PS5!



Eorzean Idiot
RE: Astro's Playroom

No tech demo should be this fun!


Eorzean Idiot
Yeah, when I heard about it it was just like...okay, so they tweaked rumble a bit. So what? But yeah, it is pretty sweet.


Eorzean Idiot
So...that feeling when you've been ignoring all the gaming announcements because it's probably going to be PS5 and not PS4 and you know you're probably never going to find a PS5. Now you have a PS5 and....what the hell has everyone been talking about lately?


jumbled pile of person
I started watching Pat Boivin's (of Two Best Friends Play fame) playthrough of the Demon's Souls remake, and he said when his sword hits a wall, it feels like you're holding a thing that just scraped against a wall. I don't even know what that means!

Shame demo kiosks died in the pandemic, because I really want to be able to try this out now.


Well-known member
Well, the problem with the PS5 is that most of the really good PS5 games are also PS4 games. I'm sure there's a difference if you have the right TV setup, but...I'm not sure I could personally notice the difference myself.

Elden Ring us probably the biggest game right now. It's a Souls game, but most people have had a easier time getting into this one than others.

Horizon Forbidden West is another big open world game. I personally like the artstyle on this one more than Elden Ring, myself.

Astro's Playroom already got mentioned, if you like platformers.

Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart is probably one of the best games out, and it's PS5 exclusive.

Returnal gets pretty good reviews. Might want to check out a few reviews first, to see if it's for you, though.

Deathloop is a unique first person shooter featuring time travel.

Kena Bridge of Spirits is also on PS4, but worth taking a look at.

Ghostwire Tokyo might be worth looking into, if you want more action games.

Death's Door might be something to look into, if you want something a little more indie.

Sackboys Big Adventure is a good platformer.

It Takes Two is a really good co-op game...but you can ONLY play it co-op.

Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut is a good game, if you haven't already played it yet.

Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origins...might be worth looking into. It's probably not as big of a disaster as some thought when the first trailer came out.

Guardians of the Galaxy might not be the most amazing game, but it's probably a solid time if you really like the characters already.

Spider-Man Miles Morales is another good game...but it might depend on if you've already played PS4 Spider-Man.

Godfall is...not actually all that great. But...that art style is oh so very pretty. If you can find it cheap, it might be a fun enough time?

As for upcoming games, there's: God of War Ragnarok, Stray, Forspoken, Spider-Man 2, Hogwarts Legacy, Sonic Frontiers, the Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic Remake, and Final Fantasy 16. (Some of these are definitely "wait and see" titles, but worth knowing about)
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I’m not dead yet!
Yes this is the conundrum about the PS5 so far. There really isn't anything that hyped exclusive to the current generation that isn't available to PS4 as well yet. I've had mine for a year and only just bought the first actual PS5 disc for it a week ago with Tiny Tina's Wonderland, which I still could have gotten the PS4 version if I'd wanted.


Eorzean Idiot
Most of what I'm playing now I also have on the PS4...except Final Fantasy VII Remake has a Yuffie DLC that wasn't available on PS4. Astral's playroom is a lot of fun, though it is basically a system tech demo that y can finish in one night. I do want to try Ratchet and Clank once my funds have recovered.

So far I've played PS4 and PS5 versions of Horizon Forbidden West and Cyberpunk 2077. I think the graphics are better. But not being able to see them side by side, it could just be the hype in my head of finally obtaining my precious.

I will say the dual sense controller is fricking amazing. Like, I heard about the improved rumble and the resistance on the trigger buttons but basically though "yeah, whatever. I'm sure it's cool and all, but take a chill. It can't be all that." But honestly, having it in my hands and actually seeing it in action is just so amazing. I love it!


I’m not dead yet!
True. But outside of Astro's Playroom I don't think you get much from the feedback triggers in most games yet. Then again there's the whole everything still being on PS4 and thus not capitalizing on the 5's abilities so who knows?


Eorzean Idiot
I did get quite a bit from Forbidden West and a little bit on Cyberpunk. But yeah, that's about it.

Like so far on PS4 games I've gotten absolutely nothing. I mean to the point of thinking...okay, PS4 did have it own rumble feature. It may not have been anything like what the PS5 is capable of, but it did have it...and I'm not even getting that much.

I understand why everything is still being held back so things can still have PS4 releases. Heck, not having had a PS5 until a couple days ago and understanding just how hard it is to get one...I'm still grateful for it.

But it may be a while before we really get to see what the PS5 is capable of. I really hope that, seeing as how 2 years later and I only just now got my PS5 and I'm one of the extremely lucky ones... I do hope that this generation does hang around for a while. There are, and are going to be, a lot of late adopters simply because of availability. I'd hate to see availability get better and people finally get their system of choice just to have the next generation hit a month later.


jumbled pile of person
Sadly, developers seemingly have to be dragged kicking and screaming into supporting hardware features that other platforms don't have. Think about how many first-person shooters came out on the PS4 and didn't support gyro aim. Including some that got it when they were ported to the Switch, because only its playerbase demanded it.

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