Police behaving badly


too old for this
Cops shouldn't even be allowed in schools unless it's to stop a shooter or disarm a bomb.


I'm not at all saying what those assholes did was okay, but schools do need cops. Responsible, well trained police who can be the role model needed. Who can break up the fights and incidents that break out with a minimum amount of force needed.

I did 2 weeks at a school in KC. I had to use force to break up fights there more than literally any other job I've had save the prison. The teachers are not prepared nor are they trained to do that work without hurting themselves or the kids. I was and I did.

More than that, when the parents showed up and attempted to attack staff and administration, I was there to stop that. No, schools need cops. That is the reality we live in.

*for the record, even with physical altercations, I never used handcuffs, nor any weapon. Soft hands techniques only along with verbal commands*


NOT a New Member.


jumbled pile of person
No, schools don't need cops: the entire rest of the world is proof of that. Sorry to say it; but america needs to become a civilized nation again.
Cool. So do we just nuke it and start over with some decent people this time?

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Cool. So do we just nuke it and start over with some decent people this time?
I mean, that's definitely one way to do it.

Or you could stop having literally half of your politicians enshrining gun violence in your culture, and a mass media that normalizes it. That would work too.

Ultra Magnus13

Active member
No, schools don't need cops: the entire rest of the world is proof of that. Sorry to say it; but america needs to become a civilized nation again.

you are reversing the cause and effect here. Cops in school are not the reason for uncivilized children, uncivilized children are the reason for cops in school. Pro gun politicians are not the source of uncivilized children. Bad parenting is the cause of uncivilized children. We need to work on increasing the resources and training for parents to help them raise kind, and productive children. Incentivizing the quality of children instead of quantity would help as well.


Well-known member
Enforcing rules by violence or threat of violence is what's uncivilized, though.
It's occasionally a necessary evil, but excessive use of such methods, in addition to simply being unjustified, actively undermines the distinction between legitimate rules and the demands of a bully.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
you are reversing the cause and effect here. Cops in school are not the reason for uncivilized children, uncivilized children are the reason for cops in school. Pro gun politicians are not the source of uncivilized children. Bad parenting is the cause of uncivilized children. We need to work on increasing the resources and training for parents to help them raise kind, and productive children. Incentivizing the quality of children instead of quantity would help as well.
The children are uncivilized... because politics and society have pushed for entitlement and ignorance, and massively defunded education and community services. Children are raised uncivilized because parents were encouraged to be uncivilized. Compounded all by desperation, and stress.

Solve the problems of desperation, poverty and funding: and you will have civilized children again... in a generation...


i cant take it anymore im at my limit
No, schools don't need cops: the entire rest of the world is proof of that. Sorry to say it; but america needs to become a civilized nation again.
>implying the country literally built on the mass genocide of its indigenous people and chattel slavery of people kidnapped from their homelands was ever "civilized"

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
There was a good couple of years there were your country was quite firmly on its way. It's not a destination; it's a goal. Much like the cost of liberty is eternal vigilance, the road to civility requires constant effort and patience. Recognizing that you can be better and TRYING. Not achieving, just trying.

If germany can be redeemed and forgiven for their actions in the second world war, the US can be redeemed for it's actions and history as well.

But FIRST; you gotta oust the politicians trying to teach your children that slaves learned useful skills for their futures. I don't know what the hug they were thinking, that white washing jive is just sickening.

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