Many people tend to discuss or mention aspects or details of their relationships with their singular significant others quite a bit in everyday spaces, including many on this website. Some of us just have more than one significant other (SO), and there are unique circumstances that just happen to come with those dynamics.
That being said - Does anyone else on here have experience with non-traditional/queer relationship structures and feel like sharing? I do, and I guess I’m creating a space for those who also do, to be able to discuss their experiences with them here should they choose to.
Obviously, please adhere to the rules of the forums. I’m not asking for graphic details. Just the details you would tend to talk about your SO to anyone, but you just so happen to have more than one.
To start the convo - I’ve been mentioning to a queer roommate about my relationship dynamics in that I have a girlfriend, a boyfriend, and a husband. They are big parts of my life, and like any family member, I’m gonna bring them up in discussion. I figured this person is queer, so she’d *not* be a toadstool about these people just happening to exist in my life. WRONG. EH-VUR-REE time I bring up just a tiny peace of minutiae related to, say, my weekend plans that happen to involve my girlfriend, I get, “So how does [Husband] feel about that?” Or, “What does [Husband] think?” Or a randomly thrown in, “Well, as long as you’re both happy.” Ummm what does my girlfriend liking pizza have anything to do with my husband’s and mine’s fulfillment in our 10+ year relationship together??
Anyway, anyone else who’s ethically non-monogamous have weirdo freakazoid responses like this from the mono’s?
That being said - Does anyone else on here have experience with non-traditional/queer relationship structures and feel like sharing? I do, and I guess I’m creating a space for those who also do, to be able to discuss their experiences with them here should they choose to.
Obviously, please adhere to the rules of the forums. I’m not asking for graphic details. Just the details you would tend to talk about your SO to anyone, but you just so happen to have more than one.
To start the convo - I’ve been mentioning to a queer roommate about my relationship dynamics in that I have a girlfriend, a boyfriend, and a husband. They are big parts of my life, and like any family member, I’m gonna bring them up in discussion. I figured this person is queer, so she’d *not* be a toadstool about these people just happening to exist in my life. WRONG. EH-VUR-REE time I bring up just a tiny peace of minutiae related to, say, my weekend plans that happen to involve my girlfriend, I get, “So how does [Husband] feel about that?” Or, “What does [Husband] think?” Or a randomly thrown in, “Well, as long as you’re both happy.” Ummm what does my girlfriend liking pizza have anything to do with my husband’s and mine’s fulfillment in our 10+ year relationship together??
Anyway, anyone else who’s ethically non-monogamous have weirdo freakazoid responses like this from the mono’s?