Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!


Active member
Finally! My long search is over, I was about to give up and order her online and then on a whim my niece asks if we can go and I find the only one on the shelf.
View attachment 12009
View attachment 12010

She's not perfect, obviously no Transtector for human Minerva, her head wants to look left all of the time and her alt mode is far from a Porsche but the buggy is cute, I don't know if they'd ever make Goshooter and Cab (or maybe Siren and Hosehead are more likely) but I hope they do to complete that trio, just please don't make them store exclusives.


Remember this guy. I almost forgot he existed, he belongs on the shelf with the other dragons. A lot bigger than I remember.


  • Scourge (2).jpg
    Scourge (2).jpg
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Wondering bot
Remember this guy. I almost forgot he existed, he belongs on the shelf with the other dragons. A lot bigger than I remember.

If Hasbro decides to redo him, I hope he gets the commander class treatment, as he is now, he, pretty much a large leader class figure, thou one thing, they need to do is make sure that the extra dragon heads are there


Wondering bot
Alpha Trion deserves the cape and throne. Now I just need a proper staff.

I given my Legacy Alpha Trion this verison:

Its not the best in some ways but until someone else produces something better, it will do


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
Is there any subtext your trying to project by having Ladies Night on a washer?

Nope, just the best-lit spot in the basement where my collection is. The pics I take in my actual Botcave are much dimmer. Might have to fix the lighting in there some day...


Well-known member
If Hasbro decides to redo him, I hope he gets the commander class treatment, as he is now, he, pretty much a large leader class figure, thou one thing, they need to do is make sure that the extra dragon heads are there
And wrists. He needs wrists. That move. Such a fun character that has a good story line. The toy just missed the mark.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!

I got me a Needlenose figure but I remember something bugging me from IDW.

I remember he was protesting stuff and brought up Horri Bull being killed and that they were conjunx endura.

But was he sincere? Or just lying to get audience sympathy?

Also, is Horr Bull getting a toy in down the line?


Staff member
Council of Elders
I still love those little Tank(or) Drones.
Then you'll love this oldie-but-goodie :)

It is hard to believe that this picture is 20 years old now. I moved into my house in 2002 and took this picture at the beginning of 2003. I know I don't own Megabolt or Brave Max anymore. I do still have those posters though. They are rolled up in a cardboard tube in my closet.


Continuity Nutcase
There's an upcoming Generations Selects that was leaked only as "Deluxe G1 Headmaster".
Further investigations by the leakers have brought to light the possibility of that listing not actually being an actual Headmaster toy, but rather a "Headmasters Universe Autobot Pointblank" retool of Legacy Pointblank, with a new toy-accurate/Headmasters cartoon-accurate head.

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